IS IT TRUE? April 16, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? April 16, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the first of the campaign finance reports were filed yesterday and that of the four candidates for Mayor of Evansville three filed their reports properly and on time while the fourth Douglas DeGroot has always contended that he has no budget and raises no funds?…that the City County Observer is proud to see that all of the reports were filed right on schedule and having examined them there appears to be no pattern of sneakiness?

IS IT TRUE that if money raised is the leading indicator for the upcoming general election that the presumed Republican nominee Lloyd Winnecke has a very large early lead?…that Commissioner Winnecke has garnered the financial support of many of the movers and shakers of Evansville to the tune of $147,413 and is sitting on a growing cash pile of $156,908 to buffer his general election campaign?…that while there are some big names with donations to match on Commissioner Winnecke’s finance report that there were no surprises on either the contribution or expense side of the report?…that Winnecke gets the FIRST PLACE GOLD MEDAL for raising the most money in the first reporting period?

IS IT TRUE that in the hotly contested Democratic primary that it is a surprise to many that early announcer and Vanderburgh County Treasurer Rick Davis out fund raised perennial candidate Troy Tornatta?…that many people were astonished at that?…that Mr. Davis’s campaign did not garner a list of well to do contributors but was dominated by small donations from lots of people?…that of the three reports Davis’s would win the gold medal for number of pages because of the sheer number of donors that had to be listed?…that Rick’s campaign fund raising operation is quite reminiscent of the mass appeal that now President of the United States Barack Obama put together in his drive to the White House?…that one notable large donation ($9,000) to the Davis campaign came from the Firefighters Local #357?…that one surprise contributor listed by the Davis campaign was former Democratic candidate for Indiana Secretary of State Vop Osili who made an online donation to Davis?…that Rick Davis gets the Second Place Silver Medal for raising $75,423 but only has $752.87 on hand to fuel the final two weeks of the campaign?

IS IT TRUE that the recently defeated but highly recognized former Vanderburgh County Commissioner Troy Tornatta gets the Third Place Bronze Medal for fund raising during this reporting period in what was essentially a three man race?…that Mr. Tornatta raised a total of $42,896 but has a lead on Davis with cash on hand heading down the home stretch with $33,797 remaining?…that the Tornatta campaign was successful at tapping into some traditional Democratic donors in the Indianapolis area while also getting some financial support from the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party?…that the law offices of Jones & Wallace and David Jones as an individual donated a total of $5,500 to the Tornatta campaign?…that this law firm currently represents the Office of the Mayor of Evansville and does a substantial amount of business with the City of Evansville?…that the list of Indianapolis and outside Evansville based donors that are familiar to recent financial disclosures contributed a total of $14,600 (34%) of the total raised by the Tornatta campaign?…that the biggest surprise in Mr. Tornatta’s filing was not who is contributors are but who they are not?…that there was no contribution at all listed from the Weinzapfel for Mayor fund?…that there was much speculation that the Weinzapfel for Mayor fund would be Mr. Tornatta’s Ace in the Hole?

IS IT TRUE that the expenses for Winnecke and Davis yielded no surprises?…that the expense report for the Tornatta campaign had two expenditures that went to the Washington DC area?…that $15,000 went for “RESEARCH” and another $1,961 went for literature that totaled $16,961 or 36% of all spending reported?…that this research was in all likelihood to run a POLL to learn how the race is stacking up?…that the recent debate challenge may very well reflect the results from the $15,000 poll?…that getting over a third of one’s contributions from “other places” and spending an even higher percentage in “other places” does not seem like a grass roots operation?

IS IT TRUE that campaigns with so much cash flowing to and from the area should deserve the title FOPTOP Campaigns?…that FOPTOP stands for FROM OTHER PLACES – TO OTHER PLACES?

IS IT TRUE that the actual reports filed exceed the file size restriction for posting but that the City County Observer is working to compress the files and will post the reports for our readers to examine in detail?


  1. Explain how you can laud Rick Davis when he is clearly bought and paid for by the Firefighters Union and the head of their Union.


    We need a candidate who can win in November. Not only will Davis not be able to raise more money from his carwashes and bakesales but he will have no chance of beating both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. Voting for Davis is voting for Winnicke. NO one wants Mr.McClintock to be mayor now DO WE?

    • As a member of the Board of Directors for the Evansville Professional Fire Fighters Local 357 PAC I have had many opportunities to speak with Rick. We are not trying to buy anything, Rick has told me, and I have related to our membership, that he CANNOT promise us anything in regards to wages & benefits because so much of the city budget has already been spoken for with the various projects that have been started in the past several years. The only promises Rick has made to Local 357 Fire Fighters is that he will treat us with respect & dignity, that he will be open & honest with us & that, like us, he will put the safety of the citizens & visitors of Evansville first. That, in and of itself, is enough reason for me to support him. At meetings with our membership, the board discussed and unanimously recommended that we endorse Rick & that we contribute to his campaign. The members in attendance unanimously agreed with our recommendations. Many of our members have attended fundraisers, contributed money and donated their time to Rick’s campaign for no other reason than they believe that he is the right candidate for us and for the citizens of Evansville.

      Mike Dickinson, Co-chair, Evansville Professional Fire Fighter’s Local 357 PAC

  2. Further the CCO is surprised at Vop Osili donating to Davis? WHY would you be surprised? Its common knowledge that Davis wrangled delegates for Vop at the convention enabling the massive defeat in the Sec State’s race last fall. Its a payoff from Osili. Jesus CCO dont you even bother to do ANY research? A 4yo with a crayola has more jounalistic skills than you people.

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