High School Students Gaining Skills, Earning Credentials on Campus At Tell City Career & Technology Center


Ivy Tech Tell City Career & Technology Center

1034 31st St., Tell City

Wednesday, Sept. 5; 8-9:30 a.m

Students from Tell City High School, Perry Central High School and Heritage Hills High School are participating in Ivy Spark, a program with the goal of educating high school juniors and seniors in Industrial Technology skills, culminating by high school graduation with an earned technical certificate and MSSC certification – workplace manufacturing skills and credentials needed in the Tell City area. This semester seniors are enrolled in Basic Electricity and Fluid Power Dynamics. In subsequent semesters they will learn about Motors, Motor Controls and Hydraulics. Because these students began as seniors, they will take courses this summer to earn their technical certificate. Future classes starting as juniors will complete by high school graduation. The current classes are taught by retired high school industrial arts educator Gary Hannan. Interviews will be available with program leaders, Hannon, and students.


Contacts at the event:  Kyla Krieg, Director of Outreach & Engagement/Interim Workforce Development Consultant, Gary Hannon, adjunct professor; Students Zane Shane, Blake Bryant, from Heritage Hills; Marcus Fortwendel, Tell City