INVITATION: A Public Showing of “No Choice (How HUD Controls Your Property Rights)”


INVITATION: A Public Showing of “No Choice (How HUD Controls Your Property Rights)”

by Jim Bratten Director, Hoosier Patriots
Co-Founder, Vanderburgh County Tea Party Patriots

Evansville, IN Vanderburgh County Tea Party Patriots will hold its next membership meeting on Saturday, September 10, 2016 at the Evansville Public Library, Central Branch, 200 SE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., in Browning Room B, at 2:00 p.m., and invites you to attend this event.

We will feature the new release No Choice (How HUD Controls Your Property Rights), hosted by John Anthony and produced by the Sustainable Freedom Lab, 2016. This new documentary deals with the “redistribution” of property and uncovers the details of the most deliberate attack on property rights and society in America’s history. This is progressive social engineering… on steroids.

Th is federal Department of Housing and Urban Development ( HUD ) power grab , under the new “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” rule (AFFH) , is so massive most find it hard to comprehend. No Choice breaks it down and explains how HUD destroys local government and annihilates individual property rights. All while the agency denies it is happening!

No Choice unravels the tricks HUD uses to disarm local officials and homeowners. Evansville and Vanderburgh County already accept HUD money from the federal government, so you’ve accepted the rope… see what comes next. It’s not good, whether you are aware of the ramifications or not.

This event is free and open to the public. For additional information, go to

In Liberty,

Jim Bratten
Director, Hoosier Patriots
Co-Founder, Vanderburgh County Tea Party Patriots
Evansville, IN