Happenings At The Vanderburgh County Democratic Party

Vanderburgh County Democratic Party
Vanderburgh County Democratic Party
Central Committee
Edie Hardcastle, Chair; ediehardcastle@gmail.com
Nick Iaccarino, Vice Chair
Alex Burton, Political Director
Cheryl Schultz, Treasurer
Melissa Moore, Secretary
Help Us Get Out the VOTE: Donate Now

Early in-person voting begins October 6. Make a plan to VOTE EARLY, either by absentee ballot or early in-person.


Contact Cheryl Schultz
phone: 812-459-7645
email: cherylschultz611@gmail.com

You’ll need to provide your name, address, phone number, and date of birth.

***Please note: This is a request for an absentee ballot application. As soon as you receive the application, fill it out and return it as soon as possible using the envelope provided. Absentee ballots will be mailed out on September 18 to all whose applications have already been received and verified by the Election Office.

Virtual Phone Banking
Local and State Candidates
Every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and SATURDAY During September

Getting Joe Biden elected to the Presidency is of the utmost importance, but it’s not the only office that matters. One thing that has become increasingly clear to so many of us is the importance of LOCAL and STATE elected officials, and how who they are and what they believe in can profoundly affect our quality of life, including access to health care. Whether it is City Council, local school boards, County Council, or statewide offices, we need to support Democratic candidates up and down the ballot. Please join us in making calls in support of LOCAL Vanderburgh County and Indiana STATEDemocratic candidates.

👍Training & Support Provided: While on Zoom we will walk you through the set up to make calls, have you make calls, and check back with any questions. This is a great opportunity to talk with voters with the support of fellow supporters and staff.

You need:
➡️A cell phone and laptop/desktop computer are recommended.
➡️A zoom link will be sent on the day of the event.

The Biden campaign helps make it possible for us to conduct this phone banking.

Sign up at: https://www.mobilize.us/2020victory/event/311374/

Hosted by the
Vanderburgh County Democratic Party
Saturday, September 19
11:00am – 12:00pm

In this interactive and supportive training (led by three introverts-who-phone-bank) we’ll demonstrate that you already have key skills–like the ability to listen thoughtfully and have meaningful one-to-one connections. And we’ll build on those skills by talking about phone banking challenges, and sharing some tips that really work. Join us!Here’s the Zoom Link.

Many Thanks to Our August Donors!

Barbara Beckham, Keith Cecil, Shannon Dierlam, Jaime Emig, Eric Kohut, Jane Leingang, Robin Mallery, Alex Mourer, Jan Reed, Karen Reising, Mary Ruthenburg, Lezlie Simmons, Eric Williams

Candidate Profiles
Sloane Standley
Vanderburgh County Clerk

Sloane Standley, a lifelong resident of Vanderburgh County, has filed as a Democratic Party candidate for Vanderburgh County Clerk. She expressed her passion for public service and for broad voting services.  “Public service has been a longtime goal, and elective service is a perfect way to serve the public good. Today, perhaps as much as ever before, access to voting is vital to a healthy democracy, and the County Clerk must lead and support wide access which is above reproach,” she said.  She also stressed confidence in her strong management and customer service experience.Standley holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in communication studies from the University of Southern Indiana, and graduated from F.J. Reitz High School. She has experience in sales, operations, and financial management, and has worked for AT&T, FC Tucker Emge Realtors, and Teamsters Local 215 in Evansville. She is bilingual in Spanish/English.

Twice a delegate to the Indiana Democratic Party State Convention, Standley has also volunteered for the Party. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the YWCA of Evansville, where she has pursued her advocacy for eliminating racism and empowering women. She has been a presenter for equal pay for women and chairs a committee on substance abuse.  Her community volunteerism has focused on equality and civil liberties. She also is a member of the alumni associations of both University of Southern Indiana and Phi Mu sorority.

Married to Ronnie Beasley for 17 years, she and her husband are the parents of two active children in the North Junior and Senior High Schools.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StandleyforClerk/
Donate: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/standley-for-clerk-1?fbclid=IwAR2lKyBiFQZNs2jlAFp0fx8pZBxl_zTE4x5E1BmXYcBQBjdeqWKsLHeo3lo
Email: standleyforclerk@gmail.com

Ken McWilliams

Vanderburgh County Recorder

Ken McWilliams is a U.S. Marine Corps Veteran and graduate of University of Southern Indiana. While attending the University full-time, he was a supervisor in the food service department at St. Mary’s Medical Center. Following graduation, Ken worked for the State of Indiana in the Department of Corrections, the Department of Workforce development, and in the Family Social Service Administration. In Evansville City Government, he worked in the Treasurer’s Office, and County Assessor’s office. For the past ten years Ken has been the Practice Manager for this wife, Dr. Jenny McWilliams’, dental practice. As a Marine non-commissioned officer, State and County employee, and supervisor/manager, Ken learned the importance of leadership and service.As County Recorder, Ken plans to be responsible, visible, and accessible to the taxpayers of our community.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mcwilliamsforrecorder/
Donate: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/mcwilliams-for-vanderburgh-county-recorder-2