Home State News Indiana to Launch News Resource Website “Just IN”

Indiana to Launch News Resource Website “Just IN”


Office of Governor Pence Provides Clarification Prior to Upcoming Launch of Website

Indianapolis – In the coming weeks, the State of Indiana will launch “Just IN,” a one-stop-shop news resource website that will house press releases from the Governor, Lt. Governor and the agencies they lead.

Currently, Indiana’s executive agencies send out press releases and then post them on the State of Indiana’s calendar page, found at www.in.gov/calendar. With Just IN, this process will not change. Instead, the website will offer the same service to the public and to the media, with a new, streamlined look.

Each weekday, up to six press releases will be featured in the “Top Stories” section of the website. All other press releases for the day will appear further down on the Just IN homepage, separated by category. Members of the media will continue to receive press releases via email.

The website will be overseen by a Managing Editor and Assistant Managing Editor, whose roles will be to ensure press releases are ready and available for posting on Just IN, as well as managing photo, audio and video files available to the media. They, along with members of the Governor’s communication team, will comprise the Just IN Editorial Board. The Board will be responsible for determining placement of releases on the website and fielding feedback from agencies, the public and media.

The Just IN website will also include a “Reporter Resources” section for members of the media. This area, accessible via log-in, will provide things such as executive agency head headshots, contact information for executive agency communications staff, infographics, and other handouts used in press events. In the future, the State hopes to include raw video and audio of events in the resource section.

Additional information regarding the Just IN website will be forthcoming upon its launch.