State Rep. Ryan Hatfield (D-Evansville) invited area residents to join him at a town hall at 7 p.m. Thursday (March 23) to discuss the 2017 session of the Indiana General Assembly.

The event will take place at the St. James Baptist Church, 1808 N. 4th Avenue.

“As we head into the final weeks of the 2017 session, I want to give the people of Evansville a chance to make their feelings known about some of the major issues we are facing this session, including a new state budget, an infrastructure improvement plan, and improvements in public education,” Hatfield said.

“I plan on giving those who attend an update on these critical issues, and hear from them about what they would like to see the Legislature accomplish before we finish our work in mid-April,” he continued.

Hatfield has two more town halls scheduled in the weeks to come:

April 8 at the Vanderburgh County Central Library, 200 SE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.

April 25 at the Potter’s Wheel, 333 Jefferson Avenue.