Happy Fourth Of July to Everyone


Happy Fourth of July


  1. A great patriotic speech on this 4th of july by Ronaldus Magnus…………..it appears every 25 years or so Americans elect a President that puts the country first and makes America great again…………now is that time…….. as we did in 1980 with Ronaldus Magnus we now have Maga Trump…………..thank God……………………https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiuFzpl28io

  2. God Bless these United States . . .we as Americans who have seen the fruits of sacrifice by those who came before us, need to read the writings of Thomas Jefferson who was not necessarily in favor of our Constitution. His driving issue was the judicial . . .we were going to place individuals in absolute authority not accountable to the electorate but people ascending to level of despotism . . . just look at the clowns at the ninth circuit or as some would say the Ninth Circus . . .and the other issue as Mr. Jefferson pointed out was “Our Republic is only secure until the politicians find the keys to the treasury . . .and thanks to the 16th Amendment, his prognostication has most certainly become reality. May God save us all!!!!

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