House Democrats attempt to wrestle some sports legislation into a hectic session
FEBRUARY 5, 2025
- By Erin Bruce,

Rep. Mike Andrade, D-Munster, in a lucha libre Wearing shirts to represent their favorite leagues, teams and athletes, five Indiana House Democrats outlined their legislative agenda for Hoosier sports in a press conference Tuesday morning.
Five bills and two amendments complete the proposed package, “The Hoosier Home Field Advantage.” The legislative agenda follows Indianapolis’ record-breaking World Wrestling Entertainment Royal Rumble, which boasted big names like John Cena.
“We’re doing great in the sports realm, but this group of people in the Indiana House Democrats think that we can capitalize on that success and really take things through the stratosphere,” said Rep. Mitch Gore, D-Indianapolis.
Indy is home to three professional athletic teams as well as the National Collegiate Athletic Association headquarters. The city also has hosted major events, including the 2024 Olympic swim trials, 2024 NBA All-Star Game and 2012 Super Bowl.
Gore has authored House Bill 1517, which would create “American Professional Football Day,” a state holiday celebrated the Monday after the Super Bowl. The bill was co-authored by Rep. Ethan Manning, R-Logansport, and is currently in committee.
Gore said that this year, 16 million people are expected to miss work the day after the Super Bowl.
“I think Hoosiers don’t care as much about attacking DEI. They want to support the NBA,” said Gore.
Gore also presented an amendment that would make children’s athletic gear exempt from sales tax. The sales tax holiday would take place in the spring and fall, coinciding with major athletic seasons. According to Gore’s press representative, he is currently working with the authors of several different bills in an attempt to place the amendment.
“We could do something positive for kids, get them involved in something, maybe keep them out of trouble,” Gore said. “If we can provide families with the resources to be able to do that for their kids, I think that’s a good thing.”
Rep. Phil GiaQuinta, D-Fort Wayne, has presented two bills that would attempt to make high-school sports more accessible to fans.
HB 1534 would require schools to provide a cash payment option at athletic events. GiaQuinta said the intent of the bill is to make games more accessible for students, so they can buy tickets and concessions with cash as opposed to using their parent’s credit card.
HB 1541 would prohibit the Indiana High School Athletic Association from charging viewers to stream athletic events. GiaQuinta said this aims to make games more accessible for families to watch and encourage new fans.
“Frankly, I believe that would then gain more interest in people. After they watch something on the Internet, they’re going to then go to the game,” said GiaQuinta.
Both these bills remain in committee.
Rep. Kyle Miller, D-Fort Wayne, wrote HB 1608, which would have the Indiana Economic Development Corporation submit a report to the General Assembly on the potential esports hold for the state.
“Esports is not the basement Nintendo or the mall arcade we had as kids. It’s a growing industry with billions, that’s worth billions, and Indiana is in the prime position to lead in this booming industry,” said Miller.
Miller cited Ball State University, Purdue University, Butler University and Indiana State University as examples of the growing industry, as they’ve all developed esports programs.
“Esports aren’t just important for Indiana, they’re vital. They bring economic opportunities, education benefits, a sense of community and inspiration for our future,” he said.
Also looking to expand into new territory, Rep. Earl Harris Jr., D-East Chicago, presented HB 1292.
The bill would establish the Northwest Indiana Professional Sports Development Commission. Co-authors include Rep. Ethan Manning, R-Logansport, Rep. Timothy O’Brien, R-Evansville, and Rep. Doug Miller, R-Elkhart.
“When you look at the lineup on the bill, my co-authors are all Republicans that asked to be on the bill, so I appreciate that support,” said Harris. The bill is in committee.
Harris said he wants to create jobs, develop the economy and attract tourists to Northwest Indiana, using sports as the framework to do so.
The commission would be composed of mayors, county officials, and economic leaders and be responsible for developing plans to build an athletic facility and support existing athletic franchises.
Rep. Mike Andrade, D-Munster, was wearing an Indianapolis WWE Royal Rumble jersey and blue and white wrestling mask. The amendment he proposed matched his outfit, as it would require the Indiana Sports Corporation to attract professional wrestling by placing bids on events. According to a press representative, the amendment is in the drafting process.
Andrade said the recent Royal Rumble event saw almost 70,000 fans and created an economic impact of over $300 million.
“At this time, give me a ‘Hell yeah!’ if you smell what the House Democrats are cooking,” said Andrade.