IS IT TRUE? April 20, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? April 20, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer has an unwritten policy that it shall not endorse any political candidate for elected office? ….you can expect “9 CCO MOLES” to make their predictions known to whom they think will win in upcoming primary races? …we understand the final judge who shall be elected rests with you, the people of Evansville?…that the CCO urges you to go to the polls and cast your vote for the candidates worthy of being a “good steward of public policy” in the coming year?

IS IT TRUE that the United States Department of Justice-Civil Rights Division shall be looking into the minority hiring practices of the City of Evansville Fire and Police Department sometime next week?

IS IT TRUE that the landlords of Evansville are now being trained in how to spot meth labs?…that one good clue is when the Vectren bill for a one room apartment is dramatically higher than is typical?…that even with the high use of electricity in the meth making process and the excessive rates that Vectren charges (188% higher than Henderson) that it does not seem to drive meth makers across the money saving bridge to operate?…that some products are so addictive that production costs do not matter?…that meth is a scourge of this area and that the City County Observer applauds the Evansville Police Department for the instruction it is providing to the Property Owners and Managers Association?

IS IT TRUE that the IRS released a statement yesterday that headlined across America that the 400 highest earners income tax rate is only 17% down from 26% in 1992?…that has the “east the rich” crowd seething?…that beyond the headlines was the fact that 45% of the American people who file an income tax return pay no taxes or pay a negative tax in the form of getting an earned income credit?…that beyond the headlines was the statement that the top 3% of earners pay 57% of all income taxes?…that publishers can send different messages by choosing how to present the same facts?…that there is nothing wrong with achieving financial success?…that the tax code has been made so complicated and that there are so many “write offs” of various types that high earners seem to be able to pay accountants to legally pay less taxes?…that has the sound of redistribution from the IRS to Accountants and Lawyers to it?

IS IT TRUE that all people rich and poor will a support fairness of taxation?…that no one really knows what is fair?…that fairness to most people means some other guy gets taxed more while they get taxed less?…that FAIRNESS STARTS WITH SIMPLICITY and will only be achieved by SIMPLIFICATION OF THE TAX LAWS?…that when the tax preparation fees absorbed by the people of America goes to ZERO instead of the current $120 Billion per year, that whatever the rates are that the FAIRNESS will INCREASE?…that it is UNFAIR that working people have to spend $200 or so to have their taxes done?…that it is equally UNFAIR that wealthy people have to spend millions to get their taxes done?

IS IT TRUE that we are all in this together and that we cannot drive the poor from our borders any more that we should drive the rich from our borders?…that many of the so called rich come from poor and humble beginnings?…that while that is possible in other countries it happens every day in the United States of America?…that as long as we are the land of opportunity and attract the world’s best and brightest that we will continue to be an economic leader?…that as long as a poor kid can get a good education, work hard and become one of the highest earners that America will remain an attractive country?…that we must be perceived as FAIR to keep the American Dream alive?


  1. Okay, no wonder our country is broke! But, oh my, weep for the rich. They pay 57% of all income tax paid. Boo hoo. Uh, far as I’m concerned, if that’s the facts, repeal the Bush tax cuts, and let them return to paying 23% rate rather than 17%. My thinking is if they can afford to serve as the collectors of all our wealth, they can afford to serve as the collectors of the majority of our taxes … and forward them to the IRS on our behalf. Thank you, rich folks. Much appreciated!

    • I could not find a number for the top 3% but did find that the top 1% control 34.6% of the total net worth and that the top 20% control 85.1% of all net worth. It is not a stretch to imagine that 3% having 57% of the net worth is plausible. Why the IRS chose to release numbers on 400 people and 3% is anyone’s guess. Here is a link to a pretty good report on that subject.

      Cut and paste from tax analysis page I found. The latest data show that a big portion of the federal income tax burden is shoul­dered by a small group of the very richest Americans. The wealthiest 1 percent of the population earn 19 per­cent of the income but pay 37 percent of the income tax. The top 10 percent pay 68 percent of the tab. Meanwhile, the bottom 50 percent—those below the median income level—now earn 13 percent of the income but pay just 3 percent of the taxes. These are proportions of the income tax alone and don’t include payroll taxes for Social Security and Medicare.

  2. Well, anyone who wishes for the continuing redistribution of wealth to the wealthiest need to get behind Eddie Munster … errr, I mean Paul Ryan … and his wealth transferal plan for America. And good luck to yah, if you happen to be middle class or working class, and fall for Ryan’s load of horse hockey.

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