“I find the secret recording of the City of Evansville’s Exit Conference with the State Board of Accounts by the City Council Vice President to be irresponsible and a clear violation of trust.
Furthermore, the inappropriate release of confidential state information is a breach of the state audit process, tramples the public’s confidence and puts the reputation of our great city at stake.
It is incumbent upon all of us as stewards of our city government to understand fully our finance and audit process before arriving at conclusions that are clearly false.
In the case of Councilwoman Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley, she is not following the rules and is placing political gain ahead of the best interests of our city.
State Examiner Paul Joyce encouraged the Winnecke Administration to allow the audit process, as prescribed by state law, to continue on its normal path.
As a result, we are prohibited from offering comments on specific allegations made today until the State of Indiana completes its work. However, the citizens of Evansville should know that city finances are being handled appropriately, and that the statements made by Councilwoman Brinkerhoff-Riley were blatantly wrong, misleading and reckless.
I have every confidence that the state’s audit will show our administration has consistently balanced the books, and, with the City Council’s help, we have maintained excellent bond ratings.
Our community is becoming the envy of the state for our positive progress and vision for growth. It’s a shame that one council member wishes to disparage Evansville through her political campaign website and misleading sound recording.
We’re proud of our record and look forward to the release of the state’s full audit.”
I will be there !
A few questions:
1) Will there be a ‘show of force’ by the EPD/should I bring donuts to calm them down ?;
2) OK if I bring my pitchfork, or will that be frowned upon ?;
3) Will MainGate be catering the event ?
4) It would really make my day if SBR said ‘ I’m going to rage against the machine’, and announce her candidacy for Mayor !
I would commit funds to see her run for mayor !
I’ve always been of the opinion their is an ever widening gulf between what is legal and what is right.
Personally, I’d like to thank Councilwoman Brinkerhoff-Riley for doing what was right. Apparently, she’s rattled some cages and shaken trees, because the Civic Center goon squad appears to be going after her like she’s just busted out of prison.
Something stinks downtown, and I’m pretty sure it’s not just the CSO anymore.
I cannot be at the conference on Monday, but I wanted to take a moment to tell Stephanie that the support for what she is doing is widespread to the many people I have talked to in the last three days.
Stephanie, you have given hope to a generation of citizens who have gotten trampled on by the ‘business as usual’ at the Civic Center (poorly named given the witch hunt perpetrated by Curt John, Friend, Weaver and others).
Stay strong Stephanie, go all the way !
Good for her. The fact that anybody is whining about facts getting out about the stewardship of our money is ridiculous. We should be able to attend the damn exit meeting much less have access to what was said. Does Friend realize how obtuse he is? He’s just another pompous arrogant jackass who the CCO seems to be totally on board with usually.
Will we be allowed to bring rotten tomatoes in case Friend shows up?
No, just bring a recording device.
To bad Friend isn’t going to be there.
Thought of this scene, while watching that news 25 interview on the stuff put up by the CCO.
“Great moments in speech therapy” The clip…
To bad Friend isn’t going to be there.
Thought of this scene, while watching that news 25 interview on the stuff put up by the CCO.
“Great moments in speech therapy”
Does too.
It seems the linked video was deleted. Wonder why that would be?
You keep wanting this double exposure s__t, they’re going to start moderating your ass again Visitor.
Cut the crap………….
I’ll be there! They’ve thrown mud at you, and now you’ll throw truth at them. I don’t think they can handle truth as well as they handle mud.
Looking forward to it. I’m attending to show a strong message that I’m tired of the way the chosen ones conduct their business. I’m tired of hearing about Lloyd Winnecke, I’m tired of hearing about Jonathan Weaver, and I’m tired of hearing about Curt John. It’s time to move onto a new, different, and more transparent government. And that starts tomorrow with SBR.
What’s with the fervent support for Friend from the CCO? Seems they’d all but sponsored his mayoral run a short time ago? Seems he’s just as much a part of the good ole boy machine.
I heard Curt John’s barber is an old straight white guy. That comb over is atrocious.
I also heard Curt John and John Boehner go to the same tanning salon!! Hmmmm kinky! Well that’s what somebody said!!
And I also heard Curt wears wears white athletic socks with sandals. Ugggh! If that’s not illegal it should be!!
Curt if anybody needed the queer eye for the straight guy its you man
Curt the fashion and style of this area would be better off…. if you left town.
After reading all the hue and cry about recording the audit meeting, I find myself standing solidly with Ms. Brinkerhoff-Riley. I’m reminded of the time a past employer issued a missive that basically prohibited employees from recording meeting proceedings and conversations in the workplace. My reaction was, “What are they afraid of?”. Here’s what I think accurate recording can do to–or for–the participants:
1. It faithfully preserves the dialogue between the participants. This helps avoid later arguments of the “He said–She said” variety, as well as identifies the specific substance of each point presented.
2. It serves as a reminder of all commitments made during the meeting, which helps ensure that none are omitted or later revised without the agreement of all concerned.
3. It serves as a reflection of the attitudes and perspectives of the participants who speak, including any personality conflicts which may have impeded the audit process.
4. It upholds or impugns the conduct, professionalism, and qualifications of the participants and their management. In this case, if the auditors did their jobs well, any accounting issues surfaced would be well-documented and specific discrepancies identified. The auditors’ opinions of the seriousness of the issues should be well-supported. If the auditees have done their jobs well, they should have provided sufficient documentation to support their positions on the issues, and stand ready with documented facts to correct any misconceptions the auditors may have carried into the meeting.
5. It preserves any clarifications and questions raised during the meeting.
6. It provides assurance that the final report is an accurate account of the audit proceedings and results.
Yes, a recording of the meeting can be a two-edged sword. But when conducting government business, should the government employees always conduct themselves as if they’re being recorded? I’d think yes.
Since the audit wrap-up meeting is intended to be a private event to encourage free-flowing dialogue, and the recording probably contains various pleasantries and conversations of limited relevance to the audit itself, and some of the content can be erroneously taken out of context, I agree with some comments that the recording or transcript does not need to be published at this time. To the best of my knowledge, it has not. Note though, that does not mean that the meeting content should not be accurately recorded.
Ms. Brinkerhoff-Riley appears to have taken appropriate steps to ensure that, by distributing copies to various individuals, the recording or transcript will not be inadvertently lost. Thus far, it appears that the named recipients of the recording/transcript have responsibly retained them without divulging their contents. If the final audit report substantially agrees with the content of the final meeting, then the recording/transcript need never be published, and the audit report will be the official public document–as it should. If the report and meeting record do not agree, then those who hold the recording/transcript will need to individually decide whether to expose the differences to the public, in order to ensure that our elected, appointed, contracted, and/or hired public servants are called upon to justify those differences.
Well said!
Very very well said !
I predict a lot of bigshots are going to be publicly humiliated tomorrow.
The list of revelations will be longer than the Oxford dictionary.
Just my prediction.
I Think you are right !
The good boy’s club will think twice
before trying this s–t anymore.
I’m a SBR fan and I think this is all a smoke screen by the machine to draw the heat away. This meeting was over 2 months ago and the report is due out the 23rd. Who benefits from all this distraction, how about Friend, Johns, O’Connor and the rest of the city council. SBR is extremely dangerous to both political parties, the same as Davis. The fact that the democrat machine can effective neutralize their own party’s candidate and make a wide swing to elect a republican speaks of both power and ignorant voters. We deserve this mess.
As someone pointed out, the last two nights are nothing more than the death rattle of the machine.
It would be nice if everyone went to the press conference to support SBR.
I’d loved to see the Mayor look down from his office and see 1000 or more voters standing in front of the civic center and supporting SBR.
I’m thinking to myself, did Curt really say that?
How low can one go to do the limbo?
Way to go, Stephanie. Blow the lid off.
I am not part of this Machine you all mention nor am I affiliated with the Civic Center in anyway and I feel as a person who watched this unfold via the newspaper and read Stephanie’s FB Public Notice myself that she is very out of line. Shes committed a crime in my eyes and in the perception of others. What’s being hidden, Ill tell you Nothing! I find this CC Person Unbalanced as I do watch weekly meetings. Ive seen her go after fellow Dems while seated and felt she’s unprofessional. She has been an avid poster on the CCO and loves to Bloviate in this Blog! A true Professional would never do as she has done!
Her behavior for the past few years has been erratic and not what one in office should project! But hey all of you are on the Conspiracy Theory we are being Lied to train of thought. Right?
Yes CCO, your The Press and have certain legal constitutional protections. Saying it isn’t illegal to publish such if you do have it wont hurt you one bit legally. You can even deny that she gave you the recording via the Constitution. Correct? Your much too dramatic in your writing CCO! But, I have a flare for the dramatic so no grudges here! If you truly are a Entity Unto Yourself, why haven’t you Published it? I think….you and Stephanie are good friends and as such you are letting her lead you by the nose! Do I want to hear or read the transcript of such Meeting, Nope! I have no desire as when the final report is complete all will be there for all of us to view in its entirety.
What she has accomplished is to form a wall between herself and her Party is all she has done.
I remember a few years back Mr Wallace when I was at a Public Gathering. I had no idea who you were but you were standing beside me in this cramped room. As you heard the words you were apparently waiting for this person beside me who I hadn’t a clue who you were began yelling loudly, “Its ON, It’s ON”!! I looked at the Tag on you shirt and then I knew as it read CCO and your name. You were all for the division of the Democrat Party that night so pull back the Curtain Mr Wallace you live for Days like this, tell the truth!
A part of me feels badly for Stephanie as when the dust settles where will she go, what will she do? It is sad seeing a person emplode.
Go ahead bash my Comment but know this One day it could be YOU the Reader who is the next one on Display!
So, you’re not a “machine” member, and you claim not to be affiliated with the Civic Center, but you seem to have some fear of being “on display”, and you show up at important moments in City politics. That’s odd.
If you don’t like CCO or Joe Wallace’s style of writing, why are you reading it? It sounds to me like you’re one of the minions who is dispatched to do “damage control”.
Were do i start,
How is she out of line ?
Look up Indiana LAW. she has not broken any law !
how do you know what has been hidden I can tell it is some thing or the CC would not have went on this witch hunt and the media like 14 AKA the National Inquirer published all this bull s–it with NO PROOF or facts.
I watch the meeting too I see nothing that in anyway that makes her look erratic,that would be John Friend !
Her behavior you speak of as unprofessional that is her job to keep the city on track that is what she is payed for by tax dollars Maybe you don’t care but 80% of us do
And since you bring up the Constitution we all have the Constitutional right to voice opinions in a Blog.You should put yourself in the unprofessional category for Going after the CCO and Mr. Wallace again you have no facts or proof !
I am proud to serve the community, and the truth about the financial records will be released today. This is not about me. This is about our inability right now to get a clean audit. I hope to see you there.
Like Esther in the Bible, you are a woman for these times. I am sure some are building political gallows for you, but they will find that their political careers and ambitions will be hung from them instead. You’re not wonder woman, but you are the right person. Thank you for risking so much to do the right thing.
SBR and I would disagree on a few issues, but her ability to gather data, evaluate it, and make up or change her mind base don facts has earned her my trust.
Appropriate by who’s standards? The people paying the bills, or the businessmen who recieve the no-bid contracts?
Who’s interests are being served in this town, the citizens of Evansville, or a group of elite businessmen?
Bitterly disappointed in Friend, I thought he was the GUY who would lead us out of the financial wilderness . . . but now he’s with the Machine.
Weaver–calling for the Council meeting to be postponed so as not to give SBR a ‘forum’ to tell all: gee, wonder where he got that order from ?
Also, Friend + Weaver both parroting the ‘unethical’ line about the recording: my, my, how the mighty have fallen. Weaver going on TV last night: pathetic.
Stephanie is the only person who has distinguished themself in this mess, please take a bow SBR !!
The 10 Commandmendts of Evansville!
Do you hear laughter Winnecke??? Not the laughter of Kings and Governors but the laughter of auditors, opening laughing and mocking the suggestion by your controller that the banking accounts were reconciled?
Do you hear laughter John Friend? Not the laughter of Mayors but the mocking laughter of the citizens of Evansville as you as the finance chair of the City Council. What a flippin’ joke that is as sat and watched an accounting sparke turn into a roaring bonfire. You’re a clown, a ridiculous parody, a flip flopping opportunist who has sold his soul to the machine.
Do us all a favor please stay on your boat in KY.
Winnecke just resign, save yourself from public humiliation. Why not Bob Jones can reward failure again by making VP at ONB.
So let it be written so let it be done.
Thanks! SBR, for speaking out, … in spite of all the pressure you surely had to feign ignorance and remain silent, as all the rest of the Council has done.
You have distinguished yourself as one who will do what she believes is right, even if it is not expedient.
Whistleblowers are a special class of hero.
Count on my continuing support.
Again: Thanks! …
OMG This statement is insaaaaaane! Who does he think he’s fooling? He must have brought a loooot of dope back from his trip to Amsterdam to stay this high for this long.
Keep in mind the Marsha machine could only muster 2800 votes. There just aren’t that many individuals in this inbred group. Their days of passing around tax dollars among themselves with their hooey consulting and legal fees in a never ending keep away game from the rest of us is over. We need to take a VERY close look at this payroll overage.
Winky can hope he sounds authoritative enough to fool the low info voters but even the village idiot knows that $7 million dollars is a lot to cover up. This tape is very bad. Russ looks like a freaking moron. How in the world do you justify paying this incompoop a salary? Really, how about a comment from the mayor about Russ? How does he really feel about the job Russ does for this city? Let the bum go get a job in the open marketplace with his “accounting skillâ€. Let’s take a closer look at that waster water decrep. Jenny Collins as former controller and current water dept toadie should get on that rail outta town with Russ as well. Immediately.
It is extremely insulting for the mayor to tell me what to think about this when I have ears and can read and do math on my own. Extremely insulting. He can think I’m a lowly cake-eater but at least I am solvent, unlike this city.
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