Central Committee:
   Wayne Parke, Chairman
   Mary Jo Kaiser, Political Director
   Dottie Thomas, Vice Chairman
   Lon Walters, Secretary
   Farley Smith, Treasurer
   Kevin Harrison, Editor Â
News and Upcoming Events for January 21, 2020
 VCRP Lincoln Day Friday, February 28, 2020
You are Invited to Join theÂ
Vanderburgh County Republican Party
For Our
2020 Lincoln Day Dinner Â
When:Â Friday February 28, 2020
3810 Stringtown Rd., Evansville
Doors open : 5:30 pm
Reception  : 5:30 – 6:30pm
Dinner     : 6:30pm
 Mark your calendar to join the VCRP on Friday evening, February 28, 2020 for our annual Lincoln Day Dinner. This year’s keynote speaker will be:
Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb
$100 Dinner / $150 Dinner & Reception
Sponsorship Levels:
Platinum $5000 (includes 8 Dinner/ Reception tickets)
Gold     $2500 (includes 6 Dinner/ Reception tickets)
Silver    $1200 (includes 4 Dinner/ Reception tickets)

 Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb
Kiefer to file for Re-election at Noon Today – Tuesday January 21, 2020
Event: Joe Kiefer’s filing for Re-election to
      Vanderburgh County Council
When : 12 Noon, Tuesday January 21, 2020
Where: Vanderburgh County Civic Center,
       Election Office
Vanderburgh County Councilman Joe Kiefer’s will be filing for re-election at 12 noon today, after which he will address the media.

Koehler Lindsey for County Council Fundraiser – Tuesday February 4
Join Angela Koehler Lindsey for a fundraiser as she seeks Re-election to the Vanderburgh County Council.
Date:Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Time: 4:30pm – 6:30pm
       12301 US-41, Evansville
$50 per person
*Paid for by the Committee to Elect Angela Koehler-Lindsey for County Council.Â
Thomas for County Treasurer Fundraiser- Tuesday February 18
Join Dottie Thomas as she kicks off her campaign to become the next Vanderburgh County Treasurer.
Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Time: 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Location: Bud’s Rockin’ Country Bar & Grill
        2124 Franklin St., Evansville
         Appetizers and Cash Bar
$50 per person minimum contribution
 *Paid for by the Committee to Elect Dottie Thomas for County Treasurer.
VCRP Central Committee Meeting – Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Time: 11:30 AM
Location: GOP Headquarters
815 John Street, Evansville
Meetings are open to all Vanderburgh County Precinct Committeemen
 City Council Meeting-   Date: Monday, January 27, 2020
        1 NW Martin Luther King Blvd, Evansville
EVSC Board of School Trustees Meeting-
       Time: 5:30 PM
 County Commission Meeting-   Date: Tuesday, January 28, 2020
        1 NW Martin Luther King Blvd, Evansville
 County Council Meeting-  Date: Wednesday, February 5, 2020
        1 NW Martin Luther King Blvd, Evansville
 Last day to declare candidacy for 2020 Primary is Noon Friday February 7, 2020
Friday February 7, 2020 (Noon) is the last day a declaration of candidacy for major political party primary nomination (or election as a Republican Party precinct committeeman, or state convention delegate of either major party at the primary) may be filed. Candidates for precinct committeeman must be a Qualified Elector of the precinct and a Qualified Primary Republican (or obtain authorization from the County Chairman). Candidates for precinct committeeman must file a CAN-37 form with the county clerk no later noon Friday, February 7, 2020. Form CAN-37 can be found on the Secretary of State Election Division’s Candidate Information web page.
Republican State Convention Delegate Candidates must be a resident of the Election District and a Qualified Primary Republican. A declaration of candidacy for election as a state convention delegate (form CAN-37) must be filed with the county election board no than noon February 7, 2020. All delegates will be assessed a $100 fee payable to the Indiana Republican State Committee to help defer State Convention costs.
Contact VCRP Political Director Mary Jo Kaiser at beamerjo59@gmail.com or 812-425-8207 for more information.
Note: If you or someone you know is interested in running for political office, please contact Chairman Wayne Parke to discuss the office and how to go about filing for the position should you decide to run. Chairman Parke can be reached at 812-455-1685 or via Email at wparke@wowway.com . |
 Republican State House incumbents filing for re-election :
- Vaneta G. Becker, State Senator, District 50
- Matt Hostettler, State Representative, District 064
- Wendy (Mac) McNamara, State Representative, District 076
- Holli Sullivan, State Representative, District 078
 Republican Primary Filings for Vanderburgh County Offices:
Time: 9:15 AM (doors open at 9:00 AM)
200 SE ML King BLVD, Evansville
Local state legislators are invited to make themselves available to answer questions on the second Saturday of each month during each legislative session.This is the first of three scheduled meetings for 2020.
VCRP Monthly Breakfast - Date: February 15, 2020
Time: 7:30 AM doors open / 8:00 AM Program
  100 Walnut Street, Evansville, IN 47713
2020 State of the State Address

(Click to Watch)
On January 14, 2020, Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb delivered his fourth State of the State address. He described extensive progress on some of Indiana’s greatest challenges, while also detailing bold ideas on what’s next for Indiana.
The speech was focused on Putting People First – including our kids, teachers, veterans, patients, workers and offenders returning to society.
Read the 2020 State of the State address HERE.
Statement from State Sen. Jim Tomes in response to Gov. Eric Holcomb’s State of the State address:
(from 1/16/10 Press Release by R. Kommes)
 “It’s up to Indiana’s elected officials, at every level, to work in the best interest of the people and create a better state for future generations. I look forward to working with the governor and my colleagues in the General Assembly to accomplish this. Gov. Holcomb laid out his vision for the future of Indiana and listed several key components that will allow our state to continue to improve, including an increased focus on health care cost transparency and protecting consumers from surprise medical billing.
“One of the most impressive accomplishments under Gov. Holcomb’s leadership is the economic growth our state has seen, especially when you look at the number of jobs committed to our state. In 2019 alone, businesses announced plans to create more than 27,000 jobs and invest more than $8.4 billion, including:
· Allison Transmission, more than 300 committed jobs and $400 million investment;
· Cummins, more than $30 million expansion;
· Fiat-Chrysler Automobiles, expected upwards of 1,000 new jobs and $400 million investment; and
· PharmaCord, more than 850 new jobs committed.
“Additionally, I was pleased to hear the governor’s plan to open the first facility in the country to bring together everything our veterans need – Veterans Affairs, the Disabled American Veterans, Indiana Veterans Initiative, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the American Legion – all under one roof. These policies will continue to move our state in the right direction.”
 The 2020 Congress of Counties is a two-day training and networking conference for Republican Party leaders, candidates and grassroots activists . This year’s Congress of Counties is scheduled for January 31 – February 1 in downtown Indianapolis at the Crowne Plaza Hotel.
General admission registration is now available for $100 per person.
Click HERE for more information.
We’re excited that the 2020 Indiana Republican Party State Convention is set — and we’re returning to Indianapolis! Join us on June 19-20 as Republicans from across Indiana convene for a weekend to celebrate the results our party’s leaders continue to deliver for Hoosiers throughout the state. |
Follow Bills introduced during the 2020 General Assembly Legislative Session HERE
Stay in touch with GOP state legislators representing our area (click links below):
Last Week President Trump signed the US-China Phase I agreement, saw the US Senate pass his USMCA initiative, and announced steps to protect the First Amendment right to pray in public schools.Â
  Learn more by clicking the links below:
 While President Trump and Republicans work to strengthen the American economy and protect Constitutional Rights, the Democrats focus on impeaching this President and overturning the 2016 vote.Â
Congressman Larry Bucshon Votes to End Impeachment Sham, AgainÂ
“Speaker Nancy Pelosi slammed these sham articles of impeachment through the House at breakneck speed; justifying her actions by suggesting President Trump was an imminent threat to American Democracy. Now, more than a month after the partisan vote in the House to adopt the articles of impeachment – our democracy still fully intact – Speaker Pelosi is finally moving forward to appoint impeachment managers and actually transmitting the articles of impeachment to the Senate. Her actions are not justified, her reasons are not sound, and her attempt to interfere in the Senate process is tantamount to a child throwing a fit – all of it clearly showing that impeachment is nothing more than a partisan endeavor engineered in an attempt to influence the outcome of the 2020 elections.”
While Washington Democrats play politics, real work to improve the lives of Americans has taken a back seat to the impeachment agenda. It’s time that we end this sham impeachment process once for all and get down to business the American people elected us to do in the first place.”
Senator Todd Young’s Statement on Impeachment Process
“The far-left has been desperate to get rid of President Trump since day one, and that has been made abundantly clear throughout this process. Now that the articles are being delivered and a trial will be held in the Senate, I will uphold my duty as an impeachment juror and carefully evaluate the legal arguments. I hope this process can be completed quickly so we can get back to the business of Hoosiers and all Americans.”
Senator Mike Braun:Â “Democrats’ hypocrisy is on full display”
“Finally, Speaker Pelosi has decided to stop her senseless delay and deliver the partisan articles of impeachment for a trial in the Senate. President Trump will for the first time in this sham process have a chance to fully exonerate himself. Pelosi, Schumer and Schiff spent weeks in a failed attempt to control the Senate trial because they know their case is weak.
 “Now the Democrats’ hypocrisy is on full display: they call for new witnesses they hope will strengthen their weak case, but seek to prevent President Trump from calling witnesses essential to his defense. Fair is fair: If we have witnesses, then President Trump should have the right to call Hunter Biden and his father Joe Biden regarding their involvement with a corrupt Ukrainian oligarch.
“It’s my hope that we have a fair and quick trial so that we can get back to work on delivering results for Hoosiers.”
Stay in touch with GOP members of Congress representing our area (click links below):
Visit the Vanderburgh GOPÂ
page for daily updates.
 Mark Your calendar        CLICK on event for more information
January 21 (Noon)
Kiefer Filing for Re-election |
January 27Â (5:30 pm) |
January 27Â (5:30 pm) |
January 28Â (3:00 pm) |
County Commission Meeting |
January 31 – February 1 |
Congress of Counties |
February 4 (4:30 pm) |
Koehler Lindsey for County Council Fundraiser
February 5 (3:30 pm) |
County Council Meeting |
February 7 (Noon) |
Last day to file a Declaration of Candidacy for 2020 Primary |
February 8 (9:15 am) |
Meet Your Legislators |
February 15 (7:30am) |
VCRP Monthly Breakfast |
February 18 (5:30pm) |
Thomas for Treasurer Fundraiser
February 28 (5:30 pm)
VCRP Lincoln Day Dinner |
 Make sure you add vandygop@gmail.com to your address book so we’ll be sure to land in your inbox!
If you have any questions, contact Mary Jo Kaiser, VCRP Political Director, at
for more info. Thank you.