1. New York City is pulling back the New York Police Department and allowing Muslims to drive around in “Muslim Community Patrol” (MCP) cars and to enforce shariah law in Muslim neighborhoods.

    The new MCP cars have been seen in certain New York City neighborhoods in a frightening example of American laws being set aside for anti-American sharia rules to take over.


  2. Good news and Happy New Year
    President Donald Trump has had as much impact on the third branch of government in two years as most presidents have in two full terms, and the new Senate opens the door for the second half of his first term to be even more significant than the first half.

    The Senate in 2018 confirmed 67 federal judges to lifetime appointments: one Supreme Court justice, 18 judges to the U.S. courts of appeals, and 48 judges to the federal district courts (which is where trials are conducted).

    Combined with the 2017 number, this is a phenomenal total of 85 new federal judges: two Supreme Court justices, 30 appellate judges, and 53 trial judges. The total of 30 for the circuit courts of appeals breaks the previous all-time two-year record of 23, marking a historic achievement by President Trump and Senate Republicans….

    President Trump can now be even bolder on one of his strongest issues. In 2016, 48 percent of voters said judges were very important to their voting choice and an amazing 21 percent said it was their top issue. With almost 100 additional judicial vacancies to fill, the president can more than double his historic success thus far on that campaign promise, and over the next two years can give those voters something to mobilize for in 2020.


  3. God bless MAGA TRUMP and his FAMILY………………….MAGA and the AMERICA PEOPLE will without a doubt destroy the fake msm and deep state crime family………………my prediction for 19………….happy new year to all…………………….

  4. LOL!

    MAGA Pelosi says, “right on right on”, but the real deep state crime family must go.

    Sorry bro.

    But Happy New Year shar pie. And tell that homeless guy sitting in Mesker Amphitheater on his iPad I wish him the same.

    Believe me….

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