Invitation to the University Parkway Corridor Plan Public Workshop


The Vanderburgh County Commissioners, Evansville-Vanderburgh County Area Plan Commission (APC), and Evansville Metropolitan Planning Organization (EMPO) are partnering in the development of the University Parkway Corridor Management and Land Use Plan.  The 2nd public meeting on this project will be held to engage our community to provide thoughts regarding the land use scenarios and corridor management.  The meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 22, 2018 at 4:00 pm at the Griffin Center Great Hall, 8600 University Boulevard, Evansville, Indiana 47712.

All interested citizens are invited and encouraged to attend and participate in this meeting, which will be structured in an open house format.  The open house will begin at 4:00 pm and conclude at 6:30 pm.  There will not be a formal presentation.  Participants can come at their leisure to review a variety of stations that focus on different aspects of the plan.  The consultant team will be present to answer questions and take comments from the public.

The open house will incorporate multiple topic-focused stations addressing how the project came about, its purpose, and the process for plan development; summary of existing conditions; vision and goals; land use scenarios, and transportation network improvements.  Each station will contain an overview of information and different exercises that will allow the public to give comments on the scenarios and potential recommendations.

Due to growth anticipated from the planned extension of sanitary sewers and the many tracts of undeveloped land in the area, the goal of the corridor plan is to prepare for the future by coordinating appropriate, planned development with transportation and other infrastructure investments over time.  The project area includes over 9 square miles and is bounded by State Road 66 to the north; State Road 62 to the south; Schutte Road, Peerless Road, and Church Road to the east; and the Vanderburgh/Posey County line to the west. 

When finished, the corridor plan will offer specific land use recommendations on future development, preserving the corridor’s resources, and amending the Zoning Ordinance to ensure that future development meets the vision and intent of the Plan.  Since the Parkway serves as a critical thoroughfare in western Vanderburgh County providing access to the University of Southern Indiana, the transportation component of the Plan will focus on protecting the Parkway for the efficient and safe movement of traffic, and identifying any future road improvements needed. 

County Commission President Bruce Ungethiem encourages the public to participate in this planning process for the future of the University Parkway corridor.  He stated, “We want this plan to reflect our community and for there to be buy-in from all interested parties.  The only way for that to happen is if we can get lots of ideas from the public and we all work toward consensus on a vision for the corridor.  New development should be properly planned, fit in its surroundings and enhance the area.  We have a nice parkway out there, and the County should protect its investment.”  He also offered a reminder that “New developments will be around for generations, so we want to do this right.” 

Commissioner Ben Shoulders agreed that the County is committed to planning for the corridor and offered his thoughts by expressing “I’m excited about the opportunity for our community to reflect on and be involved in determining the future of the University Parkway area.  This is a journey, and I look forward to the end result — a final plan to help guide us in achieving the general goals, and specific recommendations now being established.”  Commissioner Cheryl Musgrave added that “The more information my fellow Commissioners and I can get from the public input at the upcoming open house and through this planning process in general, the more informed our decisions will be on proposals for future development, access to the Parkway, and further public infrastructure investments.” 

For those who wish to provide input on the plan remotely, the project team encourages community members to comment through the project’s website at   

If you would like more information about this topic, please feel free to contact Ron London or Blaine Oliver at 812-435-5226 or email at   Â