If You Have an Income, You Need to Listen Closely to President Obama’s Words


President Barack Obama

By: Gary Burke

In his remarks at the White House yesterday President Obama Called for extending Bush tax breaks for another year — at least for certain taxpayers, those earning less than $250,000 per year. Apart from the continued exacerbation of class warfare in pitting “the middle class” against “the wealthy,” a more deadly nuance lurked in his words.

Twice in his brief speech he pointed out that we need to enact this cutoff because “we cannot afford to spend on tax breaks for the wealthy.” Those words should frighten and arouse anyone who has an income. They are not ill-chosen words; they are a look into the very political and economic heart of the current president and his regime. Allowing income earners to keep a portion of their money is considered by them to be spending by the government. In other words, all of your money is theirs to spend. They spend it on their special programs, their cronies, their allies and their adoring lapdogs. They spend some of it on the producers in order to keep the well flowing.

Government has no money to spend except what it confiscates from those whose labor and intelligence produce wealth. A tax reduction is not government spending except in the convoluted sense of socialist elitists who believe they own everything and they alone know what and in what quantity is best for the masses.

Government is necessary and valuable. Its primary functions are to restrain evil, maintain internal peace and order, and keep its citizens secure. It needs to encourage individual liberty and personal responsibility. The details of how these are accomplished are matters of legitimate debate. One thing not subject debate is what government owns. It owns nothing.


  1. This publication continues to take the downward spiral. To anyone who thinks we ought not be taxed is ignorant of civilized society. I know, I know, “don’t tread on” you. Please. I will gladly keep paying my taxes so that we may have roads to drive on, schools to send our children, bridges to get across state lines, police to protect our streets, and firefighters to protect our homes. Notice, I didn’t say “mine” or “my”, I said “ours” and “we”, for that is what this nation is built on.

    • I noticed you left out the myriad of social programs funded by your (our) tax dollars, every know form of welfare…I think most of us have no problem paying taxes for services needed to live and that add to our quality of life, it’s the extras that we all support that most hard working folks have a problem swallowing…..which has nothing to do with nation building.


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