IS IT TRUE April 1, 2014


Mole #??
Mole #??

IS IT TRUE the saga of the vanishing advertisers has completely abated yesterday as no more inquiries for cancellation were received from anyone?…there is even some back peddling going on with some of the advertisers who had made such inquiries last week right after the Republican Central Committee adjourned it’s emergency meeting?…on top of that there have been enough inquiries for new ads to make up for any losses that may or may not occur due to the follies of last Thursday?…as our avatar indicated yesterday we at the CCO shall “Keep Calm and Rage Against the Machine”?…the machine in Evansville may hide within the blue teams and red teams but the reality is that “the machine” is comprised of both and we continue to smoke them out at every opportunity?

IS IT TRUE the whispers among the few supporters of the alleged political boycott are spinning a message that Marsha Abell’s speech was taken out of context?…given the utter idiocy of what was said we must say that we hope that is true as Marsha has been in an elected position for many years and should know better?…that we along with others have carefully reviewed the recording of Commissioner Abell’s speech to the Vanderburgh Federated Republican Women last week and there is no hiding from the words she chose regarding “high tech computer people not producing one dime” and “retired people take more than the put in”?…these statements were clearly the two strongest bullet points in her pitch and there is no hiding from the recorded word?…the CCO formally offers our publication to Commissioner Abell to publish a statement on what she really meant to say if she indeed was taken out of context and will publish her position paper on technology jobs, retirees, and anything else she wishes to contribute without edit, opinion, or bias?

IS IT TRUE that the downtown convention hotel has gotten another stumbling block thrown in its path and this time it came from Dunn Hospitality that filed a complaint with the Hilton organization regarding their sale of a competing franchise into the Evansville market only a short time after their Hilton Garden Inn was opened?…depending on the terms of the franchise agreement that Dunn Hospitality has with Hilton this may or may not have legs to stand on?…with some franchises a franchisee is sold a “location” and subject to another exact franchise opening across the street?…with others a franchisee is sold a territory, and with others the terms are more complicated?…we will keep an eye on this as it plays out and are curious as to what the response from Hilton may be?…in spite of that it does not yet look like construction has begun and there is no news of any permits being approved?…it has also not been disclosed exactly where and what the terms of the HCW financing are?

IS IT TRUE Mayor Winnecke and City Controller Russ Lloyd have taken the bull by the horns and made recommendations to the City Council on what should be done to reign the City Budget in by the $2 Million shortfall in tax collections that was magically discovered just a few weeks ago?…the EPD will not be cashing out accumulated comp time, the METS gas budget was cut, and a few other “non-essential” things are being tapped for cuts?…one bright spot in the revenue stream is apparently the city cemeteries that have supposedly brought in more than they were expected to?…the reward the dilapidated cemeteries are getting is that their surplus is being taken and the work needed to be done on them will be delayed again?…the cemeteries are now a profit center even when the perpetual care sold to their customers is falling well short of contractual obligations?

IS IT TRUE last night’s City Council meeting came and went without so much as a word from any elected official about rescinding the loan approved under duress to Earthcare Energy LLC?…our City Council must have bought into the senseless assertions floating around the Civic Center that IU may not put the med school in downtown Evansville if they do the right thing and rescind this loan approval?…politics is often way more about manipulation and perception than it is about substance and the failure to rescind this loan was simply cowering in the face of a mindless threat to blame?…in two weeks there will be another meeting of the city council and the IU decision will have been announced?…if the City Council fails to address this issue on April 14, 2014 we can all assume that they are as supportive of handing Earthcare $4.8 Million as Mayor Winnecke and Debbie Dewey are?…this debacle makes Commissioner Abell’s speech seem like progressive rocket science?


  1. Disappointing to watch the City Council become a shill for Vectren at last night’s meeting. Thought SBR was going to remove her bloomers for the handsome Carl Chapman.

      • You ought to hang around for awhile,this place gets kinda interesting. However I’ve found your craft to be kinda archaic,you need a more constant heavy element conversion in the old phase drive your emerging planet uses.
        That won’t offer any cloaking either. Back when we tried that on “your planet” your inept experiment with the conversion generators ,screwed us the cosmic hell up!
        Heck we made some creator cursing planet shaking booms when we attempted a atmospheric entry phase shift. Damn,it! So much for cloaking or stealth. We’ve since fixed that,as they say here,”forward.”
        BTW stay the hell away form the roid with the damned rings,that effective elemental mass is ours! We’ll get nasty with’ya if you screw around with it…

    • This is a REALLY offensive comment. Do you say the same thing when a presentation is made to the Council by an attractive woman?

      • You bet I would !

        However, haven’t seen any of those stepping up to the podium (attractive women).

        Also, I was joking about Carl Chapman. Not exactly Playgirl material.

    • I saw it too . . . Chapman must have used the phrase ” a safe and reliable system” about 15 times ! It sounds like the Indianapolis and recent NYC gas explosions give these kind of people “cover”.

      What Chapman failed to mention was his $ 3,000,000 annual salary (plus a squadron of Lieutenants making > $ 1,000,000 a year). Could Chapman get us a “safe and reliable system” for $ 750,000 a year ? Could his Lieutenants “get R done” for $ 300,000 a year ?

      Honestly, if you add up the bloated salaries of this monopoly, it amounts to a bunch of f-ing money !!

  2. I guess I’ll have to subscribe to the C&P again. The CCO’s practice of making every article an editorial has grown thin, at best.

    And it’s the same liberal trolls, so, at least I’ll have access to local sports the C&P cares to report on and the obits.

    • That’s you’re choice.

      The CCO prints what is important to them and issues they consider important to those citizens in the county. If the finances of the CCO are being threatened by politics I’d say that’s a pretty important thing and I don’t mind the CCO making it an issue over a course of time.

      To say its the same liberal trolls is a category you have placed many here and unjustifiably, and one I do not occupy.

      • Thanks dveatch. I think our readers comments are fairly balanced with right, left, and most everything in between. Of course the comments from the extremes are the most animated comments to read.

        • You guys and your sustainable balance with the resounding “thunk” on the heavy side, cost negative projects, as seen from afar.

          Earthcare,well,say no more,geez. (-$$$,$$$$,so far)

          Hotel site,go ahead build it over a lousy environmental foot print,without the projected clean up costs. Add that to the already shot infrastructure in your downtown,However, continue to toss all the infrastructures cost improvements onto the citizen who still strives too thrive there,as usual.(-$,???????????)

          Heck if I were Dunn Hospitality I’d be setting the hotel availabilities infrastructure forward someplace really close to the West Franklin street approach right there,like where the old Mead terminal overlooks the Ohio. Meah, killer site shorter pathway to all needed infrastructure balances,as well (+$)

          Project a IU medical complex set for the century we’re moving in now, on that junked environmental infrastructure,as well. (——$$$$$??????)
          That belongs on the metros true future transportation gateway,and you know it. If not for anything else,cost effective student access and localized first impressions as seen from outside looking in,especially regional commerce growth applications.

          Build for Climate Change environment’s forward (-$+$)

          Actually improve your downtown with some positive social economic purpose so its revenues can support the needed improvements to its dilapidated properties and the infrastructure needed to move it with some elevation forward,you don’t have the right plan fellas,we, can help with that! —$+++++$$$$$$$$$$$!

          Develop your regional throughput focus to actual commerce corridors as seen from usage and locations forward. (Gateways)$+$$$.

          Last nights City council meeting Vectren’s presentation was OK by Us,you must improve and maintain the infrastructure forward,how that’s done should be cost effective,for the providers as well as the consumers infrastructure jobs are good jobs. So,we’ll give it an pass for now.

          Taking up the whole meeting for that presentation and then adjourning the thing straight outta the box afterwards.
          Weak. Won’t work anymore. People know.

        • When will CCO start publishing obituaries so we no longer have ANY reason to access C&P?

          • I don’t get the fascination people have with obituaries. Yes I understand the reasons; to see if some umpteenth distant relative kicked the bucket or some long lost friend. But really that’s a major criteria?

            Their presence or absence never been a remote consideration why I frequent any “news” outlet.

          • dveach: It is called paying respect. Just because I haven’t seen someone I was once close to doesn’t mean I want their death or grief for a loved one to pass w/o paying my respect.

    • ….

      DISAFFECTED…that’s great!

      Get this trash out of here.

      This guy thinks everyone is a liberal unless they agree with his warped senses.

      (I had fun writing that.)

  3. “IS IT TRUE last night’s City Council meeting came and went without so much as a word from any elected official about rescinding the loan approved under duress to Earthcare Energy LLC?…” (CCO)

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    YES, it is true. Not a single member of the 9 members on the city council offered an amendment to rescind the Earthcare Energy loan.

    ” we at the CCO shall “Keep Calm and Rage Against the Machine”?…the machine in Evansville may hide within the blue teams and red teams but the reality is that “the machine” is comprised of both and we continue to smoke them out at every opportunity?” (CCO)

    The teams are more than just a little lopsided on the city council, 8 democrats to 1 republican. So where is that one city council member with the backbone to call this Earthcare deal out for what it really is? Who brought Kenneth Haney to Evansville in the first place. Ben Kunkel has already stated that he is not receiving any lease money from Earthcare. So where is the problem with closing the door on this farce?


    • Good question indeed. So IIT this Earthcare fiasco is nothing more than the eight Democrats you mentioned on the council their way to discredit the one Republican?

      • The one Republican on council is the most calm and sane person there. If the eight blue bellies on the council are trying to discredit anyone it is each other and that RINO we refer to as Mayor. McGinn hovers well above the blue belly milk shake that makes up the balance of this city council.

  4. The democrat versus republican arguments are a distraction from the real problem facing Evansville.

    That problem is how to get intelligent people with a sound moral base and an understanding of what constitutes ethical behavior in office, to run for office.

    Nowadays it is all to easy for anyone with financial backing to go to a one-stop shopping agency, where they are set up with all the bells and whistles they need to make their assult on the office. Website complete with credit card donation capability, Facebook account complete with rent a mob friends to look as if everyone just dotes on your every word, marketing information for your ad dollars, endorsements from people who do not know a thing about you and who you will never meet.

    There are all sorts of agencies out there just waiting to take your money in an effort to put you in office, and they could not care less what type of person you are, or what motivates you. By the time they have finished assaulting the senses of the low-information voters, you will look like the Second Coming to them.

    All this technoglitter does not seem to have helped, thus far, in electing better candidates to office.


    • “That problem is how to get intelligent people with a sound moral base and an understanding of what constitutes ethical behavior in office, to run for office.”


      The only viable solution is mandatory term limits for every public office….”one and done for life” , no more career politicians, no more ol’ boys club, no more cronyism, if you want to be overly generous give em’ “two and done for life” on the federal level.

      But it will never happen….. 😉


      • No to mention how quickly you would run out of potential candidates. Nevertheless I like the idea.

        • Possibly, but it would put the offices back in the hands of the people, and basically work the way it was intended, you serve your time, then someone else gets their turn, lots of different opinions, thoughts, and ideas, little political influence…of course there are offices that do require some form of education or experience (or at least should) to hold which would have to draw from a limited pool of eligible candidates.

          We don’t have a lack of intelligent people willing to serve, we have many many people who are turned-off by the political process created by career politicians who want to remain in power as long as possible, the type of people we need think politics is a slimy, dirty business which it is because of career politicians.

          Just look at our local area there are lots of folks willing but people like Mr Parke try their best to discourage them at every turn, or use them for fodder against a candidate they want to support clandestinely.


          • No disagreement there. It was the same approach and thinking the founding fathers had; it wasn’t meant to be a career.

  5. Yesterday evening VECTREN had their mouthpiece in front of the Evansville City Council doing some cheer leading for his company.

    I must say his timing was excellent, here just a couple of weeks before the IURC meets in Evansville, for a change, to discuss VECTREN’s gas rates.

    Here is what is really going on with natural gas nowadays.

    FRACKING. That is what is going on, and it is producing a glut of natural gas, which will tend, or at least should tend to lower cost to the end user.

    Couple that with the fact that the high efficiency equipment that goes in new construction and remodeled homes and businesses, and you can see that consumption of BTUs is on a downward path.

    So how do you keep revenue coming in the front door in such circumstances if you are a gas utility.

    Well you could lobby government to allow you to annually “upgrade” an agreed upon percentage of your underground plant, based on age and not need, and to be allowed to pass that cost on to the consumer. Did that.

    Well you could purchase a company that does the type of work that the IURC has agreed to allow you to perform annually. Did that.

    Well you could use that pipeline company very handily, since there is no one looking over your shoulder to see how long it takes you to do a rehab job (hours billed), or how much equipment was used (as opposed to how much was actually needed), and I think you get the picture here on how one might use the regulated side of the house to drive profits for the non regulated side.

    Just a little something for people to contemplate here, two weeks before the IURC hearing at 6:pm on April 14, 2014 at the Civic Center.


  6. Has anyone heard from Cooke on the cemeteries being used as a budget prop ? Of course not. Looks like we just got our answer as to why no moves were made last month following the completely inappropriate facebook comments.

      • Question if someone knows, The period 1997-2007, was that before that genius urban renewal plan for the orb center was conceived and cronied up downtown, or after?

        When did that actually get flung at the wall as a concept?

        Ah, never mind. council approved it in 08,looks to be a mistake today considering the mandate costing issues now incurred by the public S/W customers there.

    • You might be on to something. There’s no excuse for what just happened. The next time these people yell and groan about funds going towards cleaning up what should have been cleaned up decades ago, just remind them where these funds came from.

  7. Word up to the Indiana Secretary of State: Be ready for this one.

    * * * * * * * *


    LA MESA, Calif. – A local couple called 10News concerned after they received an envelope from the state’s Obamacare website, Covered California. Inside was a letter discussing voter registration and a registration card pre-marked with an “x” in the box next to Democratic Party.

    The couple – who did not want their identity revealed – received the letter and voter registration card from their health insurance provider Covered California, the state-run agency that implements President Obama’s Affordable Care Act.

    They have lived in La Mesa for years and they have always been registered to vote Republican. Now, they are perplexed as to how the voter registration card pre-marked Democrat ended up in their mailbox.

    “I’m an old guy and I never would have noticed it, except I have an accountant that notices every dot and dash on a piece of paper as a wife,” said the man who received the mailer.

    Covered California began mailing out voter signup cards to nearly 4 million enrollees last week after being threatened with a lawsuit by voting rights groups. But that does not explain the pre-filled out voter registration card.

    “It’s a waste of money because there’s an awful lot of people who are going to get this that are already registered and they don’t need to. I can see that, but I can’t see putting x on the form before it’s given to me in a little bitty box that nobody’s really going to notice,” said the recipient of the mailer.

    10News shared what was sent with Covered California.

    Spokeswoman Anne Gonzales stated, “We are mailing voter registration material. However, the application forms come directly from the Secretary of State’s office, with no fields pre-marked. The individual should contact the Secretary of State, which takes these violations of election law extremely seriously, and they will investigate, using the unique serial number.”

    The couple says they did reach out to the Secretary of State’s office and could not get a hold of anyone. They also say they reached out to the San Diego County Registrar of Voters, which told them to contact Covered California.

    Copyright 2013 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

    • I rather doubt that this is the work of a Democrat organization. It’s probably a fraud scheme to get some people’s personal information, or else it is an out-and-out lie. No legitimate political organization would do something so stupid, but thieves or liars might.

      • Besides, California runs non-partisan primaries. The top two vote-getters, even if they are of the same party, go to the general election ballot. It doesn’t matter which party is named on a voter registration. Who the person votes for is the only pertinent thing.
        It’s usually best not to believe everything you read, Press. This reeks of BS!

        • It might be bullshit or it might not be, dunno at this point. But I do know how the media has a very hard time investigating Democratic activity in relation to Republicans. So we may never know if it was real or Memorex.

          It would be useful to know who stuffs envelopes for Covered California. That would be a good place to start and the next question; Do they, Covered California need to be involved with sending people voter registration forms. I would have to say no, their function and purpose is to deal with health. Voting does not fall in that realm.

          If you go here; and at the 40 second mark; it is obvious the mark was done by hand. Who’s hand is at this time unknown.

      • It surely must be either a lie or a fraud perpetrated upon the American citizen. Forget things such as the IRS scandal, Benghazi, Fast & Furious, Obamacare(yes, you can keep your plan/doctor)Legitimate political organization? Thieves or liars? Must be a fraud scheme……..LKB I definitely have respect for you, but your explanation is very weak on this topic.

        • The fact that CA has non-partisan primaries, makes me doubt that people are registered as members of either party. Here in IN, it is not possible to register as a member of a party, only as a citizen, and I believe that is the case in CA, also. Here, we do “declare” a party at the polls when we vote in a primary, but in CA, you can’t do that either, as there is only one ballot.

        • The “complaintant’s” story makes no sense, so why couldn’t this be some sort of “phishing” by mail?

          • That story smells strongly of BS veatch. Not surprising coming from you. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if a conservative shell company sent the mail out to stir up trouble, if it even was sent at all. There have been plenty of lies about obamacare from the right wing that have been exposed already.

        • @ Joe:
          Thanks for the info. I’d wondered how that worked. It’s odd that they offer a party affiliation question, but there’s no explaining such matters.

          • As I recall in Indiana you became affiliated with a party by voting in a primary. In places that have a population balance that may make sense but in areas that are dominated by a single party where the primaries are essentially the election it does not. I like the idea of parties being obsolete. For the last several years on both a local level when I lived in Indiana and especially on a national level partisan shenanigans really seem to be counterproductive.

  8. ‘…it has also not been disclosed exactly where and what the terms of the HCW financing are?’ ~~ CCO Article

    Well, it’s surely in place. Much as the lenders themselves were in place to be duly pointed out at the ‘groundbreaking’. I wrote that oddity off to the administration knowing how little they are trusted and proceeding to underscore it by resorting to the Big Point Out.

    The hotel debacle is now little more than a clown act. If it can be maintained until November, and it can––these are pros, maybe the Shrine can lure those Funsters to center ring to perform.

    Citizen Dunn’s complaint to Hilton is the first tangible indication I’ve seen that at least enough funding has been cobbled together to get started.

  9. “it has also not been disclosed exactly where and what the terms of the HCW financing are?”

    Hasn’t the deadline for HCW to “show us the money” passed?

    • Just curious: does HCW have a contractual obligation to the citizens to disclose the terms of their financing?

      • They had until yesterday to furnish proof of financing. I’m not sure if the details have to be disclosed publicly, but I don’t believe they met the deadline on furnishing proof of financing. Maybe they did, but the Mayor should announce that the requirement is met, if it is.

  10. ‘…it has also not been disclosed exactly where and what the terms of the HCW financing are?’ ~~ CCO Article

    Well, it’s surely in place. Much as the lenders themselves were in place to be duly pointed out at the ‘groundbreaking’. I wrote that oddity off to the administration knowing how little they are trusted and proceeding to underscore it by resorting to the Big Point Out.

    The hotel debacle is now little more than a clown act. If it can be maintained until November, and it can — these are pros, maybe the Shrine can lure those Funsters to center ring to honk their little horns.

    Citizen Dunn’s complaint to Hilton is the first tangible indication I’ve seen that at least enough funding has been cobbled together to get started.

          • “We” did not make that decision, it was those making that choice to do meth. It really is that simple.

            It can be claimed they were poor, had no job, little education or dropped out and a laundry list of excuses. Trouble is, there are many many people in those same situations and stay out of the drug scene; so it is still a choice and probably would not matter if there was no such thing as meth; they would have chosen another drug.

          • did anyone stop and think that the reason Indiana is no.1 in meth busts is because we have the best law enforcement………no….it must be sad to be a lonely malcontent………….good job to all Indiana law enforcement………………..

        • Damn, no wonder you got all those pot holes! My Surface vibration harmonic sensors,are no more!

          No wonder the data was skewed. We thought the local kids might have been throwing ally apples at traffic,ah,ha,now the conditional is clear.

      • We observed that the other day,it was the Charleston WV location that caught my glace,then went on to see old Willard library in the pic for your town at #10,told the person with me dang,that’s one of the nicer things about that community. Added if they ever get the politics straitened out in that county metro it might have a chance,its certainly got the population that needs the improvement,however its not really been a bright site retention area for many years.
        Just to much confusion of real aspect community focus,and that clouds up its means,as you have seen for our testing model there the municipal utility infrastructure is horrible,and the logistical commerce throughput might get to pre-1940s in its effectiveness.

        Charleston WV is squarely in the middle of chemical valley as we found out this winter,attractive,not so much.

        Worn out it is,Jedi.

  11. If we keep garnering these Meth Oscars we should consider installing a giant hamster wheel down by the riverfront. Any wattage the offenders generate in excess of what it costs to light the taverns goes to the poor.

  12. If Marsha Abell loses her re-election bid it will be because of the local GOP Chairman Wayne Parke. He killed Marsha’s re-election bid by running his big fat stupid mouth.


  13. So proud of my president today but even more proud and appreciative of all the workers who worked tirelessly to bring health insurance to 20 MILLION Americans.

    Private exchange plans 7M
    Medicaid Expansion 6M
    Sub 26er’s 3M
    Off Exchange plans 9M
    Net cancelled and
    previously insured (5M)



    All numbers were compiled from data supplied by each state insurance commissioner or third parties. Direct or off exchange number supplied by the Rand corporation.

    • I guess those community organizers know a thing or two about how to get people motivated and involved.

      The other side only knows how to spread FUD, fear uncertainty and doubt via propaganda.

      • Krauthammer and the other pundits are firing up the spin machine as we speak.

        • The tide has turned, Cavuto did a MAJOR backpedal today claiming they were never against the pre-exesting condition.

          AAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA! Suuuuuuuuuuuure.

          Fact is the mandate and the pre-existing condition are tied at the hip. You can’t have one without the other, otherwise people will only buy insurance after they get sick.

          I have never seen a whole political party so invested in failure in all of American history.


          Approval for Obama care has jumped 10 pts in the LAST TWO WEEKS.

          • The rise was in a single poll. The reality of the approval will be known in a month when the euphoria of some and the agony of others has come back to earth.

            RCP Average 2/27 – 3/30 — 39.4 51.6 Against/Oppose +12.2
            ABC News/Wash Post 3/26 – 3/30 RV 48 50 Against/Oppose +2
            FOX News 3/23 – 3/25 1015 RV 40 56 Against/Oppose +16
            Associated Press/GfK 3/20 – 3/24 1012 A 26 43 Against/Oppose +17
            Rasmussen Reports* 3/22 – 3/23 1000 LV 42 54 Against/Oppose +12
            CBS News 3/20 – 3/23 1097 A 41 53 Against/Oppose +12
            GWU/Battleground 3/16 – 3/20 1000 LV 43 53 Against/Oppose +10
            Pew Research 2/27 – 3/16 3335 A 41 53 Against/Oppose +12
            CNN/Opinion Research 3/7 – 3/9 801 A 39 57 Against/Oppose +18
            PPP (D) 3/6 – 3/9 1152 RV 39 48 Against/Oppose +9
            NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 3/5 – 3/9 1000 A 35 49 Against/Oppose +14

            The previous ABC poll was actually at minus 1 so going to minus 2 is not advancing approval
            ABC News/Wash Post 1/20 – 1/23 RV 47 48 Against/Oppose +1

        • He’s having a complete meltdown on O’Reilly tonight. LMAO!

          War tides go out health care tides come in Uninsured people want health care!!????

          “you can’t explain that”

    • Actually I have been in contact with our old pal Brains. I do not believe anything coming from either camp right now. Both have a history of lies when it comes to ACA. When the mosh pit fever has dissipated we will try to start again on reporting things that have a sound of credibility and relevance. That may well be a couple of months.

      • True. We won’t know what is completely behind door #1 for a few months.

        How many will pay, how many were previously insured, what will the demographics be?
        These are all legitimate questions.

        However, the sampling we have from a few of the state keep track of this stuff points in the direction of a victory for the ACA.

      • Come on, I guarantee if they missed their projection it would be front page news on your web site today.

        • You know, I am not sure if they made their number or not. Neither are they when it comes to paid customers. It does seem to be close on either side of the 7 Million imaginary target. Hope we know in a couple of months for certain. You are right that if it was a widely acknowledge miss by say 50% or so we would have put it in IIT. If it came up as a verified number in the 10 Million plus range we would have to eat some crow. The reality is it is close and either the administration really doesn’t know as they say, or they do and they aren’t talking.

          • 7.1M is just what has been reported so far.

            We still have to hear from 14 state insurance commissioners plus DC.

            Then there is the applications in the pipeline that weren’t completed but they have the chance to finish by 04/15. CA alone has 400,000 of those.

            Of course then we’ll will have to subtract out those that don’t pay, but the industry average unpaid ratio is about 1.5% the exchanges will probably be higher than that but nowhere near the current 15%, we’ll will get it down to about 5% I would say.

            Then their are the direct/off exchange enrollments of 9M baby. Let’s be super conservative and say only 30% of those were previously insured, that’s another 2.7 Million new enrollees. Yeah baby!!!

            Cue Stevie

            ♪ Here I am baby, signed, sealed, delivered I’m yours ♫

      • If 20 million had been signed up the President and the networks would have had a field day.

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