IS IT TRUE? April 12, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? April 12, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the fireworks are heating up in the campaign to seek the Democratic nomination for Mayor of Evansville?…that the heir to the Weinzapfel thrown will absolutely have to fight for it?…that the City County Observer does not condone or approve of the first volley of name calling and accusations of not being a team player that has been lobbed by the Tornatta campaign at the Davis campaign?…that we would prefer that this nomination were decided by a battle of wits instead of a battle of nits?…that calling someone disloyal and disruptive to a machine that operated behind closed doors, spent lavishly on a temple of sport, and found legal but sneaky ways to circumvent the will of the people should be worn by Mr. Davis as a BADGE OF HONOR?…that it is better to be a member of the loyal opposition who seeks to better the conditions of the whole than a water carrier for a team with a reputation for breaking the rules?

IS IT TRUE that as we have stated now for a full week that there are some real game changing issues that need to be addressed by the next Mayor of Evansville?…that substance and not schoolyard drama is what should be used to judge whom is the best man for the job of Mayor of Evansville?…that position papers of substance with JOBS, INFRASTRUCTURE, PARKS, and COMPETITIVENESS need to be addressed and they need to be addressed now?…that failure to address these issues in a public way with plans and strategies of depth is the only way to prove any candidate’s worthiness to lead this city?…that Evansville has the legacy problems that it has like a languishing economy, federally chastised infrastructure, litter, blight, brain drain, overflowing sewers, and lack of transparency because the status quo that created these problems has been coddled and celebrated as opposed to being challenged?…that any candidate that does not challenge the status quo and minimally communicate some detail regarding positive changes is truly unworthy of anyone’s vote?

IS IT TRUE that in plain simple “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it style” rhetoric we have now been treated to the old adage “if you ain’t with us you are agin us” by Mr. Tornatta?…that as we reminded the President of the Evansville City Council a few weeks ago, Sir there are many things that are broke and they are in need of fixing?…that in truth if any candidate is not on board in accepting the stubborn facts that our best and brightest young people leave town for better career opportunities, a large portion of the town has the smell of neglect about it, that crime is escalating, and that the housing stock is increasingly dilapidated really needs to have an intervention?…that celebrating where we are as a city is about as worthy of a celebration as a basketball team that just went 3 – 23 and lost its senior day game by 30 points?…that dramatic change is needed and it is needed now if Evansville is to reverse the slide to become Evanstroit?

IS IT TRUE that we and the people of Evansville are still waiting for substance and vision from a worthy candidate?…that we and the people of Evansville expect and deserve honesty and transparency in government?…that we and the people of Evansville expect and deserve a full accounting of the capital projects that are under way and on the drawing board that will consume local taxpayer dollars?…that whether it has been Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Whigs, Greens, or even Know-Nothings that the machine that has brought Evansville to the brink of operating in a third world manner is not worthy of support?…that it really is time for change on the banks of the Ohio?…that we are begging for the details of that proposed change to step forward and claim his place as our next Mayor?


  1. It amazes me that the local democratic machine thinks it has the sole right and power to name the party nominees. That right, in fact, belongs to those of us who identify ourselves as Democrats and will be excercised on May 3, no matter what Weinzapfel, Tornatta, and Mark Owens would wish. If you want to see Evansville continue on it’s heading to rival Detroit as a blight upon the Ohio river, a home of good ol boys enriching themselves at our expense, vote to continue the status quo, vote Tornatta. If you want honesty and openess in government, if you want leadership with vision and ability to turn the sinking ship around, your choice is obvious, Pick Rick.

  2. There are independent candidates seeking election in the primary: myself, Conor O’Daniel, and Sonya Nixon to name a few. No one should be simply ordained as our candidate for any office, no matter who their supporters are. Rick’s candidates should not automatically get the nominations anymore than Troy’s. We all deserve a fair election with each candidated evaluated on his or her own merits.

  3. And you are referring to whom? If you are a candidate, has anyone seen you making introductions? Or are you waiting for someone to do it for you?
    What are your merits? I haven’t heard from you-except for this little whimper, not a sound.

    • I am clearly referring to myself. I don’t hide behind a pseudonym. My name is clearly listed. And there’s no whimper. I’m stating fact. I am running in the Third Ward and haven’t affiliated with any mayoral candidate. I’m running on my own merit. I am a licensed attorney and manage the Family Law Division of Gerling Law Offices. Previously, I was a Business Agent and Safety and Health Consultant for the Steelworkes. I graduated cum laude with a B.S. in Environmental Administration with a minor in Political Science from the University of Evansville, and from IU School of Law. I have been a precinct committeeperson and the third ward leader since 2005. I serve on a number of Boards in the community and regularly donate legal services. Last year I chaired the Family Law Section of the Evansville Bar Association.
      In this campaign, I have personally knocked on over 1000 doors. I have 200 yard signs set and just did a mailing to 2000 voters. I have been endorsed by the Save Roberts Stadium group and hope to get the endorsement from the Courier and Press. I’ve attended meetings for every neighborhood association in the third ward and am involved with numerous projects here. I’m currently writing a position statement on the park system. I’ve read half a dozen studies on consolidation and attended all of the public meetings. I’ve had meetings with everyone from the current mayor to Eric Williams.
      I wonder what my opponents are doing. Probably having anonymous people post insulting comments on a blog…

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