Inaugural “Outside the Box” Forum Set for May 18, 2019 In Evansville


The City-County Observer is pleased to announce the first “Outside The Box Forum” that is intended to grow into a recurring event where current issues will be discussed by thought leaders with a history of solving problems. 

The speaker for the inaugural forum will be former GAGE CEO Joe Jack Wallace who has just published his first book “Living Outside the Box” that had its origins in Evansville’s Innovation Pointe.

Mr. Wallace will discuss the inspiration that launched the book and explains the content of the book from its opening chapters about dispelling myths with science, through the habits that poise people to be highly impactful and how vision followed by execution lead to establishing a state of the art technology center in Greater Palm Springs California.

He currently serves as the CEO and Chief Innovation Officer of the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership.  

Wallace graduated from Stanford University and the University of Evansville with Masters and Bachelor Degrees in Mechanical Engineering.  He also holds certifications in Cybersecurity and The Internet of Things from Harvard and MIT. 

He is a sought after speaker on topics from entrepreneurship to politics and will be available to autograph books after the event. The forum will be limited to 25 attendees.  More details concerning this event will be announced on this coming Monday.