Home Community News Hoosiers Should Know How To Respond In An Earthquake

Hoosiers Should Know How To Respond In An Earthquake


Hoosiers Should Know How To Respond In An Earthquake

INDIANAPOLIS—Hoosiers, did you know that you should worry about earthquakes? Yeah, that’s right. According to the Indiana Department of Homeland Security, the state is near two seismic zones, where earthquakes are more likely and hazardous.

Because of this relatively unknown risk, IDHS is beginning a Get ShakIN’ campaign to make Indiana residents more knowledgeable and prepared this February, which is Earthquake Awareness Month—an awareness heightened by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria early Monday, killing thousands.

Indiana University’s Indiana Geological & Water Survey organization reported that the state’s last moderate earthquake was in 2021. The most intense portion occurred in Bloomingdale, though residents in Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky and Ohio reported vibrations. 

As for the future, IDHS reported in its Earthquake Fact Sheet that “seismologists believe that there is a major earthquake in Indiana’s near future” and that the Lower Wabash Valley of Indiana and Illinois is capable of producing dangerous earthquakes at any moment. 

What to do

IDHS also released the best steps to take if an earthquake happens. 

In the case of an earthquake, you should:

  1. Drop wherever you are onto your hands and knees.

  2. Cover your head and neck with one arm and hand while searching for sturdy shelter.

  3. Hold onto the sturdy shelter until the shaking stops. 

You are also encouraged to avoid power lines, other electrical outlets and taller structures that could collapse. 

Kid connection

Increasing youth awareness, IDHS is hosting a competition for classes or groups of students k-12. To enter, students must create an earthquake awareness video and post it on YouTube. The top 10 videos will be picked by a panel from IDHS and receive a seismograph to monitor earthquakes in the classroom.

—Ashlyn Myer

FOOTNOTE:  Ashlyn Myers is a reporter for TheStatehouseFile.com, a news website powered by Franklin College journalism students.Â