    We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?
    City-County Observer Comment Policy. Be kind to people. No personal attacks or harassment will be tolerated and will be removed from our site.”
    We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language, insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.
    IS IT TRUE that there is no greater ambassador of goodwill than a homegrown non-partisan community newspaper?  …that local newspapers can serve as a “Community Watchdog” by sounding the alarm when the citizen’s rights are being violated? …we realize that a community can have no greater ambassador of goodwill than one that keeps its citizens informed about their accomplishments, and triumphs?
    IS IT TRUE that for many years this column has served the City of Evansville and Vanderburgh County as the place to go to learn things that are going on in local government that other media is reluctant to cover?…much good has come from things
    posted in “IS IT TRUE” and the comment section has, for the most part, made the City-County Observer the go-to place for open constructive dialog?
    IS IT TRUE that for many years the City-County Observer has addressed the gap in the value of buildings in downtown Evansville and the cost to refurbish or establish new office space?…the building that the CCO has treated as the poster child for never having a chance at being refurbished is the former Old National Bank building at 420 Main Street?…after many years of irrational hope for a white knight to come along and squander $25 million to bring the old building up to modern standards, the realization of value has finally happened?…that almost two years ago the ONB 420 building was demolished to make a place for a new but smaller development? …the lot that once housed the 420 Bank Building is currently vacant and unsightly and is being used for storage of City Of Evansville water and sewer construction materials? …that dreams die hard and delusions die harder?
    IS IT TRUE that it has been rumored that a city-created downtown organization recently announced they are going to spearhead an effort to install multi-color track lighting underneath several highway overpasses welcoming people to Evansville?  … that is also rumored that this worthy community beautification project may now have to be aborted because the money for this project is needed (several hundred of thousands of dollars) to make expensive repairs on the elevators located at Invocation Point (home office of EREP)?  …that we hope that this is just a rumor and the beautification lighting project can proceed as planned?
    IS IT TRUE that the citizens of Evansville hope that Mayor Stephanie Terry will figure out a creative way to pay down Evansville’s current one (1) billion dollars plus bond indebtedness?
    IS IT TRUE that the taxpayers are hoping that Mayor Stephanie Terry will give them an honest financial assessment on how Evansville will pay the originally projected $400 million cost to build a new Sewer Treatment Plant on the banks of the mighty Ohio?
    IS IT TRUE that a miracle just happened at the EVANSVILLE  WATER AND SEWER Board meeting today?  …that the CEO OF THE EVANSVILLE WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY announced that the new SEWER TREATMENT PLANT has been reduced to $265 million dollars?    …that the originally projected cost of building a new Sewer Treatment Plant on the banks of the mighty Ohio was $400 million dollars?
    IS IT TRUE that we feel that the citizens of Evansville know that Mayor Stephanie Terry understands that she is employed by the taxpayers and not the other way around?
    IS IT TRUE that we are told that many local taxpayers hope that Mayor Stephanie Terry will be involved in the future planning of the proposed EREP multi-million dollar riverfront project?
    IS IT TRUE that for over 20 years the EPA has allowed the City of Evansville to pussyfoot around with the serious lead contamination issues in Jacobsville and also several other economic disadvantage areas of Evansville?…the real tragedy is that lead poisoning can be treated, but any damage caused by contaminated lead cannot be reversed?
    IS IT TRUE that we find it intriguing when a career politician masterfully tries to convince the economic disadvantage that they understand and feel their despair, grief, and economic plight?  …that the career politician also tries to convince the economic downtrodden that he understands how personal suffering is caused by wage disparities while he enjoys extensive social and financial perks for being a long-term elected public official?

    IS IT TRUE that we strongly recommend that individuals, families, businesses, and schools be extra cautious about hosting or attending any large gatherings indoors this coming Holidays?  …we urge you to please remember that the COVID-19 virus is making a quiet comeback and could be extremely dangerous if you’re a senior citizen that has serious underlying health issues?

    IS IT TRUE that Kalah Hirsch, Records Specialist, and Asst. IDACS Coordinator for the Evansville Police Department is doing a credible job in providing us with the daily EPD Activity Report in a timely manner.
    IS IT TRUE that the good folks at local TV Channel 14 are providing the masses with up-to-date and accurate local news, weather, and sports?  …that we also wish our good friends at TV Channel 14 a Happy 70th Anniversary?
    IS IT TRUE we ask our “Prayer Warriors” to continue to pray for our good friend, city councilman, and community leader Ron Beane who is receiving treatment for cancer?
    If you would like to advertise in the CCO please contact us City-County Observer@live.com.

    You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO online daily at zero costs.

    If you would like to advertise in the CCO please contact us City-County Observer@live.com.


    1. Its not uncommon for a Republican to leave the Dem victor a mound of debt. Reagan did it to Clinton. W Bush did it to OBama. Trump did it to Biden. So Mayor Terry, welcome to the “mound”. Its clear who are the “big spenders”.

    2. Yes indeed, the “mound” is real. No one is ever held accountable, just accepted and seemingly welcomed official misconduct. Time to turn the page. I hope Mayor Elect Terry will hold those who are responsible for this misconduct accountable. Outside, independent forensic audit is needed

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