Home General News Indiana Department of Local Government Finance Upcoming Deadlines

Indiana Department of Local Government Finance Upcoming Deadlines


Upcoming Deadlines

  • March 31: Deadline for the county auditor to deliver the abstract to the county treasurer or the treasurer to issue provisional tax bills. (Ind. Code § 6-1.1-22.5-6)
  • March 31: Deadline to adopt an ordinance or resolution creating a fire protection territory to receive a tax levy in 2024. (Ind. Code § 36-8-19-6)
  • March 31: Quarterly property tax appeal reports due to the fiscal officer of each taxing unit (including redevelopment commissions). The notice may be provided in an electronic format. Township assessors must provide the county assessor with any information the county assessor requests that is necessary to provide the quarterly notices. (Ind. Code § 6-1.1-15-19)
  • March 31: Quarterly property tax appeal reports due to the fiscal officer of each taxing unit (including redevelopment commissions). The notice may be provided in an electronic format. Township assessors must provide the county assessor with any information the county assessor requests that is necessary to provide the quarterly notices. (Ind. Code § 6-1.1-15-19)
  • March 31: Last day for township assessors to certify the assessed value of fixed property to the county assessor. However, in a county with a township assessor in every township, the township assessor shall certify the list to the Department. (Ind. Code § 6-1.1-8-24)
  • March 31: Last day a current year property tax exemption application may be filed with the county assessor. (Ind. Code § 6-1.1-11-3)
  • March 31: Last day for the county assessor to certify the assessed value of fixed property to the Department. (Ind. Code § 6-1.1-8-24)
  • April 19: DLGF Webinar: Maximum Levies Overview

2023 Webinars for Local Officials
(for all taxing units)

The Department will be hosting a series of webinars held virtually each month. The webinars are held at both 10 a.m. or 2 p.m. EST and will last for approximately one hour. You may attend the webinar that is most convenient for you. The Department will provide one (1) hour of continuing education credit per class.

April 19, 2023
10 a.m. OR 2 p.m.
Maximum Levies Overview
Geared toward all fiscal officers and staff but open to all.

May 17, 2023
10 a.m. OR 2 p.m.
Circuit Breaker Overview
Geared toward all fiscal officers and staff but open to all.

Debt Report Deadline PAST DUE
(for all taxing units)

The debt affirmation deadline for all units is February 28, 2023. To fulfill this requirement, local officials will need to log in to Gateway, enter the Debt Management application, review the debts previously submitted, and sign the affirmation statement indicating that all debt information is current and correct. Any missing or incomplete debt reports must be submitted before signing the affirmation statement. Similarly, any submitted debt reports with errors must first be unlocked, corrected, and resubmitted before the affirmation statement can be signed. Any reports for debts that have been fully refinanced or repaid must be marked as “retired” prior to signing the affirmation statement. If your unit has no debt outstanding, simply sign the affirmation statement to indicate no outstanding debt. For assistance, please contact support@dlgf.in.gov.

Solid Waste Management Report Deadline PAST DUE
(for solid waste management units)

Solid waste management districts have until March 1, 2023, to submit the required financial and programmatic information into the Gateway SB131 application and upload any necessary supporting documentation. IC 13-21-3-13.5 also requires a solid waste management district to publish this report either on a website maintained by the district or on the websites maintained by the counties that are members of the district. A district may use the SB 131 Reporting for SWMD application in Gateway to generate a PDF of the district’s completed report and post this document to the appropriate website(s). For assistance, please contact support@dlgf.in.gov.

Ratio Study Submissions Deadline PAST DUE
(for county assessors)

Ratio study submissions are due March 1, 2023.

All county assessors will be using the Microsoft Teams program for the 2023 Ratio Study submission.

Please notify your IT department that your office is using a Microsoft Teams guest account with the DLGF. Some IT departments are deleting these accounts because they do not recognize them.

Please contact your Assessment Field Representative if you have any questions.

TS-1 Approval Required
(for county treasurers)

All counties are required to submit copies of their print and online versions of their TS-1 to the Department before the printing/ posting of tax bills. Copies are to be submitted to Jenny Banks at jbanks@dlgf.in.gov. Please allow 10 business days for a review of the samples.

County treasurers are ultimately responsible for ensuring that they use the correct TS-1. If the Department is notified of or becomes aware of forms or coupon pages that are not in compliance with the requirements as outlined in the approved formats, the Department may declare tax bills invalid and require new tax bills to be created at the county’s expense.

Form 11 Approval Required
(for assessing officials)

All counties are required to submit a copy of their Form 11 to the Department before the printing of Form 11s. Copies are to be submitted to Jenny Banks at jbanks@dlgf.in.gov. Please allow 10 business days for a review of the samples.

Customer Service Survey

The Department has implemented an online survey to collect feedback from those who have attended a training session or asked for assistance from a staff member. Please take a moment to provide me with your feedback as to how our team is doing. Here’s the link. It should only take about two minutes.