IS IT TRUE April 17, 2013
IS IT TRUE yet another homeowner in Evansville has taken matters into his own hands when a would-be robber broke into his house?…this time the location was the 500 block of Adams Avenue in what has historically been known as Goosetown?…the wannabe robber was caught by the Evansville Police Department when he showed up in the emergency room with a bullet in his gut?…in a country where good and honest people are forbidden from arming themselves this homeowner would not have been able to do this and would be classified among the defenseless victims?…this break-in also proves that just because local government squanders money on Front Door Pride houses that were randomly scattered around Goosetown crime continues?…the entire Front Door Pride program was ill conceived from the start and every time a high profile violent crime happens in Goosetown the lesson is reinforced?…the City County Observer commends the homeowner and the EPD for taking this wannabe burglar out of commission for the time being?
IS IT TRUE the senseless bombing at the Boston Marathon has disrupted life here in River City as a threatening tweet posted on Twitter cause authorities to cancel a baseball game at the University of Evansville?…some of the contents in the tweet that alluded to how the mentally ill could not get any treatment in Evansville ring true?…the mental health services in Evansville are not what they once were and this shortage in contributes to the high suicide rate?…we hope the person who tweeted this threat is caught and learns a lesson about irresponsible use of mass communication?…it is also disturbing to see how easily everyday life is disrupted when the nation enters a state of paranoia?…maybe cancelling this game was the right thing to do and maybe it wasn’t but when a 144 character tweet can bring life to a standstill we are clearly a nation under siege from within our minds?…it would be interesting to see what the response to this tweet would have been if the Boston bombings had not occurred earlier this week?
IS IT TRUE that tax collections by the State of Indiana are up so much this year that the government of the State may consider giving Governor Pence his income tax cut?…if things are going that well maybe the right tax to cut would be to reduce the sales tax back to 6% or even 5% from its current 7% rate?…a sales tax reduction would make Indiana more competitive or even leading the pack with its border states for retail trade?…that an immediate cut in the sales tax would have an immediate effect on retail trade and that a slight reduction in the income tax would have an effect that is more delayed?…even though tax revenues are increasing there are still many people who have either given up on finding work, created a way to get by under the radar of tax authorities, or fond a friendly doctor to get them classified as disabled potentially being off of the taxpaying roles for the rest of their lives?…the best solution may really be to give Governor Pence his income tax cut and simultaneously reverse the 7% sales tax back to 6%?…from a taxation standpoint that would make Indiana quite competitive in the job creation and commerce stimulation areas?
Oh come off it, that was not some random break in. Those two guys knew each other and were arguing, probably over drugs. Not a home defense situation. Totally misleading. Also, if tax revenues are up so much even after the piddly $111 credit, why not pump that money into fixing our crumbling infrastructure rather than making the rich even richer?
Good idea on the infrastructure if we can trust the folks in Indy to actually use the money to fix infrastructure as opposed to taking good stimulus money and spending it on cronyism like Solyndra.
The homeowner that shot the thug was an 80 year old man living in his own house. Do you still believe he was arguing with the thug over drugs? He is cooperating with the EPD in every way. Care to change your opinion?
If that turns out to be true, then good for him. For the record, I don’t have a problem with home defense weapons. Did this guy need 100 shots to deal with this perp?
The Jews in the Polish ghettos would have loved to have high cap mags. I know that much. Governments have killed millions more people in the last century than mass shooting lunatics have even thought about killing. Spare me your ill-informed opinions on something you obviously haven’t studied in any detail.
Got an appointment with the Attorney General’s Office concerning the gross negligence of not reconciling in the Controller’s Office for 18+ months. For those of you that haven’t taken business law, gross negligence is a crime. They can’t send the scapegoat Software to jail but they sure can send Princess Jenny and good old Rumplebeancounter there!
Don’t forget to tell the attorney general to go through the file cabinets at DMD and GAGE while you’re with him.
Remember the under-the-table payoff of Tom Barnett’s salary through GAGE? That was probably just the tip of the iceberg. You want to know why Weinzapfel/Winnecke/Tornatta were so against one man in the mayoral races one only needs to follow the (federal) money. They wanted that kid OUT of the mayor’s office for a reason. All3 of them were on the executive committee of GAGE when all the Barnett stuff happened. What else happened? Will we ever know?
I’m not sure I’ve seen any proposed legislation or heard anyone in either party talking about not letting “good and honest people arm themselves”???
What I’ve heard is much interest in ensuring people have to be “good and honest” to be able to have a gun (no previous felons, mentally ill, etc.) and some who support making automatic attack firearms illegal. Don’t start losing credibility because you believe some of the zealot accusations on keeping firearms safe versus making firearms illegal.
Good point. Conservatives like to take the hothead all or nothing approach to get people riled up. We go from background checks to midnight raids at your home to confiscate guns. All in a days work for the Alex Jones wannabes.
This user is Jordan Baer. This is your account for the idiotic rants you’re too embarrassed to post openly.
To hootowl and anyone else sharing this viewpoint… There is absolutely NO WAY to ensure good and honest people are the only ones with guns. It will not happen even under the strictest gun control measures. And if this recent bombing proves anything at all, it’s that a motivated lunatic can kill people with or without firearms. No matter what you try to do to curb gun violence, it will not address the real root causes one iota. All it will do is disarm the innocent and make our society more vulnerable to a future wannabee dictator.
If it is not important to do a background check on the person running the country, then it is much less important to do a background check so grampaw can buy a new rabbit gun.
Free people do not ask permission to bear arms.
I AM NOT John Doe and I’m pretty sure there’s one person and one person only who is associated with idiotic rants and it’s the same guy whose known for talking the big talk on here yet never showing up to one single event to back it up.
Stick with your libertarian fairy tales and hypotheticals that are about as realistic as the devil talking to you on ouji boards.
If you’re not “John Doe”, then how does your position differ from his? You’ve expressed identical opinions, and I think you might be the only other user here to ever say the name “Alex Jones”. Not that I care really, just found it interesting.
Concerning Boston, what do you realistically think the government will do to the perp/perps once they catch them?
We are talking about the same government that can not muster the balls to execute Army Major Nidal Hasan.
We’re talking about the same government that can capture suspected “terrorists” and send them to Guantanamo Bay without a trial, right? No habeas corpus, no trial by peers, do not collect $200. This is what they THINK they can do now. Wouldn’t surprise me if they did that. Nor would it surprise me if they caught some patsy and made a big show of it.
Let’s send them to Club Gitmo and make them to listen 24-7 to alternating speeches by Obama, Pelosi and the now retired Barney Frank. Throw in the occasional rant by Ed from MSNBC That is real punishment. And if they go on a hunger strike, we respect out of great sensitivity their multi-cultural wishes and do not force feed them.
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