Home Breaking News IS IT TRUE SEPTEMBER 8, 2016


IS IT TRUE that all Americans have seen massive increases in their health care cost over the last several years?   …20% to 30% yearly increases in health care costs are common place?   … according to City Controller Russ Lloyd, Jr and  City Council Finance Chairman Dan McGinn this might be the case for projected increases in health care costs for Evansville City Employees in 2017?
IS IT TRUE the City of Evansville Health Care budget for 2017 is nearly $4 million dollars less than the actual health care costs in 2015?  … at last reporting the City of Evansville Hospitalization Fund was  around $7.5 million dollars in the negative?
IS IT TRUE the if average age of the city employees is approximately 53?  …if nearly 45% are significantly over weight?  … if 55% have high blood pressure and 30% have high sugar levels (national average is 22%)?  …if 43% of city employees have high cholesterol levels and 38% are smokers these could be some of the reasons why the City of Evansville Employees Health Care fund costs are increasing by leaps and bounds annually?
IS IT TRUE if the above projections are correct then it looks like a budgetary time bomb concerning the projected increases in the 2017 Health Care budget costs because the City of Evansville is self-insured?
 FOOTNOTES: “IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming Friday?

Todays READERS POLL question is:  Do you feel that Vanderburgh County Prosecutor Nick Hermann should request that a GRAND JURY meet to determine if the use of deadly force by a couple of EPD officers on a homeless person holding a knife was justified?

Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “AUGUST BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.If you would like to advertise in the CCO please contact us City-County Observer@live.com.

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    • What does this have to do with the subject of today’s Is It True? Keep to the subject.

  1. I’ve not see one of those Billions of Muslims that you lied about. There are no huge massive quantities of Muslims being brought to the USA. Joe you are dreaming and drinking the cool aid again.

    BTW Hillary nailed Trump last night in the discussion on board the US Air Craft Carrier. She looked more like the President and Donald looked more like the Goof ball that he is. Donald thinks he has a plan and yet he’s not going to broadcast the plan to the people. Donald thinks he knows more about ISIS than the Generals do? Donald Trump is nothing more than a con man and braggart who is not smarter than a fifth grader.

      • I was using Donald Trump talk… you know how much he exaggerates every thing all the time. I thought you would like that very very much. Believe me I know when Trump is talking that he is making stuff up and exaggerating.

        Show me the Muslims? Where’s the BEEF?

        PS. I’m not really promoting the importation of anyone into the USA. IMHO we already have way too many people here now and are over crowded. I just had three new condos built in my back hard and will have to put up with 6 new families soon. I have ten kids in my front yard every morning waiting for the buss and they all live down the street in apartment buildings. And now I’ll have six more family’s with barking dogs and kids running through my yard. I really don’t care if they are Muslim or Christian. Kids will be kids and dogs shit in my yard.

        I still would never vote for Donald Trump. After last night’s terrible performance by Donald I’m convinced that the guy is loony and it way too self absorbed to be our next President. I would not want him as the dog catcher. He’s need to be watched very carefully. His professed love for Putin and the Crimea scares all the military people.

    • I watched the show. Neither of them looked like or sounded like presidential material. Trump insulted our generals and Hillary’s response to the question on secure documents was juvenile at best. Neither of these people should have been nominated. I would prefer Obama, GWB, or even Gore to either of these spoiled children. There are millions of citizens who are both prudent and honest. Any of them would be better than these two arrogant fools.

      • Trump proved himself to be a totally unfit on the subject of the US military, when he said the “Generals have been reduced to rubble” and suggested he would get rid of many of them. Then, there was the comment about how he read the “body language” of his briefers indicated that they were upset because POTUS has not followed their advice. That was just plain crazy.
        On the subject of crazy, Trump’s love of Putin was put on display for all to see. Of course Putin is a “strong leader”. He’s a freaking DICTATOR!!!
        Perhaps the most disturbing revelation of the forum was his claim that we should be occupying Iraq to plunder the oil from that country because “victors get the spoils.” That ought to make terrorism rampant in this country. No wonder ISIS leaders are praying that Allah delivers the US to Trump!!
        Through all of Trump’s idiocy, the toothless, grinning goon of the focus group stupidly cheered his guy on, proving that Trump is the hero of the poorly-educated non-working white trash voter.
        I’m not thrilled with Hillary, but I have no problem with her having the nuclear codes. Trump is another matter, completely.

        • I even have no problem with Hillary having the nuclear codes. She would forget them in a week and eliminate the threat of nuclear war.

      • The email thing is overblown. Hillary used a secure State Department Email system for her classified Emails. The private server for not used for any Classified Material. Classified material has to be stamped CLASSIFIED in the header of the emails. And NOT one of the so called emails were stamped Classified in the headers are required. She used her blackberry for personally matters that are none of our business. All the Official Government Emails that were classified went though the State Departments Servers and not her personal server. There is NO PROOF that she did anything illegal and that is why she was cleared by the FBI. The FBI EXPERTS looked at all of this and again said that she didn’t nothing illegal and there was no reason what so ever to prosecute her. But you will never convince the right wing conservative conspiracy people of that. They hate her so bad that they will do and say almost any thing to get rid of her. Hillary did a good job as our Secretary of State and she will make a good President.

        Bernie said it best. Enough with the Emails. They are a non issue in most people’s mind. Which is why Hillary is leading in the polls and it’s why she will win the Swing States and win the election.

        • You are buying her story and I am not. Read what the FBI wrote. Read what they released Friday. The did not clear her of anything. They simply recommended not charging her with a crime due to lack of evidence. When the prime suspect can’t remember the letter C, and the star witnesses take the 5th amendment to protect their own arse, one can’t go to trial with any confidence of a conviction.

          Read the article from the Boston Globe. The reality is she is either a lying sack of crap or that bonk on the head did some permanent damage. There is no effing way that anyone could forget going through the process of getting a clearance unless of course someone did a Bleachbit erase of their mind.

          Saying she is clean as a newborn lamb is is just as stupid as the “toothless dumb hillbillies” that LKB associates with supporting Trump. A red idiot and a blue idiot are still both idiots at the end of the day.


          • Most people believe Hillary. Which is why she is ahead in the polls and ahead in the swing states. The Swing States will determine who wins the Presidential Election this year as always.

        • No dude, most people don’t believe her. 60% think she is not honest or trustworthy. No where near most. 34% approval even in kindergarten is an F. She is a lying useless piece of crap. Her path to the White House is only due to the similarities that her opponent has to her. If there was a decent republican she would be down by 20 points. You know it and I know it. I read your posts. You are not really stupid enough to believe she is worth a damn. You think she is less of a piece of crap than Trump. I can respect that. Getting on board with the Hillary is an innocent angel group however indicates a serious lack of powers of observation and cognitive analysis. You are not an idiot. Please stop acting like one. Just be honest and admit you prefer the blue skunk to the red skunk.

      • Although I am skeptical of the health concerns argument with Hillary, a video I watched and shared made a fairly convincing argument that she is suffering from advanced Parkinson’s. If it is true, she will likely come apart in a difficult debate which will not be pretty to watch.

        Being chaplain at a care center I have witnessed the affect of this disease and watched it turn a very intelligent man into one who could not care for his basic needs.

        If Hillary and her handlers know she has advanced Parkinson’s then she should vacate her nomination.

        • You’re not making a great deal of sense here. First you claim skepticism about Trump’s claims that Hillary is in poor health and then you launch into a diagnosis of advanced Parkinson’s disease. You hang on to the hope she “comes apart” in a debate, and we’ll see what happens.

          • The Beet didn’t help himself any last night. He has Genghis Khan eyes, likely afflicted with a terminal case of the dreaded epicanthal fold. Stone Mongol.

          • Poor guy was looking like a boiled owl last night while ragging our military and has maintained it through to today. He has apparently adopted a new shade, raging radioactive red, to carry him down the stretch run. He could lead Santa’s sleigh.

            Also appears that Aleppo Johnson’s screw up this morning has embarassed some of his alleged supporters into showing their true colors. If they find they really don’t have any they can buy one from their actual preferred candidate, Trump, he has several.

          • I think the paler orange of today is likely an effect of the tremendous stress he experienced last night. I think he may not be able to handle the stress of a debate, especially one with a commentator that calls him out on lies and contradiction.

          • No, I did not claim skepticism about “Trump’s” claim. I am always skeptical of such claims, but there might be some strong evidence that Hillary has advanced Parkinson’s. The head nodding and wide open mouth, bug eyes, and unusual head movement when the lights were brought up at her nomination, along with her reaction when overloaded by questions from reporters are indicative of typical side affect from one being treated long term with a drug used to suppress Parkinson’s.

            This video makes some strong points about her showing clinical Parkinson symptoms which causes me to believe she have a serious health issue. But then Hillary wouldn’t lie about it would she?

            Hillary has already “short circuited.” Her words not mine.

            What doesn’t make sense is you becoming a support of Hillary, although I predicted you would.

          Trump is a paler shade of orange and breathing very heavily. What’s with that? It appears to me ( I’m only a nurse, not a Dr. like you) that he is suffering pulmonary distress. I believe conducting a vigorous campaign may be too taxing for the health of a male his age. Women tend to be much longer lived, and Hillary is younger than him to begin with.

          • OK nurse Goodbody, so that disproves the concerns the video presents how? And I am sure you have no questions about her health either, the falls, the freezes, the odd reactions, the coughing. Nothing to see there.

            I am not wishing her to have Parkinson’s. Her scandals are enough to that she should have been a non starter. But here she is, and there you are.

            BTW, I see you have bought into the HRC “Robert Kennedy died” campaign strategy.

          • And what is Dr. Doggies prescription today? If anyone looked like they had a medical problem last night on stage it was Donald Trump who’s Blood Pressure was way off the charts. He can’t handle stress. And he was caught lying several times about his so call Plan that he’s afraid to tell us about. Oh but he thinks we can waltz into the Middle East and steal all their oil. That truly shows his lack of planning and understanding of the logistics of such a challenge. He is like a little kid. Totally irresponsible and ill tempered when he doesn’t get his way. Old Mop head just made a lot of new enemies last night with all the Military People that he insulted. And yet he got deferments and never even joined the military and went though basic training. But he thinks he sacrificed for his country by being a businessman. My god the man is insane and you all can’t see that?

            There is a reason why they call him DANGEROUS. He is a fool and a dangerous fool at that.

          • Maybe the paler shade of orange is just a hue switch in an attempt to summon up the sixteen vestal virgins who were leaving for the coast to come rescue him.

          • It’s a shame that nothing rhymes with “orange”. Procol Harem might have another hit song.

    • What does this have to do with the subject of today’s Is It True? Keep to the subject.

  2. But but we have the lowest uninsured rate ever. People that are supposed to be smarter then me tell me that is what’s important.

  3. It is amazing how long it takes the major media to notice and comment on something we all have been seeing for a long time. Hillary Clinton’s earbud just happened to be visible this time during her Q&A with Matt Lauer. Most of the time it is covered with hair. She and Barack Obama both make use of these communication devices.

    All you have to do to verify that is observe the person. When they are speaking and receiving something at the same time, their speech slows and their eyes get that far away stare that we all get went we are trying to concentrate on one conversation over another one. The person with the bud will also stretch out their speech if they are repeating what is coming to them in their ear because of the time lapse between the hearing and the repeating.

    Neither Hillary Clinton nor Barack Obama is particularly good at concealing the use of these devices. Go back and look at the videos. Anytime they had to face an interview on their own, and about a controversial issue the public was following with interest, they usually were wired.

    • Yea and he tried to act like he did nothing wrong and that he was being falsely accused of doing this. Hillary being a lawyer is smarter than that and preserved the emails that he sent to her. Funny how when proof exists people start to believe her when she says she was advised by Colin Powell.

    • “The Republican obsession with Secretary Clinton has reached a fever pitch, and they have been using taxpayer resources to single her out in a desperate and abusive attempt to hurt her presidential campaign,” said Cummings.

      “If Republicans were truly concerned with transparency, strengthening FOIA, and preserving federal records, they would be attempting to recover Secretary Powell’s emails from AOL, but they have taken no steps to do so despite the fact that this period — including the run-up to the Iraq War — was critical to our nation’s history,” said Cummings.

      Where is the outcry about Colin Powell’s emails that were unsecured on AOL. And why hasn’t Colin requested AOL to turn over his emails for review by the State Department. Did any classified materials go though Colin Powell’s AOL unsecured email account? Inquiring minds want to know about Colin Powell’s Emails too.

      • Hillary is serious and will be an excellent and serious President. We are not voting for comedians, we are voting for the President of the United States. Hillary is much better qualified for that job that Trump. I don’t even think that Trump made a good candidate for a TV show. Which is probably why his TV show got canceled and taken off the air. People had enough of his BS.

    • You have No proof of what you say. There is absolutely NO PROOF what so ever that Hillary’s email server was hacked by anyone. Period. END OF STORY.

      • The first sentence in the above linked article reads:

        “The FBI’s once-secret report on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email system reveals that messages sent to aides were compromised by hostile foreign actors.”

        • That is not true. Hillary’s server was not compromised as there is NO Proof of that what so ever. Emails that were on someone else’s server are not part of Hillary’s responsibility. The Russians never broke into Hillary’s emails. They did however break into many other people’s servers and even into the US Government Servers along with many private company’s servers. Heck the Chinese try to break into my computer daily. I ran a program that showed every attempt to connect to my computer and where they were connecting from. Over half them were from China. They were searching for intel on our nuclear submarines as I have relatives in the US Navy that dealt with those matters. But that type of information would never be found on my computer as I don’t talk to anyone about that stuff. Ha ha but the Chinese were persistent and would attempt to hack my computer.

          I read an article today on CNN or MSNBC’s web site that was addressing how easy it is for people to hack information on our Iphones and other smart phones. Surely you don’t blame Hillary for that too?

          I’ll be so glad when this election cycle is over and we can go back to talking about City Hall and local matters. Just don’t forget to go out and vote.

  4. HASN’T THIS GONE ON LONG ENOUGH? There is no justification for the inaction of the United States Department of Justice concerning their failure to indict former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for her gross violations of national security, and her perjury during FBI and House Oversight Committee investigations.



    She is the wife of the former disgraced and impeached Bill Clinton, and she is every bit as corrupt as he is, if not more so!

    The fact that President Obama’s Justice Department will not act on these violations of statute reflects on just how degenerate this administration has become.

  5. Editor – Do your job. None of these posts (pro-Trump, anti-Trump, pro-,Hillary, anti-Hillary) have anything to do with the subject of today’s Is It True. And frankly, it’s getting boring and the City-County Observer is losing any credibility that it had. It’s time for you to delete tbese off-topic posts (there’s a place for them) and remi d these posters to stick to te posted topic.

  6. Just an observation for the poster who said all of Johnson’s supporters really like Trump. There is a poll with a pretty good graphic on the link below. If you add up Trump + Johnson and compare to Hillary, she is just leading in 9 states and they aren’t ones that will get her even close to winning. If all of “Alleppo’s” supporters defect to Trump, Trump will win in a landslide in both the popular and electoral vote. Be careful what you ask for. You may not like it.

    On the significance of not knowing Alleppo, Johnson should have been quick witted enough to respond with the following: “Why are you asking about Alleppo, when 3,000 people have gotten shot in Chicago”?


    • If I’m the poster you’re referring to, I didn’t write what you said I did.

      You wrote this:
      ‘Just an observation for the poster who said all of Johnson’s supporters really like Trump. ‘

      I wrote this:
      ‘… appears that Aleppo Johnson’s screw up this morning has embarrassed some of his alleged supporters into showing their true colors. If they find they really don’t have any they can buy one from their actual preferred candidate, Trump, he has several.’

      Not sure what you mean by ‘be careful what you ask for. You may not like it’. I didn’t and don’t wish for Aleppo’s supporters, both fake and in fact, to vote for Trump.

      The graphic is meaningless except in the context of the premise you set up, one that I had nothing to do with. The Beast is sewing this thing up. My words are there for all to see, so are yours.

      Then again, maybe you weren’t referring to my post.

      • What I meant was that if Johnson is driven from the race by one dumb statement and all of his supporters move to Trump then we will have President Trump next January and you may not like it. If you want that then by all means pile on over the Alleppo gaffe. You will not be alone.

        Maybe it was your post maybe not. It really doesn’t matter. My preference for president is absolutely not Clinton. Her election would be a terrible precedent.

        • ‘Maybe it was your post maybe not.’

          I scanned the comments before writing the last line and there wasn’t another one that touched on the subject at all.

          Set a terrible precedent for what? A female president? Another smart one? Obama already covered that. A female president who can take a hit? One who can survive 35 years of constant ginned up attacks by a pack of partisan hyenas bleating email/Monica/Whitewater/Paula Jones/Benghazi/Vince Foster and still manage to become president?

          Many people’s preference for president ‘is absolutely not Clinton’. I’m one too but she’s sure got my vote. Trump is truly crazy and the spectacle of Aleppo jumping around yesterday was very unsettling. That dopey drawl, the darting eyes and childish attempts at contrition make me suspect some residual or recent acid damage.

          I like a candidate who is up to the job, one who knows ‘what’ Aleppo is.

    • There is nothing wrong with Hillary’s Health. Just another dirty trick the GOP is pulling out of the hat. Hey, Anyone see my pet rabbit?

    • The Department of defense is responsible for protecting the diplomats not the Secretary of State. Blame it on Robert Gates and the GOP Congress for not funding our Military properly so that they had the resources to protect our diplomats is far away countries like Libya.

      • Whoever does it, I’m glad they do. His rank of the day is usually straight from the idiocy of InfoWars and Drudge. Now I don’t have to look at them anymore to know what insanity they are pushing for the day.

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