Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE April 11, 2014

IS IT TRUE April 11, 2014

Mole #??
Mole #??

IS IT TRUE that in just over three hours the meeting of the Indiana University Trustees where the vote for the location of the medical school will be held and streamed live for all to see in real time?…the Indiana lotto officials could have made a mint if they had opened up a gambling opportunity for the people of greater Evansville to have placed bets on what the location will be?…each site seems to have its positive attributes and they have been discussed ad nauseum?…there are some differences that have surfaced with respect to the cost to fully implement each proposal?…the proposal for downtown Evansville comes in at $87 Million or 45% higher than the second highest cost which is the Warrick County proposal of $60 Million?…USI comes in 3rd in cost with a range given of $50 Million to $60 Million?…the most frugal of the proposals is the one from the private development known as The Promenade at $47 Million?

IS IT TRUE as it has already been acknowledged that all of the proposals conform to the requirements set forth in the RFP, some people are saying if this selection were done without political bias The Promenade would be selected as the site of the IU Medical School on the basis of cost?…The Promenade is also in the City of Evansville as the downtown site is but will cost roughly HALF OF DOWNTOWN EVANSVILLE’s proposal?…as the infrastructure of the east side is newer and fully functioning The Promenade would have less uncertainty associated with the implementation?…uncertainty as the pilings problems found on the hotel site ALWAYS LEAD TO INCREASED COSTS making the $87 Million subject to increase as the soils beneath downtown Evansville reveal more secrets that must be mitigated?…those who think this decision will be made on the basis of POLITICS are betting on a downtown Evansville selection despite the higher cost, lack of infrastructure, and sketchy housing opportunities for the supposed 2,000 students the campus will serve?…those who are betting on practical but political are betting on Warrick County?…those who are crossing their fingers for fairness, no politics, and practicality are betting on The Promenade, and few people think USI has the best solution at any cost because of the distance to teaching beds?

IS IT TRUE that the Civic Center Moles tell us that Mayor Winnecke has invited a gallery of people to be his guest at the announcement leading many to think it is in the bag for downtown Evansville?…in three hours we will know the answer.  If the downtown site is selected we would like to personally congratulate the Mayor for pulling a rabbit out of the hat?  …that the Mayor and his staff really worked hard on getting this project approved and really deserves credit for a job well done?

IS IT TRUE after this selection show is over there is no more excuse for the Evansville City Council to sit on their thumbs and keep the loan approval for Earthcare Energy in play?…if this issue is not addressed on Monday 4/14/2014 the City Council are just as delusional as GAGE, Mayor Winnecke, and some of the other subjects of the Wizards of Oz who came to town on a mission over two years ago and left with $200,000 of taxpayer dollars with apparently no strings attached?

IS IT TRUE Health and Human Service Secretary Kathleen Sebelius will resign from President ObamaÂ’s Cabinet on Friday and the White House has confirmed it?…the cat got out of the bag on Thursday night ahead of the normal Friday afternoon news dump?…it will be interesting to see if Sebelius leaves office under the banner of “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED” or with a scapegoat sign attached to her?…Sebelius was appointed to do a job she was clueless about doing and has proceeded to prove just how bad it is to appoint people to lead efforts they know nothing about by messing up just about everything she touched and not even having the sense to know it was messed up?…she will still be the poster child for the congressional election of 2014 even if President Obama has lost his affections for her?


  1. IS IT TRUE that CCO is already scrambling to discredit the downtown med center now that the writing is on the wall?…That the progress the city of Evansville is making to revitalize it’s core is missed by the elders who think CCO is relevant?.. That CCO will continue to crusade against any and all progress the city makes? …That no one at CCO would dare suggest that maybe sticking something like the IU Med Center in Warrick County was not something young people would want?..That CCO wouldn’t understand what the under 35 crown prefers?

    • No, any discrediting has been done by the Mayor, the stink filled politics and whoredom caused by the desire of having his administration attached to a public works to justify the twinkle in his eye. To me any progress made in Evansville is of the negative direction but I’m sure Abell can point out my error-ed perceptions.

      • Much truth there. Other poster seems to write of the Medical School as if it’s a nightclub or something else ‘the under 35 crowd prefers’. It’ll be stuck where they stick it and like the editor implied, no matter where it’s sited they’ll have to come up with another excuse to let Haney keep the money he mulcted from us with the approval and assistance of Winnecke and Dewey. Trying to link the two, the school and the gift to Haney shows desperation and a total disregard for the intelligence of the people of Evansville.

        • A nightclub? No, that is the wrong mentality. Young folks are making decisions based more on the environment they find desirable for career and learning opportunities. Why are urban areas coming back in Indianapolis and other large cities? Because that is where the younger crowd wants to live and work.

          • They might until they have a family..if they ever have the wealth to make that decision..IU’s main schools are located in B’town except for Med..there are more reasons why it is located in Indy than because it is hip and cool which hardly describes Indy.

          • Phoenix,
            Are you saying young people will flock here (or anywhere) because of a medical school? It’d be sort of hard to deny but have at it. Rise up from those ashes and give ‘er a try.

        • Exactly. To link the Earthcare scam with the school discredits the administration including the citizens. It is insulting on many levels. Try as I might I cannot separate Mr. Haney from Mr. Haney of Green Acres and his “skill” to repeatedly con Oliver. I think it is far to say the Mayor is trying to pull a Mr. Haney on all.

        • Agreed! It really doesn’t matter where the school is sited. Downtown, Promenade, or Warrick siting will add to the vitality of the east side residential/retail/ entertainment venues. A USI site will do the same for the west side.
          On the other hand, I’d like for Nick Hermann to explore citing Haney for fraud and have him “sited” to the County facility on North Harlan.
          It just doesn’t make sense to crowd the school into downtown, with its highly questionable infrastructure, unless the goal is to line the pockets of certain people of influence. We will be finding out very soon now.

    • You are apparently doing a great deal of “reading between the lines” of CCO, and a lot of what you found there is NOT really there.
      Andrew, are you related to Wayne Parke? Is that you, Phoenix?

    • ….

      I don’t know where the IU facility is going. And it is not then end of things regardless of where it goes.


      It is just plain, simple, common sense to invest in the growth and preservation of a city’s downtown. From a long-term health of Evansville’s perspective…it is best for Evansville – for EVANSVILLE – to have the IU Med facility downtown.

      Those cities that allow their downtown’s to rot, to de-volve, with short-sighted suburban sprawl growth instead…..those cities decline. They rot from the inside out over time.

      Those that disagree with that discipline? They own sites outside of downtown. Of course they will disagree and be quite vocal about it.

      Notwithstanding investing in downtown…..of course bad ethics and corruption can permeate ANY development and/or project…and when it does, it should be called out.

      But choosing to place institutional development someplace OTHER than downtown…is poor, undisciplined growth and short-sighted for the health of Evansville.

    • The “young” have no say where this is going to be located..Neil Young isn’t choosing the site.

    • The CCO simply pointed out the fact that all of the proposals meet the RFP requirements and that the range of costs if very wide. I for one am under 35. This project will be done with borrowed money that the under 35 crowd will be paying off. What amount of debt would you suggest is appropriate to stack on top of those college loans? $87 Million or $47 Million? $40 Million extra is a big tab to be able to walk to Hammerheads while in med school.

    • If the IU med center goes downtown it will be a boon to the old depressed downtown area for sure, but it only makes sense politically,–and by no stretch of the imagination, at 45% more expensive, is it the best economic choice for the Indiana taxpayers,—who will pay the bill.

      • “…it will be a boon to the old depressed downtown area for sure,…”

        I don’t follow your reasoning. Could you explain your thinking? I’d love to see downtown “come back”, but a Medical School is not going to lower crime rates and clear up blight in the short term. It may help over decades, but no time soon.
        The positive influence of the school will be felt most in the areas where staff, faculty, and students choose to live, and I don’t believe that is going to be downtown. I don’t think the entire IUMS community would be big enough to support significant retail and entertainment development, but they will certainly be a significant addition to those venues that already exist.

        • With respect, I cannot disagree more.

          Successful downtown institutional development like IU MED….CAN help reduce crime, and CAN help improve property values and reduce blight, and CAN lead to more downtown residential growth.

        • Your right EKB: Those people will live where its viable for the cost,and,the best base usage and utilities infrastructures are. Smart city thinking right now would be where getting to and from the commonwealth is easy.
          East side,Warrick Posey,Gibson,Henderson,Owensboro.

          A person is only at studies so much,location given options are more than meets the eye.
          To us the increased cost to the funding doesn’t support the downtown either.
          It will allow some businesses to bail and recover on more an viable commerce infrastructure,it will be interesting to see how that’s driven.
          If the trending sustains the norm that “pickout” can be predictable,as well.

          You’ll want to keep an Eye on that,it’ll probably go where the med school should’a gone in the first place. Neither is all bad,we suppose its all incremental growth,however should be developed in the sunshine, instead of evansville’s historical darkside goal tending.

        • LKB I put put it bluntly, I am tired of the Resources of this community being hijacked for one small area to the detriment of the rest of the community’s need, from sewers, to sidewalks, to ancient water pipes, parks, Mesker, cemeterys, –the list is long , and—- ” Quite frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn” about “Old Downtown”.

          • We’re thinking the same way, Crash. I mis-read your post. I’m trying to cut down my caffeine intake, and its affecting what little sanity I possess.

          • LKB, I believe that you like myself are, as the IU stinker decision, at $44 million more than necessary, taken from the taxpayer’s pockets examples, are now completely saturated with the “Good Ole Boys” politics of Evansville, and Indiana. I hope to escape it as soon as my property in Evans-vile sells. I was looking at South Carolina, but Georgia beckons, there are NO property taxes if you are over 65, No State taxes on your Pension, or SS, and even the Sales tax is just 4%.

  2. So I guess the entire IT department of every major bank in the country is also clueless as they had a full year to upgrade their ATM software and utterly and completely failed?

    Only 11 months to coordinate 36 state insurance regualtions, and dozens of insurance company billing systems, protecting confidential information, security threats and the ACA regulations also?

    Ridiculous comment. I guess the NASA engineers were clueless and incompetent when Ed White, Roger Chafee and Gus Grissom were killed on Apollo 1?? We should have just threw our hands up and said that’s it. The end of the space program?

    In the true spirit of Reagan and republican hypocrisy the CCO nevr misses a chance to cherry pick government failures and deomonize government while they worship 1%ers that stick it too us all including the CCO editors. And they ignore failure, after failure in the private sector?

    Procrastination, delay, mess ups and rosy estimates of time completions are HUMAN traits and have nothing to do whether those humans work in the private sector or the public.

    Between 14M to 34M now have insurance that didn’t before, that is a HUGE SUCCESS and if Ms. Sebelius gets most of the blame for the roll out she should most of the credit for how we FINISHED, NOT HOW WE STARTED.


    • So why did the President fire her ass then? If she is that good he should give her another assignment.

      • How do you know the President “fired her ass”? I expect it was a “mutual agreement” thing. The timing is ideal, as they will be gearing up for the second enrollment period soon.

        • Her mind and her ass were in mutual agreement that her ass would be fired. Don’t look for her to be hired by any web developers anytime soon. But a book deal with the honest story should net her a boatload of bucks. She could get over a million for one interview if she would simply state that Obama knew the website was not ready and that you couldn’t keep your insurance while he was telling us the opposite.

    • Once again another shotgun response in the hopes something will stick. Your numbers don’t mean shit.

      They would if everything had been above board at the start and they haven’t, if there hadn’t been at least eight waivers, six million that lost their insurance because of the ACA, etc, etc. There are so many numbers floating around regarding the ACA that I can only interpret as intentionally induced confusion to hide the real damage by the Administration.

      • ….

        The time to have stopped the ACA/Obamacare was the last Presidential election.

        But we didn’t.

        Obama won.

        Elections have consequences. And instead of talking about making the health care market more affordable and efficient – which is what Romney was trying to do…..the Tea Party fools INSTEAD, wanted to blab about Obama being born in Kenya, that he is an Arab, the Tea Party fools created monkey-looking images of his wife and put them on Drudge Report, called him a commie….and crazy, out of control, hateful crap. THEY lost the trust of the American people who realized “No way I’m letting the Tea Party fools run the country”…and the majority of the country voted for Obama.

        THAT was when you had a chance to do something about Obamacare. Now…you’re left to carping and whining.

        Obama is President until 2017.

        Obamacare isn’t going ANYWHERE.

        “Repeal!” is a campaign slogan, not a plan.

        • Oh Weinzy-Weinzy, still on your crusade against the Tea Party. You still haven’t told us what your beef is against them. You are obsessed for some reason because you bring them up all over the place in articles and discussions that don’t involve them. And the classy language you use to describe them, such a big man you are. You call names and hurl insults online using the “internet balls” you grow with the safety of being anonymous. If you were in public around any party followers, you would be your meek little scared self. Amazing what toughness a screen name can instill in a fool.

          • ….

            Boy Brandon: I don’t think you’re reading. Read it again and you will see precisely WHAT BEEF the Tea Party Fools and Animals did to be “the best friend the Obama voter ever had.”

            You don’t like being exposed as ignorant and foolish? I understand.

          • ….

            and boyB, the crusade against the Tea Party?

            (I love this fact. It’s so rewarding.)

            That crusade is WORKING. CrossroadsGPS and Karl Rove are WINNING against Tea Party Fools.

            Allen West – LOST. Richard Mourdock – LOSER. Michelle Bachman – GONE! Sarah Palin – SHE QUIT!

            Actual Republican candidates have been kicking the ass of Tea Party candidates in all of this Spring’s GOP primaries.

            So…BranBoy….put that in your bong and smoke it. (That was funny.)

          • BWAHAHAHAHA you are always good for a laugh Weinzy. It is amusing to watch a fool spout his kool aid propaganda on here.

            You are always such a gentleman and a scholar when you post your nonsense. I am sure the rest of the folks get a kick out of your ineptitude and baseless diatribe.

            Only thing you have ever exposed is your own stupidity, hatefulness and a lack of common sense. But then you hang out in your little Utopian paradise of a world.

            Never held a bong or smoked anything in my life, so once again you are on the wrong side of a comment and looking so much more the fool. You come on here painting with your broad stoked brush, only to be continuously proven wrong.

            And you may want to be careful with the “boy” comment. It is a very racially negative comment where I come from.

          • ….


            I noticed you didn’t point out even one point I made that was incorrect.

            Whined a bunch. But that’s it.

            Winning is better. Losers get to sit on the bench and gripe about the guys on the court.

          • Weinzwestside –
            “I noticed you didn’t point out even one point I made that was incorrect.

            Whined a bunch. But that’s it.

            Winning is better. Losers get to sit on the bench and gripe about the guys on the court.”

            To tell the truth, I never saw a point mentioned. You yammered on spouting your usual gibberish, throwing bits of information out that have no base in reality. it’s all created in your little mind.

            It s also plain to see that you are in this to be on the “winning side”. Not to make anything better for the people. Just so you can say you won. Show’s what type of person you are. Selfish, shallow, self centered and narcissistic.

            You are in it to claim victory and to beat your chest, to make sure you look good, even though you have done nothing in your life that mattered. Its all about the rush to you. This is to make up for all the failures in your life, it all makes sense to me now. I know your type and you are pathetic.

            Please start calling folks names again, so you can feel better inside. That’s what bigots do. Yes you are a bigot, for calling me “boy” several times. In real life it would leave your laying broken on the ground. Here you are the tough guy with your internet balls on.

        • Your selective outrage is most humorous and myopic on your part. You cry about accusations leveled at Obama, creative interpretations of how someone looks like and any disrespect towards your god. You cry about fair treatment and respect. Where was your concern about the hateful, uncivil and just plain old nasty things said about $NEARLY_ANYONE_NOT_LIBERAL?

          That’s right, now where to be found in your simpleton mind. You are a phony troll.

          Obamacare will go somewhere… down the toilet where it belongs.

          • ….

            d, you sound upset.

            It’s rough for you and the Tea Party fools to have to be accountable for spouting crap that gets guys like Obama elected to the Presidency time and time again.

            How is that going for you? How’s that working?

            One of these days…and I might be wrong about this….you will get tired of LOSING. Until then, I get it. Anyone who disagrees with you is a liberal, god-hating commie. How nice.

            • So this is off topic a bit but why aren’t the people who are howling for John Dunn to take a big hit for the “good of the downtown” calling for Mike O’Daniel and his family to sell their land for the med school at below market rates “for the good of the downtown”? Sort of two faced isn’t it? Why is downtown $20 Million more than the other places? Probably to pay of Winnecke’s buddies at the car lot.

          • The be intellectually honest and of equal mind to hold the other side to the same standards. But you are not really interested in that as it would nullify much of what you say.

    • My Gawd man, are you that naive? Just another lie perpetrated upon the citizens of America by BHO & his administration. It’s an insult to each and everyone of us. How low can you go Brains? Remember “you can keep your doctor and your plan”?

    • I must have hit a wrong button, as my comment on this didn’t show up. Not enough caffeine, I guess. I’m certain that this recommendation will be followed. “Politics as usual” is alive and well! We should probably brace ourselves for delays due to infrastructure/environmental issues.


    I have a suggestion of my own for the new name!

    Derpville, IN

    Anybody else got a suggestion for a new name for our city?

    • I’ve got one, but it would not go over well with the moderating system, and Rand McNally probably wouldn’t want to print it either. “Derpville” fits!

  4. So the vote of the whole IU board is a given here? What are the politics like in that enclave??

    • ….

      It seems funny that if the choice “we prefer” is NOT chosen, then the reason “is all politics.”

      There are more positive economic development reasons for this project in downtown Evansville than ANY other location. Politics would have to be a firm reason following all of the other solid economic development reasons.

      I take it for granted…Losing sites always holler “politics.”

    • Politics is the air that higher education breathes in this state. Mitch Daniels is a prime case in point.

  5. Ok, the school is going to be built downtown. Now to get those hotel plans revised. I’d like to suggest one of the primary revisions should be to secure funding to build it. So far there is no credible evidence of that having occurred.

        • …well, which is it?

          That we’re failing in protecting our downtown from crime, blight and worse?


          That we’re stealing our downtown neighborhood from the average citizen?

          The IU development in downtown E’vlle is great news…and it while it is a business proposition, a pro-business environment is what works: better opportunities, better jobs, more jobs, better real estate values, growth, attraction of more residents, etc.

          How exactly is the average citizen getting screwed?

    • I know that is the expected outcome, but I’m not so sure that is going to be significant here. It’s going to take a lot of construction and even more demolition to accomplish that, to any significant degree.

      • A lot of construction, new development, improved downtown property values, new highest-and-best-uses for numerous nearby properties, improved environment for the work-downtown/live-downtown community….cranes-in-the-sky/work/new projects downtown Evansville…….this is ALL good news.

  6. Are they going to have a sand dump this afternoon? (I really know that comes after the announcement but before the funding). That 35 million in tif money should get it rolling.

  7. “Unanimous choice by the Students–given its proximity to other amenities”.

    Say what ? I would like to see that Student Vote. Did the Students not believe that bars would spring up like mushrooms wherever this was built ? What is Downtown now ??

    • …you know, there are OTHER amenities besides bars for medical students and their families.

      Unless you know something unique…most students who hang out in bars, and make their college choices because of bars, and where they live because of bars…

      …don’t sound too much like medical students.

    • 2 small bars and Hammerheads must be the amenities that attract future doctors to Evansville. Forget about Bar Louis, Raffis, and all of that eastside riff-raff. The students surveyed prefer Hammerheads and a midnight walk to the Deaconess emergency room for their internships.

    • What “amenities” are they referring to? Shopping, movies, gyms, pools? Somebody lied to them, unless they gamble, drink, are “fire performers, and like to hang out in lawyer’s offices. I’m hoping med students are a little more serious-minded than that.
      Somebody LIED about the amenities. Wow!

  8. Ok maybe it’s not where some would have wanted it but it’s going to be in our community let’s all get behind this great opportunity and be glad we didn’t lose this to Northern Indiana . Great job Evansville ….

    • I reluctantly agree. It’s not where I would have put it if I was spending my money or deciding where to spend someone else’s money, but if that’s where it’s going I want it to succeed. I would like for something with a public subsidy to succeed in this town for once.

    • I’m definitely “on board” in getting this to happen. We need it, and the community is going to be much better for it. I just wish it was going someplace that will make attending this school more appealling to more students, but we need to run with what we’ve got. We don’t get a lot of chances here in the south end of the state.

      • EKB: What is going to be worth noting will be the nationwide cronies scramble when we release our environmentally balanced real estate climate change sustainability product*.
        This is one of the very reasons the innovative aspect for some of the features it gives actual consumers an active choice. This must be introduced nation wide and available for the overall market as applied at one time,for fair balance.

        The conditions this does focus on are environmental balance that is indeed sustainable for Changed climates forward,Federal specifications and regulatory standards,So.

        Point values of certain standing infrastructures and the properties offered for market on any listed nation wide, It,will be at the same applied “sunlit”, compliance standards coast to coast,same day.

        The Real bang for your Climate Change buck so to speak. The market applications planet sciences the drives the sustained environmental balances,due,the actual observed and certified cost value per market regional,with estimated costing to achieve the viability of the standards applied thereof. Those moved forward to reach actual conditional viability.

        Real daily applied planet Earth Science gets to drive the politics,for a community moved forward for climate change actions. Cheap.

        Its kinda like an carfax* for real estate product applied from afar,can’t be gamed, so too speak.
        To bad we didn’t have this in place before the Med school selection,the whole finished picture would take on another orbit or two due its viable completion,we could predict.
        Its not very far away,the horizon is in sight and the system is on final.
        The fairness of the real science is once its out,the thing could be a standard asset accessible in every region coast to coast with the bias left on the ground it started with.
        Cloud system (app.) accessed 24/7 anywhere your device can land it.

        “umbra praetereunt lucem reliquiae”

        “the shadow passes,the light remains”

  9. Downtown Master Plan has been revised again.

    First, build upscale apartment that found a very limited market and are now overbuilt. Many have been converted to rentals which makes the homesteaders really happy. No real change came about from this except to make a few people some money; overpromise but underdeliver 1.

    Ford Center/ Victory Project. Victory has yet to be fully completed. The Ford Center has yet during its honeymoon phase to generate enough to pay for its bonds. Again these projects made some people a little money but another overpromise and underdeliver moment. I won’t mentioned the hotel but that to date is the poster child for overpromise underdeliver.

    Eisenhower warned about a military industrial complex..we have a governmental entertainment complex in Evansville that one has to be afraid of.

    It is clear that the focus of growth in downtown is on government bureaucracy, non profits, the government entertainment complex and education. Yes we have some corporate (2) HQs but one is a regulated monoploy and that is hardly the same. Don’t forget State sponsored gambling.

    Since free enterprise is dead in downtown for the most part, IUMSW is probably downtown’s last best hope. IUMSW should have been done first rather than last but hindsight is 20/20. Any housing will be student apartments; sorry up scale homesteaders but your homes are now going to take a hit. The hotel is not as important now as it once was; it is all about trying to get young 20 somethings in downtown to support that TIF. That of course assumes you get rid of the suitcase college mentality, which is a whole other issue, related to economics and the profession(s) being pursued. Downtown is not going to be more Broad Ripple than Hyde Park.

    If the TIF can’t support itself with over $250 million invested in multiple projects as encouragmemt to private investment, then we got really big issues. To be as excited about this school for the economic impact also says something; a community more worried about fixes of neglected problems than growth.

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