IS IT TRUE around 200 City police officers attended a meeting at the FOP headquarters to discuss raising money for a legal defense  fund  for 4 officers that were suspend from duty because of an alleged incident during an arrest?  …a discussion was held about taking a vote of “No Comfiedience” of police Chief Billy Bolin? …this will be discussed at the next FOP meeting ?
IS IT TRUE we congratulate the Holcomb-Crouch team for the stunning upset over John Gregg? …we are extremely pleased that the hard working, dedicated and politically savvy Suzanne Crouch is Lt. Governor of our great State? …we can guarantee that having Mrs. Crouch in that position will insure that this region will get our fair share of State tax dollars for much needed capital projects?
IS IT TRUE 5 years ago we made a prediction because of the way that former Mayor Weinzapfel and his political buddies mistreated Mayoral candidate Rick Davis it shall haunt the Vanderburgh Democratic party for many years to come? …It’s obvious that the current Vanderburgh County Democratic party leadership didn’t  learn a lesson from the political mistakes of the past because they also treated Mayoral candidate Gail Riecken the same way?
IS IT TRUE we are hearing the once proud Democratic Party of Vanderburgh County political coffers may be totally empty? … the party may owe a great deal of money for past office rent and has no money to pay it?
IS IT TRUE because of the resounding defeat of the majority of candidates that ran for County offices on the Democratic ticket?  … this should insured that this will be last term of its party Chairmen?Â
IS IT TRUE the Evansville Thunderbolts record  is a disappointing 0-8? …they are  ranked 10th in a 10 team conference? …their team attendence ranking in their 10 team conference is between 9th or 10th?..we are pleased to hear that VenueWorks may be starting to take over the marketing activities of the Evansville Thunderbolts?  …Venueworks has their work cut out for them because of the Thunderbolt poor attendance records and disappointing won and lost record?  … we hope Venueworks will start reporting the attendance data retrieved from scanned tickets not guesstimates?
IS IT TRUE we want to thank everyone who ran for public office?  …we owe them a debt of gratitude for wanting to serve us in elected office? …it would be  wise for our elected officials to appoint the individuals that were defeated in Tuesdays election to serve on County Boards and Commissions?
IS IT TRUEÂ a causal review of Tuesday voting results are showing that some backroom political trading went on between County Council and County Commissioner candidates?
IS IT TRUEÂ the family roots of Ben Shoulders played a major role in getting him elected?
IS IT TRUE Cheryl Musgrave’s resounding victory over Commissioner Steven Melcher was a major blow to Mayor Winnecke and his key political supporters?  …we hope Mayor Winnecke will take a good look at the total vote that Mrs. Musgrave received?  …it looks like the Mayors decisions to reduce the Homestead Tax Credits,  problems with Fire and Police Health insurance,  the increase of the Water and Sewer rates and reducing the city contributions to area not-or-profits has caused him a political backlash with the voters of Vanderburgh County?
FOOT NOTES:  Todays “READERS POLL†question is: Are you surprised that ERIC HOLCOMB was elected Governor of Indiana?
Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “IU WOMEN’S-MENS SWIM AND DIVING TEAMS”.
Also take time to read “BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS†and “LOCAL SPORTS†posted in our sections.
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City County Observer has been serving our community for 15 years.
Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistribute. has a story up today about seceding from the union because of Donald Trumps win. I think the liberals behind this might want to take a look at this website first. Then they can tell us where they see a mandate by the Oregonians.
Their major cities are islands of liberalism in a sea of conservatism. Even the billionaire tech oligarchs who live there lacked the clout to stop the conservative juggernaut in this election. Some of them are already courting President-elect Trump. They didn’t believe in Hillary Clinton, they were just covering their bases because they thought she was going to win.
Same for Illinois.
These large population centers are hijacking the red parts of the state and dragging them off into the deep blue. Rural Illinois voters essentially had their votes rendered null and void b Cook county. The “non college” people need to work towards splitting the electoral vote in their states.
The seeds of the destruction of the local Democratic party were sewn with their treasonous back stabbing of Rick Davis. This destroyed all unity, all common purpose. From that point, Democratic candidates and office holders were free agents. Many were permanently co-opted by Mayor Winnecke in his brilliant political moves. Many underestimated the silly chicken fat civic theater facade of the Mayor, but his adept maneuvering of the fractured local Democratic party ensured it was and would be a toothless heal hound for years and maybe decades to come. Bottom line, the Democrats committed political suicide to oppose Rick Davis and elect Mayor Winnecke and then Mayor Winnecke crushed what was left of their local party.
PS Thank you to all the men and women that served our Country. Freedom is not free.
I spoke with Gail Riecken at the CCO awards luncheon. I wanted to let her know that despite my “ketchup stain the size of Urbana” digs, I do appreciate her service and commitment. She was more gracious than I deserve and her comment to me was that she was looking for opportunities to volunteer. That is true class.
If we ever carve a Mount Rushmore into the hillside of Reitz honoring the great people among us, the likenesses of Benjamin Bosse, Rick Davis, and Gail Riecken should be its subjects. I volunteer my image for the fourth caricature. After all, I am quite the character, AKA by some the village idiot 🙂
‘Professional protesters’ riot over Trump’s election, attacking bystanders and vandalizing cars, property
These “protesters” are the Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives, Code Pink, Eco Warriors, and various other extremist splinter groups encourageg and often funded by the Soros groups. These are the same types that protest/damage property at G8 summits, etc. Very predictable. Notice they pick cities with liberal Democratic Mayors that give them a stage for their anti-American criminal acts.
IS IT TRUE that this guy got a call from Texas on Wednesday after the presidential election thanking the CCO for exposing inefficiencies and malfeasance in local government and monopolies?…he mentioned the CCO being a catalyst for denying Vectren a $32 Million fee increase for dense pack technology they had already ordered?…he also was thankful for the CCO exposing the attempt to Snegally snatch the Homestead Tax Credit and eventually stopping that action?…that has saved Vanderburgh County taxpayers approximately $50 Million?…it was a passion and a pleasure to have been a part of efforts that saved everyday people roughly $100 M by writing the truth and watching justice be done.
IS IT TRUE this particular caller attributed the CCO with empowering real people to impact,governance positively and even gave us some credit for,the outcome of the presidential election.?…there are many CCO types of websites across the country popping up to expose elitist insider deals?…this makes me very happy?
Myth Buster:
What are they filling these students heads with at UC Berkley? This stuff had to be coming from their professors. Where else would they get that stuff?
In case you didn’t know:
Some people saw right through her.
Here you go, PussyPress, enjoy
Better hurry on over to California before it sails away without out you Classy.
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