IS IT TRUE what does Vanderburgh  County Commission candidate Alex Schmitt and Congressman Todd Young have in common?  …they both had issues concerning their property taxes?

IS IT TRUE Republican Congressman Todd Young was masterful in helping to rewrite the nation’s tax laws?  …Congressman Young violated Indiana tax law, when he claimed a property tax deduction for a house he rented?  …the County Auditor notified Congressman Todd Young that he owed about $5,300 in back taxes and penalties, which  he recently paid ?

IS IT TRUE that Vanderburgh GOP County Chairman Wayne Parks recently endorsed  Congressman Todd Young in the United States Senate primary race over Marlin A Stutsman?  …it looks like Mr. Parks just got political egg on his face because of “Residence Gate”?

IS IT TRUE we reported on SpringLeaf Financial a few months back, regarding the merger with One Main Financial? … we hear that the Evansville axe has begun to fall? … its alleged that several employees were let go in the Evansville office a few weeks back in the Marketing Department? … we were told that more than 16 people lost their jobs  because the Evansville inbound Call Center. was eliminated ? …it has also been alleged no advanced notice were given to employees?  …It appears as though One Main Financial are releasing employees in a minimal numbers to avoid publicity from the local press?

IS IT TRUE we wonder what you call an elected body that agrees on items listed on the agenda about 99% of the time? …the newly elected Evansville City Council has voted “YES” on agenda items about 99% of the time? … Mayor Winnecke and City Council President Missy Mosby calls this just getting along? …we call them “Puppet Heads”?

IS IT TRUE the City of Evansville will conduct a feasibility study on a new funding initiative and its potential in providing more high-quality early education? …Evansville was one of four communities selected by the Institute for Child Success to receive this grant?… the goal of this grant is to evaluate and analyze “Pay for Success Financing” that addresses social issues? …the study goals are to offer more access and funding to high-quality prekindergarten for at-risk and low-to moderate-income families? … Mayor Winnecke said “preparing children for kindergarten is a critical component of having qualified workers and future talent for 21st century jobs? …we wonder how does the City of Evansville have the expertise in doing an educational study? … its obvious that this study should be conducted by either EVSC, U Of E, Ivy Tech or  USI?

IS IT TRUE in yesterday “Readers Poll”  question was: Has Mayor Lloyd Winnecke and City Council been a “Good Steward of the Public Trust” ? …172 voted “NO”?  …16 people voted “Yes” and 9 voted “No Idea”?

IS IT TRUE today “Readers Poll’ question is: How would you rank 8th District Congressman Larry Bucshon job performance over the last several years?


  1. And to think campaign season still has 6+ months to go. WOW.
    People who work on political campaigns get paid, you know.
    Campaign fundraising…is a chance to tell lies. And get paid for it. This is what they say:
    “I love this campaign fundraising! I get to tell lies to these Tea Party fools, they will give me money if I tell them lies about Lori Sherman (like Don Beel kept repeating even though he KNEW it was a lie), get to tell them illegal aliens can vote in Federal elections, get to tell them Obama was born in Kenya and that Obamacare is gonna be repealed (Repeat. A lot.)
    All lies! But if they give me money, hell, that’s good business!! Commission! Ka-ching!”

  2. CCO…you’ve done a great job showing how gullible Alex Schmitt was just a tool to be exploited and used by Winnecke to attack Musgrave. It has backfired. (Smile)

  3. Mayor Winnecke is the unofficial Democratic County Chairman since he exerts sway on so many of their elected officials. Brilliant political strategy by the Mayor taking maximum advantage of the fractured Democratic party.

    • Not so difficult to understand when you consider that Weaver the Weasel was fired at Ch-25 and was brought to the Demo party by Ed Ziemer in the hopes of name recon as a failed weather man. His current position as a so-called realtor has proven to be lack-lustered. Of course, you have the Blonde Bomber a/k/a Mosby. In the last 8 eights she has had six jobs in which one was a waitress at a now failed downtown bar. So, the Winnecke strategy is simple: recruit and give unemployable idiots position on City Council and you will have your way with them. .simple as that!!! Of course, with Mosby working for the Mayor’s wife helps as well!!!

  4. Apparently from an article in today’s C&P Fifth Third Bank and Wal-Mart have entered the check cashing business. The customers for this service are usually low income, and usually have no bank accounts of their own. In my estimation this service would be most useful to people living in this country illegally.

    • Well Pressanykey…that’s a fun (and totally stabbing) transition there. Whew!
      So much for “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest. For MY yoke is easy and MY burden is light.”

  5. I’m about to defend a choice made by Wayne Parke, believe it or not! His choice of Young over Stutzman is a wise one. Everyone seems to have forgotten about the time Stutzman made national news with his skeezy, sexist attempt to flirt on air with a CNN newswoman. I don’t recall which attractive young lady it was who asked him a question in an on-air interview, nor can I remember the question she asked Stutzman, but I do recall that he prefaced his answer with “You’re a beautiful woman, but…”. That clip is living in a lot of video archives, ready to be used to show what a creep Stutzman is.

    • LKB…the pretend Christian Ted Cruz/Joe McCarthy thugs are busy these days. Disappointing…but not surprising.

  6. How are the proceeds from Funk in the City used? Downtown residents are wondering and have had this question for some time.

  7. Schmitt is conducting a “Listening Event.” Maybe an attempt to mask the fact that he has a very loose grasp of the issues and a problem with financial deadlines.

  8. Schmitt’s clean up man and Johnny Kincaid’s campaign chairman, Phyllip Davis, said he was proud of Schmitt’s belated attempt to get his financial house in order. Blamed it on big medical bills and a ‘life threatening’ condition. Jumped right in to defend Schmitt, The Phoenix didn’t mention the little property tax matter.

    So be it, however…I got a vote-beg mailer from Alex Schmitt the other day that depicted him as one tough cookie, not someone too frail to pay his bills. Low camera angle, arms crossed menacingly, frown on his unshaved face, D.A.R.E. t-shirt, fitbit on his wrist, grunge effect applied to the photo to underscore just how tough this deadbeat is. I believe the point was, as the flyer said, he’ll ‘get tough on drug dealers who poison our kids’. Flyer said, ‘Alex Schmitt will protect your family, your property and your future’. What a guy. Didn’t look sick to me. He should learn to pay his bills. Winnecke fished deep in the barrel for this one.

    • Been there done that. Had my own financial problems, but I paid off and settled all of my debts. Still paying off one last one. BUT, it for sure does not mean I would consider myself fit to be trusted with public money especially if I was this close to past issues. I learned to do better,but convinced Schmitt has. Down with the Schmitt, forward with Musgrave.

      Kincaid’s a good man. I like Phyllip also, but I have cautioned him in the past about being close to Winnecke. He is going to get burnt.

      Could be interested in Sherman, but she will not respond to my questions about abortion. Would also like to know if she will support RFRA. More concerned that i don’t get an answer. Or perhaps I have.

      Also voting for Moss.

      • Are you absolutely certain that you live in District 77? I think you likely live in 76 now. The boundaries changed. Besides, you wouldn’t be able to vote for her if you vote for Cheryl. You’ll be voting in the Republican primary, and Lori is a democrat.

          • If something happens at the votery tell them you’re a 76.5. It might hold up until we can get your bond money together or stash you offshore ’til they forget about it or it otherwise blows over.

            Plural voting isn’t the sin it’s cracked up to be. Company E of Indiana’s 75th infantry is readying itself to march down Oak Hill hill and vote en masse for Lori Sherman. These are tough Civil War soldiers, men with the bark on, and they will not be disenfranchised. They have no daguerreotype IDs and wouldn’t show them if they did.

          • Always said those Union poll cats were democrat carpet baggers. Noticed some fresh dirt turned on that venerated plot. Must have been a CCO mole resurecting what’s been buried.

      • Indiana Enoch:
        Phyllip…is a blow hard.
        He’s irritating, full of himself, thinks he knows it all, and is tiring. But probably, a good guy.
        (Go ahead. I’m waiting.)
        I noticed too that it appears your vote gatekeeping issues are abortion and the RFRA.
        Frustratingly wonderful. But good for you. You stand for something.

        • Sounds like Philip is like all of us.

          Yes, Abortion is the American holocaust at 3,000 a day, and I do not believe sexual liberty should trump religious liberty.

          I said from the beginning that homosexual marriage was a bad idea based on emotion and unequal would lead to issues of one forcing another to violate one’s religious convictions. That shoe has dropped, but it is not the last one to drop.

          However, I have not been to impressed with republicans who cannot write a simple law without it being struck down as unconstitutional or standing up for a law when needed.

          Rather than RFRA laws we need a law that exempts everyone when special contractual services dictated by the customer is involved. Ones religious convictions should not be on trial.

      • That’s what I thought too, but yes, The Phoenix is up and soaring again.

        From the CP:
        ‘Parke knows his party lacks diversity, but he said he’s worked toward improving that.

        Phyllip Davis, a black Republican and Kincaid’s campaign chairman, said Parke is not racist.’ ~~ CP April 16

        • He has an Associates Degree from the University of Phoenix, but was upset when that was brought up here. He probably shouldn’t have listed it on Linked-In, if it is embarrassing to him.

          • LKB, why are people teasing about an on-line degree? Phyllip Davis should be proud that he pursued and earned the decree. Many of our servicemen and women pursue degrees, some while in harms way. Kudos to you Mr. Davis. Baxter Twinight is right that is a neat on line moniker. LKB, you may call me the Reaganite or the Neanderthal. None as good as his moniker, but I’ll respond.

          • @Joe Biden – Nobody was teasing him about it, but he came unglued that anyone mentioned it.

    • He was convalescing in Hawaii, California, New York etc instead of paying his bills and ran out of money. For a guy who says he loves Evansville, he sure spends a lot of time travelling elsewhere for his fun.

    • Dang, Bandana. For someone who obviously doesn’t like Schmitt, you sure did spend a lot of time staring at his picture, a little too much time describing in your post, and who knows what you did with that mailer behind closed doors. Eesh.

      • Dang, Snoggle. A Schmitt Hugger like you could never understand that I simply tossed it into the shitcan as soon as the mailman brought it. I’m sure you’ve papered the walls of your hut with his mug. The mailer touting that deadbeat faux tough guy was comical, just like your goofy post attempting to transfer some of your better qualities to others. You are a filthy, perverse little freak, now go wash your hands.

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