Guns & Hoses Boxers Get Another Type of Ring


Guns & Hoses Event Coordinator Chris Reiter made a surprise presentation this morning at EFD’s Administration Building during some multi-company training. Reiter called G&H boxers Rob “Butterbean” Ralph, aka Bean, and Michael “Iron Mike” Doran to the front of the class and presented each of them with a custom-made Guns & Hoses ring made of solid silver. The ring represents participating in 5 Guns & Hoses bouts, a feat that only 4 boxers have accomplished since its beginning in 2008. The other two boxers that will receive rings are Evansville Firefighter Chad “Demolition Man” Emsweller and Henderson Firefighter Willie “The Crusher” Curry. Reiter also made the announcement that any 10 year participant will receive a gold ring but said that obviously will be several years away.