ICYMI: Bucshon, Congress backs court challenge to Obama’s climate plan


(WASHINGTON, DC) –This week, Eighth District Congressman Larry Bucshon, M.D. and 204 members of Congress filed an amicus brief supporting petitions filed by 27 states, including Indiana, seeking to overturn the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan. 

The Associated Press reported, “A brief filed Tuesday with the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington argues that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency overstepped its legal authority and defied the will of Congress by regulating carbon dioxide emissions.”

After joining the amicus brief, Bucshon stated, “Congress has repeatedly tried to overturn these regulations through legislation; however, the President and his allies continue blocking our legislative efforts in order to protect their ideological climate change agenda. Now we’re taking the fight to the courts because we believe the way forward is through innovation and technology advancements, not unlawful federal regulations that cannot be met, damage the economy, and cost jobs. I’m proud to help file this amicus brief, in support of states like Indiana, requesting that the D.C. Circuit Court vacate these regulations that have been temporarily blocked by the Supreme Court.”


  1. Larry needs to work on bring clean energy jobs to the district not support a dying industry. Larry knows the have the most pollution of anywhere in the U.S. yet he continues to support an industry without a future. We need someone in congress with vision for the future not pandering to fossil fuel interests. We need someone who will work to bring clean jobs here and help our children’s lungs be healthy.

    • I’ve got to say you are right. All Bucshon knows is what his handlers tell him. He still believes that coal is king even though that century is long gone.

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