Holcomb Signs Bill Protecting Schools From ILEARN Penalties

Holcomb Signs Bill Protecting Schools From ILEARN Penalties

Staff Report

INDIANAPOLIS — Gov. Eric Holcomb signed legislation Wednesday that will prevent schools from being penalized because of low Indiana Learning Evaluation Assessment Readiness Network (ILEARN) test scores.

The new ILEARN test replaced STEP+ and aims to measure student achievement and growth. Students in grades 3-8 are required to take the English/language arts (ELA) and mathematics portion of the test.

Students and schools performed poorly on the ILEARN test, prompting educators and lawmakers to call for legislation to protect local districts from being penalized. Senate Bill 2 will ease the transition to the new test and will not penalize schools or teachers for low scores for the next two years.

“This legislation ensures that Indiana’s students, teachers and schools have the time they need to successfully adjust to the new ILEARN,” Holcomb said in a news release after signing the bill. “I am grateful that the General Assembly unanimously supported my call to take action allowing educators to remain focused on helping Hoosier students succeed.”

To view the bill and stay updated on legislation making it to the governor’s desk visit: https://www.in.gov/gov/2020billwatch.htm

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