Highland Teacher Named EVSC’s November Cause for Applause Recipient


Rodney Walker, teacher at Highland Elementary School, was awarded the EVSC’s Cause for Applause award for November. The award seeks to recognize individuals who go above and beyond their normal job responsibilities.

Walker was nominated for the monthly award by fellow teachers Barb Lynn and Becky Ulrich. In their nomination letter, Lynn and Ulrich said Walker “has a heart of gold,” consistently working to make a difference for students at Highland and in the entire Central High School district.

Lynn and Ulrich site many examples of Walkers generosity, including purchasing shoes and supplies for the school’s basketball team, mentoring high school students, providing rides to doctor’s appointments, donating furniture and other items for graduating seniors and much more. “Truly, this individual works tirelessly for the good of others,” wrote Lynn and Ulrich. “We happily put our hands together to celebrate his work and commitment to students.”

Anyone can nominate an employee of the EVSC for the award. Deadline for nominations is the third Friday of each month. To nominate an EVSC employee, go to www.evscschools.com and click on About Us and see Cause for Applause under Community. Paper forms are available at the schools for those without access to the Internet.