Improving Efficiency In Our County Court By Wendy McNamara

Vanderburgh County Circuit Court is the foundation of our local court system. This court hears small claims, minor offenses, and civil and criminal cases. I proposed legislation that would allow additional magistrates to assist the judges and reduce the workload in this system.
Currently, there are seven judges and four magistrates who oversee numerous cases. The judges and magistrates are responsible for hearing all pre-trial cases, nearly 7,000 every year. In order to thoroughly respond to the rising number of cases filed, they need more help.
My legislation would allow for an additional circuit court magistrate and superior court magistrate. This would minimalize the caseload for judges and move cases through the system faster and more efficiently.
I proposed this legislation after the Interim Study Committee on Courts and the Judiciary supported Vanderburgh County’s request for additional magistrates. The study committee determined this change is necessary to accomplish the amount of work that needs to be done in the county court.
This bill is now moving on to the Senate for consideration. To learn more, click here.