Holcomb signs school safety, Department of Child Services bills


Governor Eric J. Holcomb offered the following after signing two Next Level Agenda bills designed to protect Hoosier children.

HEA 1004 School Safety

“Every student, teacher and staff member deserves a safe school. I convened a group last year to examine school safety, and the recommendations led to this legislation that provides access to more funding for safety equipment, facilitates partnerships with local law enforcement and requires threat assessments in our schools. This new law is key to ensuring our schools are better prepared.”

 HEA 1006 Department of Child Services

 “We have a responsibility to each and every child to help them reach their full potential. This legislation both protects children and recognizes the difficult work of those who protect them by reducing caseloads, allowing case managers flexibility in their assessments and extending collaborative care services to age 21.”

 The Governor signed a total of 28 bills today. Visit the 2019 Bill Watch webpage to view these and other bills the Governor has signed into law.