House of Representatives Passes HB 1002, Indiana Career Council


Bill addresses high military unemployment rate

STATEHOUSE —House Speaker Brian C. Bosma (R-Indianapolis) and Leader Scott Pelath (D-Michigan City) were joined by Brig. Gen. Brian R. Copes, Chief of the Joint Staff of the Indiana National Guard, Dr. Charles Haenlein the President and CEO of the Hoosier Veterans Assistance Foundation (HVAF) and State Reps. Steve Braun (R-Zionsville) and Ben Smaltz (R-Auburn) to address the high unemployment rate of Hoosier veterans.

Last week, House Bill (HB) 1002, the Indiana Career Council (ICC) was amended to incorporate veterans. HB 1002 is designed to improve coordination, communication and vision for Indiana’s workforce training and career preparation systems. The ICC is a panel designed to bring the principal stakeholders in the state’s workforce development efforts to a single table, with the Governor as its chair.

“The most critical challenges before this General Assembly are workforce development and job training. While Indiana is consistently ranked best in the Midwest in job creation environment, our state’s unemployment rate hovers stubbornly at 8 percent and more than doubles for our post 9/11 veterans. We must make every effort to better address this opportunity gap for those who have selflessly served our country. The ICC will unite a fragmented system, share data and coordinate all elements of the state’s workforce development system and work to address the particular unemployment concerns of veterans,” said Speaker Bosma.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Post 9/11 veterans have a national unemployment rate of 10 percent; Indiana’s veteran’s unemployment rate doubles the national average. Members of the ICC will be charged with aligning the education skills and training provided by Indiana’s educational, job skills and career training systems with the existing and projected needs of the state’s job market. The ICC will also be charged with submitting recommendations to the General Assembly on necessary improvements to Indiana’s job skills training system.

“Post 9/11 veterans face a state unemployment rate of 20 percent,” said Dr. Charles Haenlein, President and CEO of HVAF of Indiana. “With over 20 years of experience serving Hoosier veterans, we are excited to bring our unique perspective to the Career Council to better address the needs of returning veterans.”

Indiana has the fourth largest National Guard force in the United States with 12,112 troops. Since the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, there have been 19,557 tours to Iraq and Afghanistan by individual members of the Indiana National Guardsmen.

Part of the strategic plan required by the ICC will be to propose changes to make Indiana a leader in STEM employment opportunities. Currently, there are 2.4 STEM jobs for every unemployed person. Because the rate of unemployment is so high among returning servicemen and women, the amendment has the ICC seek input from military and veterans organizations.
“The Indiana National Guard is deeply appreciative of the efforts by the Ind. House of Representatives to create expanded employment and training opportunities for veterans and military service members,” said Brig. Gen. Brian Copes, Indiana National Guard Chief of Joint Staff. “The opportunity for military and veteran leaders to help inform this dialogue is a gracious and welcome gesture.”