IDEM is accepting new member applications to the Environmental Stewardship Program now through November 30


Apply to become a member of IDEM’s Environmental Stewardship Program
The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) encourages Indiana regulated entities to apply for the Environmental Stewardship Program (ESP). Each member is recognized as one of Indiana’s top environmental leaders and may receive regulatory benefits, such as reduced reporting or advanced notice for compliance inspections. If you are already a member of ESP, please forward this message to other nonmember organizations that may be interested.

Applications are accepted now through November 30, 2020
Any regulated entity in Indiana may apply regardless of type, size, or complexity. To qualify for ESP, applicants must demonstrate a standard of environmental compliance; implement and maintain an environmental management system (EMS); and be committed to continuous environmental improvement.

ESP is a voluntary, performance based leadership program designed to recognize and reward Indiana regulated entities for going above and beyond current environmental regulations. In return for exemplary environmental performance, members can receive program incentives including regulatory flexibility, recognition, and networking opportunities. Program standards are outlined in 326 IAC 25-1, 327 IAC 18-1, and 329 IAC 18-1.

To apply for ESP, please follow these steps:

  1. Verify that the organization’s compliance history is accurately represented on U.S. EPA’s ECHO database.
  2. For confidential assistance with an environmental compliance or regulatory question, contact IDEM’s Compliance & Technical Assistance Program (CTAP) at 800-988-7901.
  3. Ensure that the organization’s environmental management system meets the guidelines of the program by completing the EMS Checklist [PDF].
  4. Conduct an independent audit of the organization’s Environmental Management System.
  5. Review the ESP Application Instructions [PDF].
  6. Reference the Environmental Performance Table [PDF].
  7. Submit an ESP Application to the ESP Program Manager at by November 30, 2020.

Application review process takes approximately 90 days: 

  • Days 1-30: IDEM completes the administrative review and does an environmental compliance check within the last three years.
  • Days 31-60: The ESP program manager will conduct a site visit to tour the facility and review the Environmental Management System. In addition, an IDEM CTAP staff member will be present to discuss any regulatory requirements. Notes and information gathered while at this visit are not confidential under the CTAP confidentiality clause. For confidential assistance, contact IDEM’s Compliance & Technical Assistance Program at 800-988-7901 for confidential assistance with an environmental compliance or regulatory question before applying to ESP.
  • Days 61-90: IDEM senior management reviews the application. Upon approval, IDEM’s Commissioner signs the acceptance letter and certificate. The certificate can be mailed or presented in an onsite ceremony after acceptance, depending on the company’s preference. The organization will also be invited to request environmental regulatory incentives upon acceptance into the program.

Responsibilities of ESP Members:
ESP Members must maintain a standard of environmental compliance; an EMS; and continue implementing environmental improvement projects. IDEM requires that members submit an annual performance report (APR), available on the IDEM Forms page, due April 1. The ESP membership term lasts for four years and renewals must be requested when submitting the fourth APR. The renewal review process is the same as becoming a new member.