“Then Along Came Mike Braun”

 “Then Along Came Mike Braun”
 A couple of days ago, Politico published a story highlighting Mike’s outsider campaign and why he’s emerged as the front runner to win the U.S. Senate primary on May 8th.
Some Excerpts From The Story:
“What Braun has been able to do is say, ‘The difference with me is I’m not a professional politician.’”
Braun “is now on the brink of dispatching Rokita and Messer by portraying them as a pair of interchangeable Washington, D.C., swamp creatures.”
“Braun, doubling down on the outsider message, says in his closing argument TV ad that he’s running ‘because President Trump paved the way.’”
To read the full story click here.


  1. O boy using religion and outsider tricks. Fine. By the time NOvember rolls around, Braun may rue the day he let the name “Trump” out of his mouth. Its gonna be a Dem celebration. Why would any new guy even run. Theyre running away from Dc not running to DC. Get a clue!

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