Hunden’s Latest Recommendation Document


From Page 2 “the analysis suggested that the value of the project is approximately $20 Million to $23 Million, suggesting that for a $33 Million project the subsidy necessary to induce a strong developer to the project would range from $9 Million to $13 Million”



  1. OMG,

    1) Pg. 2: “While HSP was not engaged to write a report . . .”. Surely you jest, if not engaged to write a report, why were you hired, HSP ?; and

    2) Pg. 3: Here’s the answer: The ERC hired Hunden to “advise it on the process of inducing the development of a downtown full service hotel”.

    NEWS FLASH: Advising the ERC on the process of inducing the development of a hotel is NOT, I repeat, NOT vetting in any way shape or form.

    This has really crossed a line. We’ve been told repeatedly that Hunden was VETTING, they were actually just CHEERLEADING.

    Finally, any chance this “free” status update from today is a cover-your-ass move by HSP ? Their errors and omission policy was twisting in the wind today. Begs the question: what in the world will City Council vote on Monday: $ 8 Million or $ 9 – $ 13 Million ?

    • Thank you for using your mind and freely expressing what you think. Evansville needs more people like you. People like you who think and act are leaving in droves.

  2. * The findings presented herein reflect analysis of primary and secondary sources of information. HSP utilized sources deemed to be reliable but cannot guarantee their accuracy. In several instances, additional supporting data was requested if the data could not be verified.


    So….they were told the direction the ERC/city wanted to go, they tried to verify the info Kunkel gave them but couldn’t, they disregard and omited a Dun & Bradstreet report because it’s not favorable (my interjection) to Kunkel (and actually is a secondary form of verification). They can’t make their mind up as to just how much incentives will be needed to help jump start the project…figures we have seen now range from $8m to $13m and a yet to be determined low interest loan for how much?

    I have to agree with beerguy it is simply a CYA document, and a please call us next time you want to give us money for vetting (nothing) (Hunden is either just as dumb as the ERC or is just another group of shysters laughing all the way to the bank)

    I know our new mayor elect is busy trying to put together a team and getting up to speed but it really would be great for him to publicly comment on this smelly bird that is being placed around his neck before the city council votes on it.


    • I have a copy of Kunkel’s D&B Comprehensive Insight Plus Report from August 2011 before my eyes at this moment and I can see why Kunkel would not want this included in any vetting process.

      Your instincts served you well in this case blanger.


  3. I have a gut feeling this total project is doomed to fail. Mostly due to the inexperience of the developer and the current administration’s desire to “close the deal” before the end of their term.
    I hope the current Evansville City Council tables any funding requests for this project and let’s the next mayor, ERC and City Council deal with this albatross.

  4. Way to cover your a$$ Hunden. This entire document was released for what purpose again?

  5. king John gives one more one finger salute to the taxpayers of Evansville as he gets ready to leave office
    [Thank God

    King John gives the one finger salute as he gets ready to leave office. The gang of cronies will vote for anything the king says so here we go again!!!

  6. There is no sane reason to drag this farce forward one more inch. If the City Council approves this con job every damned one of them who votes in favor should be impeached, indicted, tried in a court of law, and thrown in the penitentiary for the rest of their lives. If Kunkel couldn’t pay a property tax bill on time they have no business building and operating a hotel. For crying out loud Kunkel has a sign in front of the Walker Building that brags that they are renting office space for $6.00 per square foot. If this doesn’t scream “We Don’t Know What We’re Doing!!!!” then what does? If those Bozos are allowed to proceed with that hotel deal the City of Evansville will spend the next 10 years cleaning up the mess, and it will be the taxpayers who will suffer from Whiny-Boy’s greed with a significantly higher tax burden.

  7. The majority of tenants in the Walker building have some sort of tie to Weinzapfel, including 501c corporations operating on federal grant money, the democrat party, an association of attorneys (of which he is a member).

    He funneled a lot of people in Kunkel’s direction in order to increase Kunkel’s income from his $10.00 investment.


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