Home Community News Invasive Carp Removal On The Ohio River

Invasive Carp Removal On The Ohio River


Indiana DNR has been working with neighboring states to address the invasive carp problem in our waters. The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources has been using contract fishers to harvest invasive carp from the middle Ohio River at the leading edge of invasive carp’s established population, and the Indiana Division of Fish & Wildlife provides support as needed. The contract fishing program will be operating through the winter and spring. Most fishing will occur from Leavenworth to Cannelton, Indiana, in small tributaries and backwaters off the Ohio River. Agency staff will ride along with contract fishers to collect data and ensure native fish populations are not negatively impacted.

Throughout the year, biologists are involved in several other collaborative research and monitoring projects to slow the spread of invasive carp within the Ohio River basin. If you encounter an invasive carp and are wondering what to do with it, try eating it! Our website includes information on how to clean and prepare silver carp for a tasty meal, as well as descriptions of other DNR projects that address invasive carp.