IS IT TRUE: April 11, 2012, Part 2


IS IT TRUE that we were just wondering about the status of a few projects from the past that have gone largely unnoticed during the pothole blitz, the litter eradication, and the 3rd Strike on the City of Evansville and its surrogates for inept VETTING that have taken place this spring?

IS IT TRUE that going back to the days of the downtown Convention Hotel, the demolition of the Executive Inn hotel, and the Mayors Memorial Rock Pile we do not seem to remember hearing about whether the local demolition company was ever paid the $385,000 or so that they were owed for the hard work they did?…that we wonder if they were paid if that cost was allocated to the Ford Center as it should have been or swept under some other well hidden rug?…that we surely hope that the City of Evansville under the Weinzapfel Administration did not really find a way to stiff a local business while spending $125 Million on the Ford Center?

IS IT TRUE that we are also curious about the timeline for the new privately funded effort down at the convalescent home for bats, pigeons, snakes, and rats formerly known as the McCurdy?…that as of today the public record still shows the McCurdy to be owned by City Centre Properties of Carmel, IN and that delinquent taxes of about $13,000 including penalties are still due?…that we wish the private partners who have announced the intention to assume this project and move forward the best of fortune as the limp hand of local government has proven that it is not capable of brokering a realizable project either with the McCurdy or with the convention hotel that isn’t?

IS IT TRUE that despite all of these shortcomings that VenuWorks is very open that the Ford Center is exceeding all expectations and already profitable?…that this very fact if it is sustainable going forward would cause one to question whether a dime of public money should ever be put into a downtown Convention Hotel?…that with the Ford Center doing better without a hotel than it was projected to do with one that Mayor Winnecke is doing the right thing by sitting on that pot of money as opposed to rushing to start slinging hammers that may not be needed at all?

IS IT TRUE that we hear from Moles on the Ground that some of the witnesses that were quick to point fingers at City Councilman Al Lindsey and to turn his life upside down are squirming on the witness stand under subpoena while their own lives and judgments are being examined for all to see?…that we have faith in due process and hope to see justice done with respect to Councilman Lindsey’s dilemma whatever it may be?…that in all fairness the Evansville City Council should be held up to the same behavioral standards as Captain Lindsey as they are the stewards over a $230 Million budget?

IS IT TRUE that it has taken longer for Captain Lindsey to face his fate that it took for GAGE and Ms. Debbie Dewey to come to the conclusion that the whole Earthcare Energy deal was worthy of a $4.8 Million loan?…that is because the Evansville Fire Department actually went through a process of vetting and discovery as opposed to the Ready, Fire, Aim or just Ready, Fire decision process that went into the vetting of the whole Earthcare deal?…that the EFD did their job right?


  1. I thought all the witnesses that were subpoena by Danks were people that said they didn’t see anything. Maybe that’s why they’re squirming.
    While on this subject, did this site ever report that Councilman Lindsey admitted drinking that night. If you reported it, I missed it.

    • From the tweets I’ve seen come out of the hearing room looks like everyone but Al is pretty much sticking to the stories they originally told the Courier reporters.

  2. It’s funny how the commenter Della on the C&P site always says that the McCurdy project is making good progress. I know this person is a brown noser to the powers that be (the Machine), but I don’t know how anyone in their right mind can say that the project is making good progress until someone at least chases away the bats and pigeons and starts swinging a hammer down there.

  3. Just read on EC found guilty of drinking and returning to work but will not lose job.

    • 30 day suspension w/o pay, random drug testing, and a years probation. A fair deal in line with the Merit Commission’s past practices

    • Yeah, well all of us have “drank and returned to work,” Jack. You and me both. And any of these puritans who claim to be as pure as the driven snow aren’t fit to judge their fellow humans anyway. Right? I just wish we could all move forward. This crap is getting old.

      • I was just saying what I read on the CP. I never said was pure as driven snow. My have many faults and like many I have made the mistake of drinking more than I should. Maybe if Al would have told Connley the truth the first time he could have avoided all this crap. You are right, it’s time to move forward.
        Jack Waldroup

        • Jack, I wasn’t clear with my words. Sorry. I didn’t mean to imply that you were acting as if you’re pure as new snow. That comment was directed at all these armchair preachers insisting that somehow everyone should be saints, and any hint of humanity must be purged with an Inquisition.

          But yes it’s time to move on. We shouldn’t be like certain elements in local politics who cannot let go of our ego-driven need to initiate vendettas of personality. You know, like the Brothers Grimm who now are trashing Chris for absolutely no reason other than he survived last year’s fray by staying completely neutral. I mean how low can you go? Now I guess neutrality is a sin!

  4. I wonder how the OTHER people who ran up that $400+ liquor tab got home that night, including Missy (almost 50 yrs old, get a grownup name, for Chrissake)Mosby? She’s been a barfly for decades. Seriously, people–DECADES. How many inebriated nights has SHE driven home, and EPD looked the other way?
    I am ever hopeful that we can start weeding out the local cling ons in our city officials-the “entitled” ones that use their positions for personal $$$ gain, getting jobs for fat Cousin Eddie, or wreaking havoc on percieved enemies-Evansville NEEDS officials who do their jobs, are qualified to do those jobs, and behave honorably-as though they are proud of the trust we’ve placed in them.
    I am glad Mr. Lindsey’s 26 year career wasn’t ruined, but a few people got much smaller, in my eyes.

    • You know you really need to grow up yourself and get past all your little nitpicky mother hen self-righteousness. If your parents named you Missy at birth, your name is Missy when you’re 40 or 50. Come to think of it, what kind of silly nickname is bootsie anyway? And guess what, all those people found their way home without anyone getting killed or maimed, so why don’t you find a life outside of handing down junior high judgments on other folks who most likely could care less how they’re perceived in your eyes.

  5. You’re quite correct-I’m nobody, thus I am subject to follow the law, unlike entitled city officials with a family history of dirty dealing, and entitlement. You don’t see Bootsie on big, homely signs, or as a professional name anywhere, do you?
    And I don’t get the taxpayer to pay for 24 hr police guard when I show my “concern” for the public five days after the event by using my position to grudge fight with another public official. There are people who are true victims of crimes who don’t get police protection.
    Nitpicky mother hen righteousness? Those people were drunk, I’m curious as to how they got from point A to point B, and where were the police then? Maybe YOU’re another one of the precious few who can get away with breaking the law-and those people SHOULD care how people see them when they’re voting for them, trusting them to handle millions of dollars of the PUBLIC’S money-I’m nobody, but I expect honorable behavior, not fishwife screeching and tantrums.

    • I would like to know why Missy rates an overnight police guard sitting in her driveway the last couple of nights. Is she really that afraid of Al Lindsay?

      • I want to know why comments are no longer allowed on the 4/12 Is It True? People are critical and comments are shut down? I’m in total agreement with others that feel that campaigning for donations to Lindsey’s defense fund was totally inappropriate. Also, the 1st paragraph has two blatant typos. Does anyone proof-read?”

  6. Found guilty on both charges, paid two months leave, one month off without
    pay, net gain one month paid.vacation. Now you want to pay his legal bills.
    Not bad

    • Well, there’s the funding of Misty’s campaign to think of, Jack. I mean her current whispering campaign, trying to slander Laura, will only carry weight with a few of the committemen who lap up the gossip. Those glossy headshots in the CCO page margins might buy a few more votes, but they cost money.

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