Home archived-iit Hunden Study Projects only 41 Full Time Jobs at Hotel: Mayor Claims...

Hunden Study Projects only 41 Full Time Jobs at Hotel: Mayor Claims 250, How Can this Be?

Evansville Financial Controls Mascot
Evansville Financial Controls Mascot

This is from table 25 on page 31 of the Hunden Study that the Winnecke Administration paid over $100,000 for.

Net New FTE Jobs Actual
From Direct 41 (at the hotel)
From Indirect 14 (contractors working for hotel)
From Induced 15 (at other businesses in the downtown)

Total 70

The obvious question is given that the 41 direct jobs projected that the hotel will create at stabilization which is defined as 3 years after opening where did Mayor Winnecke come up with his claim of 250 jobs at the hotel? After all his claim is a mere 510% higher than the study he paid over $100,000 for projected.

Hunden also estimated the jobs that will be created by the construction project and once again Mayor Winnecke’s claim of 800 is not based on this expensive study, it is from la-la land. Assuming an 18 month construction time the 414 job years projected by Hunden would translate into 276 full time equivalent jobs for a period of 18 months. Mayor Winnecke’s claims are 189% higher with no corroborating study to back them.

From the Hunden Study.

“For the 240-room limited service plus model, the total impact from materials spending is projected to be $23.2 million. Earnings are projected to be more than $32 million, leading to 414 job-years, or one job for one year.”


  1. Spotting a LIAR in the Administration’s Malarkey is like beating a 5yr old at Chess.

  2. John Friend told me yesterday on the phone the Hunden Study actually cost $217,000. I thought it was $105,000. Whichever it is, why would we pay for it, then summarily ignore it?

  3. Bunsen is projecting FTEs while Winnecke is probably using jobs, disregarding the number of hours per week. After all, a job is a job, in Weinzapfel and Winnecke’ s minds.

    Weinzapfel DID tell the General Assembly that the new arena was going to create more than 500 jobs ignoring the jobs lost at Roberts.

    Don’t you love honesty.

  4. 41 direct jobs
    14 indirect jobs
    15 induced jobs

    70 total jobs from above

    1 oops!

    71 from referenced report

    Still better than the Winnnecke count, by far, was and he used to be a banker?

    • So $37.5 Million/250 is $150,000 per job as a gift for each PART TIME JOB. If I hire a 15 hour per week worker at $8 an hour will be mayor send me $150,000? If so I need to start hiring. The same goes for the $914,634 he is willing to pay for full time jobs that pay crap. I will hire a full time maid tomorrow if you send me $914,000 first. This is the lunatic fringe by any measure. Winnecke makes Obama look like an economic genius.

  5. Civic pride has taken over this story/project, and this publication and most of its folllowers, including me, are talking about ROI and results from a study.

    Look what Owensboro and Ft. Wayne have, the boosters shout!

    Yes the sports car just looks wunderbar in the showroom and when you take it for a test drive. But the reality is that the shiny new toy loses its luster very quickly and your so called friends are not impressed any more after a few days and you’re stuck with the payments for the next 5 years. You find out very quickly that you should have gone for safe reliable transportation and good gas mileage. That car payment could have gone to your 401-k with a match from your employer and towards your retirement.


  6. “He who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and third time, till at length it becomes habitual; he tells lies without attending to it, and truths without the world’s believing him. This falsehood of the tongue leads to that of the heart, and in time depraves all its good dispositions.”
    Thomas Jefferson

  7. I hear the “stalkers” may be on the prowl this evening. Protect your trash cans.

    Watergate is gone however it’s being alleged that we could now have a possible “trash-gate” going down in River City.

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