Indiana Faces Records Request Backlog As Pence Drags Feet


Indiana Faces Records Request Backlog As Pence Drags Feet

IL for

The Indiana governor’s office faces a backlog of public records requests largely stemming from Vice President Mike Pence’s tenure, and the delay has been exacerbated by Pence’s refusal to give his successor digital access to his emails, including those sent from a private AOL account he sometimes used to conduct state business.

More than 50 records requests are pending before the office of Republican Gov. Eric Holcomb, who was Pence’s hand-picked replacement on the ballot after Trump selected him to be the GOP vice presidential nominee last July.

The vast majority of the requests seek correspondence Pence had with staffers and political groups, including emails routed through his private email account, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press through a public records request.

The pending requests are from private citizens, law firms, political parties and news organizations, including the AP.

Pence has touted himself as a champion of a free press and the First Amendment, though he repeatedly stonewalled public records requests as governor, often delaying their release — if not denying them outright.

Thirteen boxes of paper copies of Pence’s emails were delivered to the Indiana governor’s office in March, after his use of a private AOL email account was first revealed. But public records experts say the vice president’s reluctance since then to provide digital access to his correspondence appears to be a deliberate stalling tactic.

Indiana University journalism professor Gerry Lanosga, a former investigative reporter, said that state law requires Pence to provide digital records, like emails, in their original form.

“The fact that they were providing boxes of paper printouts of digital records is disappointing and clearly is meant to make it difficult to review and release the records,” Lanosga said.

Pence spokesman Marc Lotter declined to answer detailed questions from AP, and instead emailed a one sentence statement.

“Documents relating to Governor Pence’s official service to Indiana are being preserved by the state in full compliance with the law,” Lotter wrote.

Holcomb spokeswoman Stephanie Wilson said the governor’s office requested digital access to emails. But Pence has yet to follow through on a commitment to do so. Digital access would make the process of combing through the documents considerably easier for Holcomb’s four-person legal team, which is also tasked with handling the administration’s day-to-day legal needs.

Daniel Byron, a media law and First Amendment attorney, said the delay by Pence is hypocritical given he repeatedly attacked Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail for refusing to release emails from her time as secretary of state.

“He was after Hillary about emails and access,” said Byron, a partner with the Indianapolis-based firm Bingham, Greenebaum, Doll. “Do people let him get away with that?”

Earlier this year, lawyers for Pence argued unsuccessfully in a civil case that Indiana courts had no authority to force him to comply with public records law.

Pence’s AOL account was subjected to a phishing scheme last spring, before Trump chose him to join the GOP presidential ticket. Pence’s contacts were sent an email falsely claiming that the governor and his wife were stranded in the Philippines and needed money.

The governor moved to a different AOL account with additional security measures, but has since stopped using the new personal account since he was sworn-in as vice president, Lotter previously said.


  1. Those aren’t Pence’s records, they belong to the public. They are public records. Pence is a paranoid Luddite, sporting in 2017 an…AOL email account. What is he hiding?

      • It was a near-perfect use of the word.

        Sorry I had to send you to the dictionary so early this morning, I know it’s a book that scares you. One of many.

        • The more you post, the more ignorant you appear. No dictionary needed to study labor history, but I used two words foreign to you: study and history. Sorry to confuse you.

          • You are a common troll and very possibly a garden gnome. Remediation is out of the question for you. You are a fool.

            Still time to hide, seriouslyinfected. I saw a massive Webster’s Unabridged waddling down the alley looking for you this morning.

        • Oooh! Bandy results to trash talk when he gets challenged, although challenging him isn’t much of a challenge. I don’t understand how you slip into middle school mode so easily when some of your posts seem so adult.

  2. Politics as usual. Then wonder why people don’t vote. We do a poor job of recruiting quality individuals to do the work only those with a private agenda to enrich themselves. We need to elect more women to political office maybe they will not be as corrupt.

    • Now, that’s funny. Like Hillary and her husband? How about the Weiner and his wife? Let’s not forget the local Dems’ favorite, Linda Durham? Or Missy? Oh, how silent you are about corrupt Democrats and have all the answers when an (R) is in front of someone’s name. Corruption isn’t confined to politicians, is it, Paul?

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