IS IT TRUE we all are grieving today for the loss of life and the large number of injured as a result of the explosion of a fertilizer plant in the small town of West, Texas that only was home to 2,800 people?…this explosion did a great amount of damage to adjacent properties that just happened to be an apartment complex and a nursing home that housed many people?…if there is one thing that we should all learn from this tragedy it is that fertilizer plants have no business being located anywhere close to where people live or work?…with the kind of explosive power this plant has demonstrated the only people who should be close to any plant that has this kind of explosive power are the people who CHOOSE to be there for their own paychecks?…it is a good thing that there was not a gas station, a rail yard containing explosive materials, industrial chemicals that react, or something like an ethanol plant within an appropriate blast radius of such a plant?…the people of Mount Vernon, Indiana and Rockport, Indiana need to consider this as they move forward with their consideration for accepting fertilizer manufacturing plants into their towns?…in this economy as we are reminded constantly the creation of jobs and commerce are of upmost importance?…if it is fertilizer plant jobs that we must rely on to attract then those plants need to be completely segregated from the day to day life of non-employees or anything that has the potential for explosive capacity?
IS IT TRUE we shall know by the end of the work day today whether the dealers of Casino Aztar will choose to go forward with their United Auto Workers contract as is until January of 2015 or if they will negate the union security clause effectively adopting Right to Work on the boat immediately?…it is unlikely that many people even knew there was a grandfather clause for existing contracts?…if the dealers vote out the UAW’s ability to force dues from their pockets to keep their jobs they will each save about $600 in payments from now until January 2015?…this vote is of much local interest?
IS IT TRUE that there have been several suggestions from our extreme right of middle readers for new names for the City of Evansville if the Evansville City Council goes along with Mayor Winnecke and the Evansville Redevelopment Commission in their quest to disrupt the free markets by spending taxpayer dollars to subsidize commercial real estate?…the first suggestion of some merit is Evanszuela to parody the habits of Hugo Chavez?…another is the USSE for the United Soviet Socialist of Evansville?…of course the People’s Republic of Evansville was suggested as it always is for places where such activities come from the top?…the reality of the situation is that the actions of a few who fancy themselves to be elite do not reflect the views of the people?…in the case of Evansville the opposition to putting nearly $50 Million of public money into commercial real estate is about as strong as the opposition to the Consolidation Committee’s recommendation to join the governments of Evansville and Vanderburgh County?…there is a high degree of seriousness to cavalierly spending $50 Million on commercial real estate, $11 Million on a dog park, over $10 Million on ball fields, and enough other willy nilly play things to raise the tab to $100 Million?
IS IT TRUE the City County Observer respectfully suggests that the City of Evansville put a referendum on the ballot that rolls all of these proposed play projects into one all or nothing vote of the people of Evansville?…if the people who do not wish to even know the will of the people are to cowardly to put such a large number of taxpayer dollars into fun and games without seeking public approval they all need to go in a future election?…if they can put together a winning campaign for $100 Million worth of investment the let them keep their jobs and may God help the economic future of the City of Evansville?
If we do that how will the cronies and leeches skim money from the city of Evansville!!!
Sadly, in the “business friendly” environment of Texas, the irresponsible owner(s) of this fert plant will suffer no consequences as they are “job creators.” Let them secede or sell the dump back to Mexico.
Looks like messy and beaver have voted on today’s poll
I’ve always heard that if GE exploded it could go all the way to Louisville. I also heard it was in the top 10 of Hitlers list in WWII. Not sure if either are true but it is quite frightening.
I think this plant was built in the late 50’s so unless Hitler was targetting sites from a bunker in hell your information is not good.
Ge was built in the low60’s
How about 1957, then sold to Borg Warner in 1963 and GE in 1988 for $2.3 Billion. I have always heard that something aroung Evansville was on Hitler’s hit list but it was not a plastics plant built 12 years after WWII. It was probably the LST plant that the mustached paper hanger wanted bombed.
GE had a plant in Owensboro at one time. I know because that’s where a lot of my guitar amp NOS tubes came from.
Are you talking about the mt. Vernon plant are the one in New York ?
The link on the post read like it was Mt. Vernon to me.
I’m unsure on the year ge mt Vernon was built but it was ge plastics from the time it was built until 2007 when sabic innovative plastics bought it , ge bought Borg Warner plastics out of parkersburg West Virginia in 1987 , that I’m sure of sir
The explosion was an anhydrous tank, correct? You can’t walk 1/2 mile in any direction in SW Indiana without bumping into an anhydrous tank that could level a couple of square blocks if it BLEVE’d. Transported by rail, highway, sitting in tanks on farms, at Countrymark stations, being towed behind tractors, etc.
Don’t feel smug thinking you don’t live near a potential hazmat disaster, because you probably do. Next time you’re stopped by a RR signal, take a look at the rail cars rolling by, or watch the semi’s fly by you on 41 or I164. Lots of bombs just waiting to happen.
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