
    February 2, 1883
    The first night baseball games were playing in Fort Wayne.

    February 2, 1940
    Frank Sinatra debuted with the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra at the Lyric Theater in Indianapolis.

    February 3, 1809
    Congress passes an act dividing the Indiana Territory into two governments, creating the Illinois Territory.

    February 4, 2007
    The Indianapolis Colts win Super Bowl XLI in Miami, defeating the Chicago Bears, 29 to 17.

    February 5, 1897
    The Indiana House of Representatives unanimously passes a bill to set the value of pi at 3.2.  The bill dies in the Senate six days later.

    February 6, 1837
    The State geological survey is authorized.

    February 7, 1801
    Ovid Butler is born in Augusta, New York.  His family moves to Indiana, where he grows up to become a lawyer and publisher of an abolitionist newspaper.  In 1850 he founds Northwestern Christian University which later becomes Butler University.

    February 8, 1901
    Indiana University competes in its first ever basketball game.  One hundred fans travel with the team by train to Irvington to play Butler, which wins by the score of 20 to 17.