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“IS IT TRUE” JULY 26, 2023

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IS IT TRUE that it is now common knowledge that the CEO of the Chamber of Commerce of Southwestern Indiana is retiring at the end of 2023?…that Ms. Barney has done the heavy lifting during her time in office to consolidate all of the economic development entities in the Innovation Pointe Building at 318 Main Street under a single umbrella organization? …the immediate past CEO of the Chamber of Commerce of Southwest Indiana left for a better position in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and has left that position for an even larger and better position in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma? …that her predecessor also left Evansville for a better position in Waco, Texas after a long term as CEO of the Chamber of Commerce of Southwest Indiana?
IS IT TRUE that the Chamber of Commerce of Southwest Indiana has always been very careful not to hire any CEO that is highly political in any way?…the Board of Directors of the Chamber Of Commerce has also been diligent about bringing people in from outside of Evansville who brought new ideas and a fresh face to the Tri-State?…this is typically the practice across the nation as Chambers of Commerce are advocates for business and that means getting into the face of governments at all levels when they instinctively do things from a tax and regulation perspective that hurt business?  …that we have been told that several members of the local Chamber Of Commerce are pleased to hear that the leadership of the Chamber of Commerce of Southwest Indiana has announced that they will conduct a national search for Ms. Barney’s replacement?
IS IT TRUE that we are told that Mayor Winnecke will be featured in some made-for-television political advertisements on behalf of the candidates he’s hoping to replace him as Mayor of Evansville?…it will be very interesting to see how Mayor Winnecke’s hand-picked candidate will defend some of the things attributed to his political missteps during the last 12 years?
IS IT TRUE that the Honorable Vanderburgh County Superior Court Judge Les Shively has proven to be an outstanding judge and public servant? … he is extremely smart, outgoing, and likable?
IS IT TRUE that over the years the City-County Observer has studied and published articles that examine the economic expectations and realities of proposed capital projects within Vanderburgh County proper? …our conclusion is that a lack of planning and bait-and-switch backroom political deals by politicians has created an unavoidable last-minute quagmire that leaves our county in the unenviable position of needing to provide significant incentives to secure a binding and enforceable agreement to entice a developer to build profitable projects?
IS IT TRUE that Vanderburgh County Commissioners President Cheryl Musgrave (R) and Commissioner Ben Shoulders (D) have been working together in a positive manner during the past 7 years and have accomplished many positive things for the taxpayers of Vanderburgh County?  …that newly elected County Commissioner Justin Elpers is also doing a fine job and is working well with the other two County Commissioners?
IS IT TRUE we are told that the avoidance of being held accountable for bad decisions sometimes causes politicians to decide not to run for re-election? …for a few politicians, the intoxicating elixir of power is too great to resist even if the lash of accountability is coming unless, of course, they need the small stipend of service to make ends meet?
IS IT TRUE that we wonder why liberal judges who say we don’t need to stand up when the Nation Anthem is played expect us to stand up when he enters the room? …we wonder what would happen when a liberal Judge enters the courtroom if everyone would go down on their knees?
IS IT TRUE that downtown Evansville for the first time in many years has fewer buildings with “available” signs in the windows? …growth has been a long time coming to Downtown Evansville and many millions of taxpayer dollars have been used to incentivize this growth spurt but the jury is still out on whether or not this really sticks this time or not?
FOOTNOTE: Please take time and read our articles entitled “STATEHOUSE FILES, LAW ENFORCEMENT, WEDDINGS, BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS”.  You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO daily.  If you would like to advertise on the CCO please contact us City-County Observer@live.com.