

1883     The United States adopted Railroad Standard Time, which established four time zones within the nation.  The system was meant to eliminate confusion caused by the many different local clock times.  One newspaper reported that, before the new system, travelers through Indiana might have to reset their watches 23 times.

bottle1915     The Root Glass Company of Terre Haute received a patent for its design of the Coca-Cola bottle.  The firm had won the competitive challenge from the company to create a glass container “so distinct that you would recognize it by feeling it in the dark or lying broken on the ground.”  The bottle is now acknowledged to be one of the most recognizable objects in the world.

face mask1918     In the midst of an influenza epidemic, the Board of Health in Indianapolis issued an order requiring all citizens to wear face masks in public places.  According to city officials, the edict would be strictly enforced.  In addition, all schools and libraries were closed until further notice.

Edgar Guest

1919     Edgar A. Guest, one of the most popular poets of the era, was guest speaker at the Rotary Club luncheon at the Claypool Hotel in Indianapolis.  HIs “Just Folks” verse was published daily in newspapers across the country.  He also spoke to students at Manual, Shortridge, and Arsenal Tech High Schools.

train1947     The “Friendship Train” traveled into Indiana from Chicago.  It was met with enthusiasm by large crowds in Elkhart and South Bend.  Governor Ralph Gates led the reception in both cities, accompanied by industrialist Henry J. Kaiser.  In Elkhart, they were joined by George Selmer, grandson of the founder of the musical instrument company.  The train was traveling the nation collecting food for starving people in France and Italy.

Amana1968     Appliance stores across Indiana were offering in-store demonstrations of the new Amana Radar Range, the first compact microwave oven available to consumers.  “Cook like the 21st Century Today!” declared the newspaper ads which described “push-button cooking” that “does a hamburger in 60 seconds.”  The sticker price on the oven was $495 (over $3,000 in today’s economy.)


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Indiana Quick Quiz


     If it is 8:00 am in Indianapolis, what time is it in each of the following cities?

1.  Evansville       4.  San Diego

2.  Gary                5.  London

3.  Denver            6.  Moscow

Answers Below

Hoosier Quote of the Week


“I believe in vested rights but not vested wrongs.”

– – – Thomas R. Marshall (1854 – 1925)     27th Governor of Indiana  and  Vice President of the United States under Woodrow Wilson

Did You Know?

     Edgar A. Guest might be considered the James Whitcomb Riley of his generation.  Riley was called the “Children’s Poet” and Guest was known as the “Poet of the People.”  Guest once said, “I do the same kind of jingles that Riley used to do.  All he tried to be was sincere.”  The two poets shared the same subject matter:  optimism, nostalgia for an earlier time, and praise for the ordinary person and little things in life.  “Just Folks” was the title of Guest’s daily newspaper poem, and the title was fitting.  Many of his over 11,000 poems are still read and quoted today.  One of the most famous is “It Couldn’t Be Done” which concludes, “There are thousands to tell you that it can not be done, there are thousands to prophesy failure, there are thousands to point out to you, one by one, the dangers that wait to assail you, but just buckle it in with a bit of a grin, just take off your coat and go to it, just start to sing as you tackle the thing that couldn’t be done and you’ll do it.”

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Statehouse Virtual Tour


1.  7:00 am  2. 7:00 am  3. 6:00 am

4.  5:00 am  5. 1:00 pm  6. 4:00 pm