Infinity Mole Choose J. D. Strouth by Wide Margin, Mayoral Poll to Stay Open till Polls Close


The readers of the City County Observer have made their choices for the 3 at-large positions that are open on the Evansville City Council: The choices that will be entered in the contest to beat Mole #3 and the other Moles in order of preference are as follows:

Dr. H. Dan Adams

Pete Swaim

Bill Kramer

It is to be noted that Dr. Adams was the runaway leader in the voting with Mr. Swaim and Mr. Kramer taking 2nd and 3rd in a close contest. The 4th and 5th places taken by Conor O’Daniel and Michelle Mercer while close were well ahead of 6th place finisher Jonathan Weaver.

In the 2nd Ward contest the Infinity Mole has picked E. Lon Walters over Missy Mosby by a slight margin of 52% to 48%. As both of these candidates are perhaps the most Facebook savvy of any of the candidates we are sure that they both rallied their cause

In the 3nd Ward contest the Infinity Mole has picked Alan Leibundguth over Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley by a margin of 59% to 41%.

In the hotly contested 5th Ward after 100 votes there was exactly a 50/50 tie between Republican Brent Grafton and Democrat John Friend. This was not a statistical dead heat but an exact 50 to 50 count. We will rerun this tomorrow afternoon to determine the Infinity Moles choice.

The Evansville 6th Ward Infinity Mole has given Republican Shaun Short a 56% to 44% victory over Democrat Al Lindsey. Astonished is the word for this one but Mr. Short is an excellent candidate as is Mr. Lindsey for his war against the machine.

The Infinity Mole has defied foregone conclusions and has given a wide margin of victory to J. D. Strouth for Evansville City Clerk. The Margin was by over 30 points.


  1. I hope you are right.

    Weaver is the worst of the worst…a “wannabe Machine” type. Complete loser.

    • Vonkayel…Weaver overcame Davis working against him this time. Every mole on the CCO had him coming in last place. Pretty impressive that he only trailed Adams by 85 votes.

  2. I wonder if Weaver has caught anyone stealing his signs. Still waiting for him to show the proof he claims he has from the primary. What a JERK!!!

  3. You need to clear the IP’s from the poll when the candidates change. I can’t vote on the current poll because I voted on the last one.

  4. I was shocked to hear that Missy Mosby is doing so poorly. I asked around and discovered that she is not as well known as the other Mosbys in town. I am not from her part of town but my wife’s aunt lives off Pollack. My wifes aunt told me that Missy has not been very kind to other democrats on the ticket this election causing many to consider her opponent in hopes that they can get a different democrat in 4 years. I am still surprised at this. I thought that part of town was solid behind her but I don’t live there so it doesn’t matter.

    • If you rubber stamp everything the machine wants as opposed to what the voters want why would they vote you back in?
      Mosby has taken credit for things such as the sewers that she had nothing to do with AND still are not fixed.
      She voted for the shiny new arena we didn’t want
      She voted to close two fire stations(thankfully for the citizens that didn’t pass).
      The list goes on and on.

  5. I doubt if they rallied their cause. They were out working today; today is the Saturday before the election. When did the CCO start stopping the poll when they had the result they wanted.

    In the past we have been told that there was a start time and an end time for the poll. Due to this poll not having one it is not legitimate.

    • Dude….it’s an online poll.

      Everyone knows it’s “not legitimate.”


    • The polls today are stopped the first time we check the website that over 100 votes were cast. It has absolutely nothing to do with our preferences. Remember we do not endorse. People here are so used to trickiness and corruption that they think everything is crooked.

      • That should have been stated when the poll was put up because people think that they have time to tell people about the poll. Or the candidate that is not working on the Saturday before the election wins because he has time to rally his cause while the candidate who is working doesn’t even know there is a poll.

          • Very. Don’t get me wrong, I have all the respect in the world for Al Leibengunth and I would be pulling for him if he wasn’t in the 3rd like I would for Shaun if he wasn’t running against Al Lindsey but every time I have talked to Stephanie I have come away more and more convinced that she is the candidate we need to get things done in the 3rd Ward which is the most important Ward for me because it has Roberts Stadium, Bosse Field, and old US 41.

    • don’t count on that, I have talked to a bunch of people in the second ward while canvasing for Rick Davis. I think she will win but by a very close margin

  6. Watching John Friend trying to run his city council financial committee meeting prior to the public meeting was high comedy the last time I tuned into WNIN. He must of thought Connie Robinson was Shelia Jackson Lee as he kept referring to her as congresswoman Robinson, or Robertson, or councilman Robinson. It was a true “whose on first” moment.

    IMHO I think Friend came off as rather smug in the last WNIN debate. The basis for such smugness escapes me.


    • Why be petty about councilman Friend having a gaff moment? Say what you may, the councilman does have the foresight and financial expertise this council needs, regardless which party you are affiliated. This is one candidate that appears will blend well with whatever the resulting party mix may yield.

      As a small business owner, he has my support, as well as many of my associates, both republicans AND democrats. We need to support the candidates that have their finger on the pulse of what is best for Evansville if forward momentum is the goal!

    • Infinity Mole is the fastest voters on this site. Could be right, could be wrong. We shall see. It is however a democracy which is not really a system known for correctness. Mole 3# on the other hand only missed one in last years elections and was tied by Mole #1 in the primaries where each missed 1.

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