IS IT TRUE MAY 3, 2019


We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way.

IS IT TRUE this week the Vanderburgh County Commissioners approved the largest road pavement projects in the last 15 years?…that this road paving repair projects will cover 35 miles of local roads and affect 45 roads?… this $5 million dollars road project is historic for Vanderburgh County?

IS IT TRUE the Vanderburgh County Commissioners voted unanimously (3-0) to renew the current healthcare policy for six months with Anthem, with a 5% percent increase? … during the meeting Commissioner Musgrave made a motion for the County to absorb 10% of the Health Care costs that normally are paid by the county employees?…that County Auditor, Brian Gerth, then stated this was not possible without permission by the County Council and would not then give the County time for open enrollment and proper implementation?
IS IT TRUE that the Employee Healthcare Committee member, Susan Taylor, spoke and praised County Commissioner Ben Shoulders for forming the “County Employees Healthcare Study Committee?” …she also praised all the Commissioners for practicing transparency by allowing the current county employees to have a voice in the selection of their future health care package?
IS IT TRUE last year we predicted that starting on January 1, 2019, the Vanderburgh County Commissioners will become a non-partisan group of like-minded individuals that will begin to make a well thought out decision based on “Good Public Policy”?  …it looks like our prediction was correct?
IS IT TRUE we would like to thank Vanderburgh Chief Deputy County Prosecuting Attorney Gary Schutte for doing one heck of a job for the citizens of Vanderburgh County?  …Vanderburgh County Prosecuting Attorney Nick Hermann should be very thankful that Mr. Schutte is around to watch his blind side?
IS IT TRUE that a CCO staff member went to “AMY’S ON FRANKLIN” last night and was impressed by the incredible cuisine, service, and atmosphere?  …also it was extremely affordable? …we predict that “AMY’S ON FRANKLIN” will quickly become one of the area’s favorite places for people to take their family and friends to wine and dine?
IS IT TRUE we are having a hard time finding out what the proposed Evansville Sewage and Treatment facility will actually cost the Evansville taxpayers? …we are also having a hard time finding out where the money is coming from to pay for the new multi-million dollar Evansville Sewage and Treatment plant on Water Works Road?  …it is our prediction that we will have to file a Freedom of Information Request to get this information?
IS IT TRUE that officials at the Evansville Water And Sewer Department Utilities seemly think that they are part of the United States Government by the way they are spending our tax dollars?
IS IT TRUE that we’ve been told by reliable sources that the current owners of Ellis Park (Saratoga Gaming of New York) are currently negotiating with a successful gaming establishment from New Mexico to sell the track to them?  …we are told by several credible sources that an offer to purchase Ellis Park is now on the table?
IS IT TRUE we are told that many patrons of Ellis Park were disappointed that Saratoga Gaming of New York didn’t spend the money to professionally pave and paint the parking lot, install proper exterior security lighting and signage, as well as a first-class exterior digital on-premise sign located next to the highway?
IS IT TRUE we have been told by reliable sources that Ron Geary the owner of the Jacksonville Icemen hockey team just sold his interest to investors for an undisclosed amount of money? …the Iceman played in Evansville for 5 years but were forced to move to Jacksonville, Fla. because of disagreements in the 5-year renewal contract talks?
IS IT TRUE we are told that “E Isn’t For Everyone”?  …all you have to do is ask the deer that are presently hang out at Wesselman Park Reserve?
IS IT TRUE that the newly appointed United States Senator Mike Braun’s Field Representative Steve Hammer is doing one heck of a job?

IS IT TRUE that there are now two Vectren employees currently serving on the USI Board Of Trustees? … it’s obvious that the Governor feels that Vectren Executives have a “patent on brains”?

IS IT TRUE last year we predicted that the era of the Superintendent of EVSC schools always getting his way with the school board members will come to an end starting on January 1 of 2019?  …our prediction was spot on?
FOOTNOTES: Todays “Readers’ Poll” question is: If the election was held today for the Evansville City Council At-Large Republican primary which three candidates would you vote for?
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    • Poor JethroBodine, guess his mamma will not let him out of her basement so he can go get the info PER STATE LAW instead of whining about it daily in hopes of an attaboy. NONE of the above complaints about agendas or meeting video have merit, so abide by Indiana law or STFU

      While I agree that the agenda should have been posted (based on historical actions) online, if you refer to the Indiana Open Door policy there is no requirement for certain governmental agencies to publish their items in advance or online via a website. Unless you have personally asked to inspect the meeting agenda or draft minutes, complaining about the lack on a website means zero

      The Indiana Public Access Counselor has stated that in a number of published advisory opinions to both citizens and governmental units. The Open Door Law does not consider web site publication (for agenda, notice, or minutes) as official notice. A municipality may not rely on internet notice alone to constitute appropriate notice (per Advisory Opinion 14-FC-198)

      In Advisory Opinion 15-FC-211 the Public Access Counselor notes (in regards to access to draft versus final minutes) “It has long been the opinion of public access counselors that draft minutes are disclosable public records: Applying these principles of statutory construction, it is clear that draft or proposed minutes of public meetings are merely summaries of information received, not deliberative material. While there is naturally a concern about accuracy in draft or proposed minutes, there is no provision in the APRA that would make such information nondisclosable. It is always important, however, that the recipient of the information is notified that the draft is subject to change and approval of the appropriate person or governing body. In this way, disclosure is possible, but the concern about someone relying upon the draft or proposed minutes is minimized. Accordingly, it is my opinion that a copy of the Bureau’s unapproved draft minutes is a disclosable public record under the APRA”

      Luke Britt, Public Access Counselor, recently published Advisory Opinion 19-FC-3 in regards to a formal complaint filed in Knox County about violations of the Indiana Open Door Law (ODL) stating: Under the Open Door Law, the governing body of a public agency must give public notice of the date, time, and place of any meetings, executive sessions, or of any rescheduled or reconvened meeting at least 48 hours (excluding weekends and legal holidays) before the meeting as follows:

      The governing body of a public agency shall give public notice by posting a copy of the notice at the principal office of the public agency holding the meeting or, if no such office exists, at the building where the meeting is to be held, per Ind. Code § 5-14-1.5-5(b)(1)

      The notice provisions of the ODL do not require a public agency or governing body to publish notice of a public meeting or executive session in a newspaper. Granted, there are times where a public agency must provide notice of an event by publication, per Ind. Code § 5-3-1 thru 4. Examples of public agencies that are required to publish notice are an Area Plan Commission or Board of Zoning Appeals

      Under the ODL, if the governing body uses an agenda, the agenda must also be posted at the entrance to the meeting location before the meeting. Ind. Code § 5-14-1.5-4(a). The ODL does not, however, specify what agenda items are required. Even so, the statute specifically provides that “a rule, regulation, ordinance, or other final action adopted by reference to agenda item alone is void”

      This Office interprets Indiana Code section 5-14-1.5-4(a) to require those public agencies that regularly use an agenda to post one. In other words, if the Board, during the ordinary course of business, uses an agenda for its meetings, then the ODL requires the Board to post the agenda at the entrance of the meeting

      In a prior Advisory Opinion (14-FC-28) the Public Access Counselor advised: The legislature has crafted Ind. Code § 5-14-1.5-4(a) to require only those agencies regularly utilizing agendas to post one. In fact, if the public agency did not regularly use one, then they would not have to post one at all. Public agencies who post agendas are extending a courtesy to interested parties as to what may or may not be discussed during the open meeting

      Currently the Public Access Counselor has published approximately 20 years of Advisory Opinions online. You may search for subject matter at:

  1. This idea of hunting deer in Wesselman Woods has to be the lowest thing thought of by that group and they’ve had their share of dumb things. I hope there’s a group organized against this.

    • Dumb you are SamIAm.
      You don’t have a clue about how destructive an over-population of deer are to an enclosed eco-system such as Wesselman Woods. Even open systems suchvas Brown County State Park and Harmony State Park in Posey County have had hacoc wrecked upon them by these destructive pests.
      Yes, as the natural predators of deer (wolves and cougars) have disappeared little Bambi has become a major pest.

    • You have no clue. Controlled hunts are necessary as deer in enclosed sanctuaries without predators (e.g., wolves and cougars) become destructive pests and over-populate the sanctuary. Relocating deer is not successful as farmers don’t want these destructive pests near their crops and other wildlife areas are also over-populated with deer. The deer population in Brown County State Park and Harmony State Park in Posey County have created so much havoc on the ecosystem in those parks they almost destroyed those parks.
      Without contolled hunts and proper wildlife management techniques you will see rampant destruction of Wesselman Woods flora and fauna and disease and pestulance

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