Central Committee:
Wayne Parke, Chairman
Mary Jo Kaiser, Political Director
Dottie Thomas, Vice Chairman
Lon Walters, Secretary
News and Upcoming Events for September 24, 2019
O’Brien Fundraiser – Tuesday September 24, 2019

For Sponsorships or additional information contact:
 Rascher Fundraiser – Monday September 30, 2019

Event: Italian Cooking Class & Tasting Fundraiser
Date: Monday, September 30, 2019
Time: 6:00PM – 8:00PM
270 N. Green River Rd., Evansville
Join us for a unique and yummy fundraiser, Monday, September 30th at 6pm!
We’re doing an authentic Italian cooking class and tasting at Franco’s on Green River Road.
* Cost is $50 and includes the cooking class and dinner
* Only 14 spots available
 Hosted by Natalie Rascher for Evansville City Council Second Ward   Â
 VCRP West Side Nut Club Fall Festival Booth – Sign-up:Â
Please support the VCRP by volunteering your time to work at the VCRP Fall Festival Booth. If you cannot work inside the booth, we need workers outside selling drinks. Volunteers are needed Monday(10/7) through Saturday (10/12).
Times are:
10am-2pm, 2pm-6pm, and 6pm-close daily.
For more information or to volunteer contact Dottie Thomas : TEXT 812-483-6021  or Email sully9472@aol.com
   Voter Registration for the Municipal Election ends Monday, October 7, 2019.
Early Voting (Absentee In-Person) begins at the Vanderburgh County Election Office on
Tuesday, October 8, 2019 !
 The first day that a voter may vote an absentee ballot for the 2019 Municipal Election is Tuesday October 8, 2019. All registered voters living within Evansville city limits are eligible to vote in-person at the county election board office beginning 28 days before Election Day.
Early voting at the Election Office will be 8:00 am – 4:00 pm weekdays starting Tuesday October 8, 2019 and conclude at Noon on Monday November 4, 2019.
Vanderburgh County Election
P.O. Box 3343
Evansville, IN 47732-3343
Absentee ballot applications and forms can also be found on the Indiana Voters Portal . The deadline for absentee-by-mail applications to be received by the Election Office for the 2019 Municipal Election is 11:59 p.m., October 28, 2019.
If you have any questions, please call the Election Office at 812-435-5122. The Vanderburgh County Election Office is located at :
1 NW ML King Jr. BLVD ,Evansville, IN
Early Voting at Libraries and on Saturdays :
Early Voting for the Municipal Election will expand to Libraries beginning Monday October 21, 2019, with Saturday voting beginning 10/26/19.
Early Vote Dates and Times are:
 * At the Election Office :
 Weekdays –
. Tuesday October 8, 2019 – Friday November 1, 2019 -> Daily 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
. Monday November 4 – > 8:00 am to NOON
 Saturdays –
. October 26, 2019Â Â 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
. November 2, 2019 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
 * Early Voting at Satellites locations (2 weeks)
 Weekdays at Central, McCollough, Northpark, Oaklyn, and Red Bank Libraries:
. October 21, 2019 – October 25, 2019
. October 28, 2019 – November 1, 2019
. Hours are Monday – Thursday noon to 6:00 pm , Friday noon-5:00 pm
 Saturday Voting at Northeast Park Baptist & Cedar Hall School:
. October 26, 2019Â Â 8:00 am – 3:00 pm
. November 2, 2019Â 8:00 am – 3:00 pm
Early Vote Locations:
1 NW ML King Jr., Rm 216
2100 N. Fulton Ave
5115 Washington Ave
960 Koehler Dr.
215 N. Boeke Rd
3001 Oaklyn Dr.
120 S. Red Bank Rd
 On the Campaign Trail ..
The candidates are busy getting their message out.
What can you do to help?
Contact VCRP Political Director Mary Jo Kaiser
if you would like to volunteer .
 County Commission Meeting-  Date: Tuesday, September 24, 2019
        1 NW Martin Luther King Blvd, Evansville
  VCRP Central Committee Meeting – Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Time: 11:30 AM
Location: GOP Headquarters
815 John Street, Evansville
 Meetings are open to all Vanderburgh County Precinct Committeemen
 County Council Meeting-  Date: Wednesday September 25, 2019
        1 NW Martin Luther King Blvd, Evansville
EVSC Board of School Trustees Meeting-
       Time: 5:30 PM
 City Council Meeting-  Date: Monday, October 14, 2019
        1 NW Martin Luther King Blvd, Evansville
 VCRP Breakfast – Saturday October 19, 2019
Time: 7:30AM- 9:00 AM
100 Walnut Street, Evansville, IN 47713
After going on the road to Evansville in 2018, we’ll be returning to Indiana’s capital city next year for our biennial convention. Official activities at the Indiana Republican State Convention will be held on Saturday, June 20, 2020, at the Indiana Convention Center in downtown Indianapolis. Activities for delegates will also be planned for Friday, June 19. Watch for more details about the 2020 Indiana Republican Party State Convention in the coming months.
Ivy Tech offers scholarships for volunteer firefighters, EMSÂ
(from 9/20/19 House News Update)
Ivy Tech Community College and the Indiana Volunteer Firefighters Association have joined forces to offer a scholarship to any active volunteer firefighter or emergency medical personnel in the state.The scholarship, available starting in the 2020-2021 school year, is open to both full- and part-time students seeking a degree, and covers tuition and technology fees at any of Ivy Tech’s 40-plus campuses.
The idea for the scholarship originated from a proposed bill by Indiana House Republicans during this year’s legislative session. Though the bill did not pass, Ivy Tech has launched the scholarship as a two-year pilot program. In 2022, state lawmakers will review the results for possible expansion.
With the majority of our state’s firefighters and EMS personnel serving as volunteers, the Public Safety Scholarship is a great opportunity for them to obtain needed skills to jumpstart or advance careers, and also encourage others to serve their communities. Visit IVFA’s website to learn more about this scholarship. You can apply through Ivy Tech online or by calling 888-489-5463.
Up to $30,000 in scholarships available for aspiring teachers
(from 9/20/19 House News Update)
High school seniors and college students interested in a career in education can apply for the Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship through Nov. 30. This renewable scholarship of up to $7,500 each year for four academic years is awarded to as many as 200 students. I supported legislation establishing this scholarship opportunity to encourage more high-achieving students to pursue a fulfilling career teaching in Hoosier classrooms.
A teacher nominates an applicant, who will submit a nomination form with their application and complete an interview. Interested students must be in the top 20 percent of their high school graduation class or earn a score in the top 20th percentile on the SAT or ACT, attend a college in Indiana and teach in an Indiana classroom for five years after earning a degree. To learn more and apply for the Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship, click here. Finalists will be selected by Jan. 10, 2020.
 Learn more about the Senate Republican information technology internship
Applications are now open for the Indiana Senate Republican Caucus internship program for the 2020 legislative session, which includes the opportunity to serve as an information technology intern. IT interns work alongside the IT director, legislators, staff and fellow interns to assess and respond to the IT needs of the Senate.
The internship program runs from the end of December 2019 through mid-March 2020 and is open to college and graduate students, as well as recent graduates.Click here for more information and to apply by the Oct. 31 deadline.
Announcements from State Senator Jim Tomes:
The Second Amendment Patriots will be showing a documentary of the Honor Guard of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier during the Saturday September 28, 2019 monthly meeting. The public is invited to view this informative and inspiring documentary. The Second Amendment Patriots meet the last Saturday of every month at the same time and location. This month’s meeting is scheduled for:
Date: Saturday September 28, 2019
Time: 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
1000 N. Peerless Rd,
Evansville, IN. 47712
 Additionally, State Attorney General Curtis Hill is the scheduled speaker for the October 26, 2019 meeting. Mark your calendar.
The Second Amendment Patriots is a local group of citizens dedicated to preserving the rights, freedoms, and civil liberties of every American by educating the American public of the founding and history of this country and its founding fathers by explaining the role, functions and purpose of the U.S. Government. State Senator Jim Tomes is a founding member and leader of this informal organization.
Stay in touch with GOP state legislators representing our area by clicking the links below.
Young and Braun Introduce Gold Star Families Remembrance Week Resolution
(from 9/20/19 Press Release)
Senators Todd Young and Mike Braun helped introduce a bipartisan resolution establishing the week of Sept. 22-29, 2019, as Gold Star Families Remembrance Week to honor the families of fallen members of the Armed Forces.
“As a Marine, I know there is no more sacred duty than honoring our fallen soldiers and their families,” said Senator Young. “Recognizing the last week in September as Gold Star Families Remembrance Week is one small action we can take to pay tribute to our greatest heroes. This resolution honors Hoosiers like Sandy Terwiske, a Gold Star Mother who lost her son Lance Corporal Alec Terwiske during combat operations in Afghanistan.”
“Every fallen hero leaves behind a family that bears the pain of their great sacrifice for our country,”said Senator Braun.“Gold Star Families Remembrance Week will serve as a reminder that we must always honor our heroes’ families who have, as President Lincoln said, ‘laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom.'”
Gold Star Families Remembrance Week is a prelude to Gold Star Mother’s Day, observed by presidential proclamation since 1936 on the last Sunday of September. There is no official date dedicated to families affected by the loss of a loved one who died in the service of the United States.
Stay in touch with GOP members of Congress representing our area at these links:
Visit the Vanderburgh GOPÂ
page for daily updates.
 Mark Your calendar        CLICK on event for more information
September 24 (3:00 pm) |
September 24 (5:30 pm) |
O’Brien Fundraiser at The Diamond Galleria |
September 25 (8:30 am) |
September 27 |
Point Man Golf Outing |
September 27 |
Mayor Winnecke Golf Outing |
September 30 (6:00 pm) |
October 7 |
Voter Registration Ends for Municipal Election |
October 7 (5:30 pm) |
EVSC Board of Trustees Meeting |
October 8 |
Absentee Voting for Municipal Election Begins at Election Office |
October 14 (5:30 pm) |
City Council Meeting |
October 19 (7:30 am) |
VCRP Monthly Breakfast |
October 21 |
Early Voting at Libraries Begins |
October 26 |
Saturday Early Voting Begins |
November 1 |
Early Voting at Libraries Ends |
November 2 |
Saturday Early Voting Ends |
November 4 (Noon) |
Absentee Voting at Election Office Ends |
November 5 |
2019 Municipal Election Day |
 Make sure you add vandygop@gmail.com to your address book so we’ll be sure to land in your inbox!
     If you have any questions, contact Mary Jo Kaiser, VCRP Political Director, at
for more info. Thank you.