mccurdy_10IS IT TRUE it has now been approximately 2,000 days since a smiling former Mayor announced to the people of Evansville that he had made a deal to get the McCurdy Hotel refurbished into 90 luxury apartments?…despite this premature announcement of a half baked project after 2,000 days the McCurdy looks like the Wreck of the Hesperus with broken windows and graffiti dominating its former imposing but now rotting shell?…many of our readers are beginning to believe that the McCurdy Hotel is destined for the wrecking ball because of neglect?


  1. Really.

    How many times have the Kumkel Group announced that construction to renovate this Historical Hotel shall begin immediately? What is the Mayor and his city controlled DMD Department going to do to force Kunkel to start renovating the McCurdy?

  2. It is true.

    So the party faithful will now grovel before Jonathan Failzapfel, begging him to run for Congress, so that he can lie and squander money on a national scale.

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