Home Education Hostettler, McNamara: Bill To Fully Fund Virtual Public School Students Now...

Hostettler, McNamara: Bill To Fully Fund Virtual Public School Students Now Law


Legislation to fully fund students attending school virtually due to COVID-19 is now law, according to State Reps. Matt Hostettler (R-Patoka) and Wendy McNamara (R-Evansville).

“With the struggles of recent events, we are keeping our promise to fully fund public schools, regardless of whether students attended class in-person or virtually due to COVID-19,” Hostettler said. “Funding our schools remains a top priority. Our educators have worked tirelessly to keep classroom instruction going and played a key role in keeping our students safe.”

Without this new law, public schools would only receive 85% of tuition support per virtual student, which is defined as a child learning 50% or more of their instruction online. McNamara said this law provides 100% of the state’s tuition support for students at public schools who have gone to virtual instruction for part or all of the 2020-2021 academic year, so long as those students weren’t already learning virtually prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Our students and teachers adapted quickly this past year as we’ve shifted between remote and hybrid learning to prevent virus spread,” McNamara said. “Parents and educators should be applauded for an exceptional job to ensure young Hoosiers still receive a high-quality education while being mindful of the COVID-19 health and safety guidelines.”

Senate Enrolled Act 2 is effective immediately. Visit iga.in.gov to learn more.