IS IT TRUE we have just been informed that we shall be receiving news of political importance around 2:30 this afternoon? …soon as we receive this information we shall post it immediately? …we are told once this information is made public it will have positive impact on someone political career? …we can’t wait to receive and post this interesting breaking news for our readers to digest?
Maybe Lloyd Winnecke has been elected chairman of the state or national Mayor’s association. Could it be that Russie Lloyd is CPA of the year? Steve Shaffer is going to be the Governor’s new Chief of Staff?
Whatever could it be??
Has Wayne Parke been named chair of the State GOP? Phyllip Davis is now the Mayor’s new Chief of Staff? I hope 2:30 gets here soon! I don’t know if I can take the anticipation!
I’m with you on that,I’m sitting on the edge of my chair
I’d have to say you are correct on all of em ,their all idiots er I mean intelligent
Oh I hope it Jr’s Audit Rebuttal! I’ve been worried that Cher’s recent tour dates in Nashville and Indy have delayed this too long as it is….
I don’t think that will help his political career. I am planning to see the Cher impersonator at Tropicana, in the hopes he’ll be there and I can ask him about it.
The search for a guilty party may have taken awhile, but if Russ has managed to find a sacrificial lamb to offer up and place blame upon, his bacon will be saved.
Speaking of Tropicana, here’s a shocker. Its revenue is down again.
Marsha threw in the towel?
Maybe the Mayor has just appointed — his new Director of Evansville Historical Preservation Commission.
Maybe the Mayor is going to appoint her his new Chairperson of the “Evansville Pork Barrel” commission.
Nah, you’all got it wrong. Winny is appointing Marsha as Chief of Staff, thus saving her a..face May 6
Here we are two hours later & still no news?
News was FOP endorsement of Ungenthiem and Swaim
meh. me thinks you oversold it.
Ungethiem and Swaim is a winning team. Especially since they’re both Bruce (haha, just kidding Pete ). Good job fop.
Looks likes Mr. Unngethiem just pulled the political rabbit out of the hat.
He also is endorsed by the County Farm Bureau, and that is valuable, too. Farm Bureau members tend to show up and vote, even in primaries.
I think Marsha has one “big” endorsement – Wayne Parke’s “kiss of death.”
Three cheers to the FOP for two outstanding political endorsements. This is major help for the candidates because of a low turnout primary election.
Thanks God that it looks like Marsha Abells political is over. Honest and open government is about to happen in our beloved County.
My brother-in-law works for the county and he telling me that the majority of his fellow workers are voting for this Bruce Ungethiem guy. The county employees are sick and tired of Mrs. Abell bulling people.
Great endorsements by the FOP. If the FOP supporters get out and vote this endorsement could be a career ending for Marsha Abell.
Wonder if they’ll endorse them in the general, eh?
We,think they will,and for “affect”, as well.
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