IS IT TRUE April 15, 2013


The Mole #??
The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE April 15, 2013

IS IT TRUE today is the day that all of the 53% of the American people who actually pay income taxes are obligated to have the check in the mail to the IRS or face penalties and interest?…there is an easy way to put off filing until August by simply filing for an automatic extension but the taxes are due today anyway?…if you are one of the people who will be filing for an extension you had better send it a check today to fully cover your so called “contribution” to the antics of the federal government or you will face the music when it comes to penalties and interest?…if you are among the 47% who pay no income taxes for whatever reason most are still obligated to file a return to prove that you do not owe Uncle Sam a pound of flesh too?…the practice of over-withholding so one can get a refund seems to soften the blow and even makes some people do a happy dance but that something designed by the IRS to make as many of us into happy useful idiots as possible?…a person with a $10,000 income tax liability who paid in $11,000 and is getting a $1,000 refund is usually happy yet the same sort of filer who paid in $9,000 and has to send in $1,000 more will be madder than a hornet?…if there were no withholding at all and we each had to just pay our taxes weekly by check you would see allot more outcry and disgust with the wasteful ways of Washington?…abolishing payroll withholding would go a long way toward forcing the “happy idiots” to come to grips with how expensive and inept government really is?…it would be interesting to see just how compliant our society would be if employers were not forced to be tax collectors?…we wish all of our readers a Happy Tax Day and we hope you got your money’s worth this year?

IS IT TRUE that Chicago, IL and Houston, TX are relatively similar cities from a size and demographic perspective?…Houston is growing much faster and is seen as a city of the future?…Chicago is by all measures holding its own for a Midwestern city and offers many amenities that are quite pleasant?…the one place that these cities differ dramatically is in their stance toward a citizen’s right to carry a gun?…Chicago as we know has a very strict set of rules with respect to gun control?…Houston being a part of Texas is quite lax and has plenty of opportunities for a citizen to carry a concealed weapon?…if the boneheads in Washington DC and Chicago were correct one would think that Chicago would be safer than Houston?…the truth is just the opposite with Chicago having a murder rate that is 4 times that of Houston?…Chicago has actually seen an explosion of murders since the banned guns?…this would lend strength to the growing call to give IQ tests and even ISTEP equivalency tests to aspiring politicians?…if you have to pass a test to play ball in high school or college you should have to pass some competency test to govern your fellow citizens?

IS IT TRUE that we have had some of our readers ask us if the McCurdy Hotel project will be starting this year?…we do not know but like Will Rogers we only believe what we read in the mainstream media on this one?…at last report mainstream media was reporting that the project is still in the final stages of securing financing and that the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is involved?

IS IT TRUE many of our readers are still flabbergasted that the City of Evansville is on track to ask the City Council to subsidize retail businesses, apartments, restaurants, and a downtown hotel all with one fell swoop?…any business that is to compete against a subsidized entity should indeed be madder than a hornet and consider withholding their own taxes in protest?…we have all seen what happens when government tries to choose the winners in a commercial venture like SOLYNDRA?…the City of Evansville should hang their head in shame if they go forward to subsidize one business with the taxes of another?…if this happens we should rename the City Council the Politburo and the Councilmember should be referred to as Komrads?…if the people of Evansville do not force this to be stopped, the fix is in and this is all going to unfold as the Office of the Mayor and the ERC wish?


    • He absolutely nailed it right out of the box, but no one was listening, or they just did not give a damn.


  1. Chicago is so close to urban areas in Indiana. Not really a very good example. There’s no regulated border crossing or anything.

  2. My property taxes went up a whopping 33 % I guess it’s either a raise In taxes to either pay for the Jon or to pay for motel or maybe deep pockets , heck who knows with vanderburgh county

  3. The only thing that comes to mind is…..When will this insanity stop?
    Taxes TAKEN from our citizens for crap like this, can only hasten the outward flight, and stand as a warning to all who may consider taking up residence in Evansville , be it business or a family.

    • There’s already a big deterrent to moving here. It’s called Vectren. Soaring crime rates, tepid job market, extreme social intolerance, and the list goes on. Evansville is on a steady downward spiral. I’ll be moving when I have enough money.

  4. Is Winnecke a liberal democrat that weaseled himself into the republican party? Say what you want about Russell Lloyd but when he left office the city was no worse or better. Can we say the same about the last 2?

  5. The whopping increase that everyone is seeing on their property taxes is a direct result of servicing the debt on Dr. Bertram’s “strategic initiative” referendum. The same referendum projects that he said would NOT raise our property taxes.

    Yes, many if not all of you are paying taxes over and above your 1% residential cap and you can thank the Evansville-Vanderburgh School Corporation for that. If EVSC’s spending can not be brought under control you can look forward to even higher increases in your property taxes.

    In future, you might pay more attention to what you are voting on.


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